Sean: Oh this is so exciting. The Hardcore Tournament is getting started very soon. This tournament is what has defined UWWF for the last year now. It has put UWWF on a new level. It is something that I seriously don’t think anyone expected…. But what about this tournament? What about this year? What will change with it? What will influence UWWF through the next year? What will set up the next year? That’s something that we won’t know until this tournament comes to a close. But I can tell you this. ….. Anyone who enter’s this tournament….. Won’t be able to walk away the same! This will change each and every one of our life’s, our career’s,….. and our future’s. For many of us this might be the final time we enter the ring. This might be the last time any of us get to watch one of the other superstar’s wrestle. This is not for the weak at heart. The men who have entered are very aware of the fact that they might get hurt beyond anything they have ever seen before! This will change the face of extreme wrestling…….. All I can say is…. Let’s do this!
Sean: Now my first round match isn’t like everyone else’s. See I don’t have one opponent,…. I have two. Two men who are also making there first appearance in this tournament. So I don’t have just one man to worry about. I have two. But it’s nothing to worry about. Those two men are Acid who I am very familure with, and have wrestled against very recently. So he has nothing to bring to the table against me…… The other one is known as Titan….. Someone who has just recently joined UWWF and has ran his mouth frequently. But has he proved anything? Has he beaten anyone? Has he done anything? I think not. He has yet to step up to the plate and show what he is really capable of doing, or has he? Either way I still don’t see what he can do as being a threat. But the most important part of all of this is the type of match we have. First we have a barb-wire ladder close by for use. Something I love to use. Because not only can we take the ladder and beat each other with it. I can use it to climb high in the air and put you two guy’s through tables. Something I enjoy doing thoroughly!….. But the new thing is the ultimate fist fight! It is a Tai Pei death match! See all three of our fist will be taped. Then we will put them into some broken glass….. It is a match that I have never been part of. But I have seen many time’s. Something that I know can cause serious damage. I Think this will be a lot of fun for all of us.
~{Sean get’s up from his spot on the couch and walk’s over to the refrigerator. He swing’s the door open and it is almost empty except for a shelf full of Bud Lite’s. Sean grab’s one and twist the top off. He then walk’s his way back to the living room and sits down on the couch. }~
Sean: Titan, You have come into UWWF and ran your mouth a lot. You have got out and claimed to be this and claimed to be that. But what have you done? What have your proved? You haven’t done anything! You are nothing. Titan when you come into the ring with me I will show you what hardcore really is! I will show you how to truly step up your game! I will be ready and able to put it all on the table against you! Then I will put you on a table, and put you through it! Titan your nothing to me! You’re a joke and I won’t be afraid to beat you all over Viking Hall! Titan when my taped fist meet that glass, I wont you to know something. It’s not personal. It’s all business and my business is to rip your head off and spit down your throat! You will not be able to get past me. I’m fast, strong, extreme and I am HARD-GORE! That’s something you will never even come close to being! Titan when we meet in this tournament there is one thing I wan’t you to be aware of… I never, ever stop! I am always fighting. So don’t think even for a moment in the match that you are ahead! Titan I can’t wait to see you in the ring!
Sean: Now on to my buddy Acid….. We have had quite a big but short history. In the few week’s we have worked together we have had a lot of difference’s. You felt threatened by me and my brother beating the crap out of Cyrus a few week’s ago in the match you two had. You then felt it was necessary to come out at the match I had won against Cyrus and hit me with a chair and cost me the National title. But that night I got the last laugh when I left both you and Cyrus laying on your back’s in the center of the ring. Then this past week me and you meet one on one in the ring and you fell victim to me. I warned you how I could bring more to the table than you could handle. I tried to tell you how you didn’t want to fight me. But you being the stupid idiot you are came out any way’s. But like I said I would, I pummeled you! I kicked you all over the arena. I dominated our match, Then as you lay across a table ten feet high in the air, I climbed a fifteen foot high barbwire, light tube covered ladder and dove off and put you to the cement floor. Well Acid this time,… it wont be much different. I will still beat you around Viking Hall! I will still get the win! Acid your going to experience something you never have before! You will experience complete pain throughout your body! Get ready to enter into a world you may never be able to walk away from!
~{Sean take’s a swallow of his beer. The camera angle slowly begins to back away. Sean the un-mutes the television. The camera slowly fades}~