Date: May 6
In London again.
I came here for a few days to hang out before I head off to Asia. It's weird being here
and not working. I don't quite know what to do with myself. I bought some pretty cool new
music. I really like this song called 'nothing' by A.. and the new cornershop cd is pretty
I went to the Tate Modern museum today and checked out what's happening. I have to
admit one of the coolest things I've ever seen was in San Francisco at the Moma. It was an
installation called 'Sampling' and was essentially 3 simultaneous video screens running
montages of music and sound from popular hollywood films. it made the most incredible
soundscape and actually spoke to me with more urgency than most popular music does today.
So there you have it.
I did get to have an early birthday celebration in my house in San Francisco before I
left with people I love. I got some great, simple, personal presents and really enjoyed
the trash that is Supergirl THE MOVIE on DVD. Quite possibly the worst film ever made.
Very funny though. It was so good to be in my place and re-set.
Oh... work wise what can I tell you? I've just been constantly
travelling....promoting... shooting videos and am about to prepare list of possible tour
dates this year. That's going to be a lot of fun.
I should get going. Nothing calls. And I should be doing it.