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Welcome to our Lord of the Ring Blinkie Page.....
On this page you'll find the LOTR Blinkies that we've collected from the net
- in other words -
none of them are ours, we just adopted them.

Under each cluster/group of blinkies, you'll find a link to the Blinkies owner/creator.
If you find blinkies here that you like and would like to add to your webpage.
Please don't take them from here, follow the link and go to the owner's website.
Sides, how do you know that I only got the best ones?
Stop by the owner's websites and see all the collections for yourself......

Pinky’s Blinkies

Blinkies By Lady Paje

Blinkie Obsession

LOTR Pipeweed:..V.2 Mornie

Misfit of the Jedi

The Lord of the Rings Circle

LOTR Blinkie from Nice Eyes    Crimson Court   Legolas Blinkie from To Love An Angel

Each of the above Blinkies are a link to the site of which I received them from.


Cute Designs

Legolas Blinkie from MiseryHood’s Blinkies    Legolas Blinkie from MiseryHood’s Blinkies

Misery Hood

Phantasm Creations


Legolas states - Be Nice, ask first              Aragorn warns you, Don't Steal

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Amethyst & Tori’s Web Pages:

Animated Strider is Courtesy of LOTR Hut          Animated Hobbits are Courtesy of  LOTR Hut

Email Amethyst & Tori

This site established on:
July 22, 2003

Updated on:
January 6, 2005

The kewl Background & "No Steal" buttons on this page are courtesy of:

Nenuial: Lord of the Rings backgrounds by Nerwen

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This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit here.

This animated Legolas belongs to Lady Paje

For your listening pleasure: May It Be by Enya

Copyrighted by © Amethyst & Tori 2003-2005