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I think we spent all day Saturday talking about our Emmy experience and soon it was time to go to Tony's event. Krista and I decided to wear our Luke's Place t-shirts.

When we arrived at the event and checked in, we were all given a SID cover that Jim Warren made up with photos of Tony Geary, Jonathan Jackson, Jacob Young and Greg Vaughn with the headline, "Meet Luke, Get Lucky" on it.

The actors had already autographed them and I got really "lucky" because each actor except Jacob (who had just flown in) had personalized mine with my name and a nice message. JJ said God Bless. Tony said All the Best and Greg said All my love.

They also gave us a cool snapshot of Tony with his 5th Emmy and a blank form to write in questions for the actors. They suggested that we ask questions addressed to all four actors, so I found a way to relate my Genie questions to all 4 of them.

Finally inside, we were thrilled to be sitting in the second row! As the show was ready to get started, the lights went out and when they came back on, Jonathan Jackson was standing on the stage alone. I was blown away by his beautiful face. It was like seeing a good friend that you haven't seen in a long time.

They did the light trick again as Greg and Jacob appeared. Wow, who ever expected to see all 3 Lucky's together?

And then once more the lights went out and back on and Tony was standing there with them.

Krista said, "I can't tell you how hard my heart was pounding before the 4 of them came out. They appeared one by one, with Tony being the last one. I swear that when Tony appeared SO CLOSE in front of me that my heart stopped and I could barely breathe. Tony is so gorgeous and has such a presence about him. It was the same way when we watched him walk the red carpet at the Emmys the night before. You couldn't take your eyes off of him.

And the 3 Luckys were adorable too. It was so nice to see such a great rapport among all of them. .
The one who surprised me the most was Greg. I assumed that he would be the shy one, but he wasn't at all. He was the moderator and was very comfortable in front of us.
And so adorable. And it was so great to see JJ. He has such a great smile."

Later in the show when Krista reacted to a city JJ's band played in, he looked directly at our Krista and smiled. I think we were both ready to faint. I loved seeing the rapport between the Lucky's too and most especially how loving and warm Tony was to all of them. He said a few times how much he loves all the actors and he referred to them as "my three sons".

We all got to take photos with them at the end. By the time Krista and I got our turns, Jacob and Greg had left, but as you can imagine it was a thrill of a lifetime to stand between JJ and Tony with our arms around them and their arms around us.
Krista is sure they could hear her heart pounding. As she said, "when Tony smiled at you, you felt like it was a genuine smile meant just for you. And there was a gentleness and kindness in his eyes that just swept me away." That's exactly it.

Before the photo, Tony asked me how I was, making me feel so special, as if he knew me. I wasn't expecting him to ask me a question. I could barely talk, but I did tell him afterwards that we missed Genie and asked him to please tell her that we want her to come back. By that time, I was in a real trance, but luckily Krista heard him say, "Yes, I will," with that warm smile on his face.