Before you make that "clever" comment about how our household is like The Real World, think about it. It's not really so clever, is it?
What is Careah? It's just a lame name we came up with, combining all of our first initials: Caitlin, Allison, Riona, Eilan, Aidan, and Haley. We couldn't think of anything better, so live with it.
About Us

Caitlin is the most recent addition to our house. She moved in here after her fuckwit boyfriend dumped her when he found out she was pregnant (yes, Eric, we are talking about you!). Being the kind souls that we are, we rescued her from eternal shame from having to move back in with her parents by letting her move in here. Caitlin is 21 and works as a Pharmacy Assistant. Her baby is due July 4th, 2003, but she's letting the gender surprise her. :)
Read Caitlin's Journal

Allison used to get sick at the sight of blood. I (Aidan) used to always chase her whenever I had a bloody nose or something of the sort when we were kids just to try and make her puke, but that only seems to have cured her phobia, because now she's a nurse! And a very good one at that. Allie spends a great deal of her time helping to deliver babies at our local hospital. She's 23 years old and still single ;) although she very unfairly refuses to go out with anyone I pick for her. Isn't that what best friends are for? Hmph.
Read Allison's Journal

Awww, it's my baby sister! Isn't she cute? She's only 20 years old, and still in college, although she isn't quite sure what she wants to do after she graduates. Being the stereotypical big brother that I am, I'm very protective of I was very glad when she told me that she doesn't like guys. :) (If you can't figure out why she doesn't like guys, just think about what section of the population that leaves that she WOULD like, and I'm sure you'll figure it out in no time).
Read Riona's Journal

It's my other baby sister! I know, you're thinking how on earth we can all be related, right? Well, we all have different dads. Eilan's was Native American, and she looks very much like him. She is 22 and (much to my dismay) does enjoy dating guys. After living in New York City for awhile (she went to City College there), Eilan decided that small town life was for her after all, and she came back here to our hometown, where she works in a bank. Right now she and Riona are stuck sharing a room until we get our attic re-done (they're giving their room to Caitlin's baby...we're putting 2 new bedrooms and a computer room in the attic).
Read Eilan's Journal

There isn't much I can really say about myself, except that I went to Portland State and became an accountant (yeah, would you believe THAT by looking at me?). Also, I am 24 years old. That's about it.
Read Aidan's Journal

Well, this is Haley, who I met in college and have been with for two years now. We are splitting up for 7 months starting in March, however, since she is going to Europe. She works at the same hospital as Allie, as a receptionist, and is 22 years old.
Read Haley's Journal
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