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Wounded Child

My Poetry

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I look around the world,to see what has become of me,Hatred and cruelness on this earth,is all I could really see...Wounded Children sitting all alone,no one to help them get by,no mommy's and daddy's,it makes them wanna die...Parents hitting there children,causing there babies pain,making them feel ashamed,making them sit in the rain...Children go to school,with bruises on there face,ppl think nothing of it,but to them there a disgrace...When children TRY to run,there bones get nearly broken,all they want is the truth,cuz there tired of all these lies spoken...each time a baby gets hit,it makes them more and more stronger,but in there minds its still painful,they think they cant take it any longer...Children have many wonder's,like why are they so bad?why do they deserve this?if only parents knew what they really had...Children are out future's,they need to know what's right,they need loving parents,to be sure there kissed good night....... BY ME... :)
