<XMP><BODY></xmp>Chris Van X

Role-Play Title 102.3 the BUZZ
Role-Play No. 030
Record 08-02-00
Career Highlights King of Hardcore,XCW Tag Team Champion, UWWF Brass Knuckle Tag Team Champion (X4), UWWF Streetfight Champion, UWWF Cane The World Champion
Beaten Cyrus, Alex Dunn, Danny Polar, Jeremy Clarkson, Justin Denison, Iceman Moe Hunter, Dante, Spiker
Next Opponent Slayer,Dante,Kash,Cyrus and Titan
Title On The Line XCW Worlds Heavyweight Championship
Previous Titles Held King of Hardcore (Current), XCW Tag Team Champion (W/Annie Alvarez) {Current}
Previous Opponent(s) Cyrus (X2),Maddog, Titan, Alex Dunn, Danny Polar, Jeremy Clarkson, Justin Denison, Iceman Moe Hunter, Dante, Slayer, Kaine Salvo, Spiker
Wrestler Stats
Height 6'0
Weight 230LBS
Hometown Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Finisher Name Van X Effect

“Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor! I say it again let them hit the floor. Because you can expect nothing less. Who the hell is going to stop me? I’m like a damn freight train tumbling down the tracks. Too bad for you if your one of the unlucky five fools who has to come hit the ring with me your ass is going to be left on the mat out cold. I mean seriously is there a single one of you sons of a bitches who can honestly tell yourself that you can stand toe to toe with the “King of Hardcore”, I seriously doubt it and if one of you think so I challenge you to come forth at House of Chains and prove it. Because Chris Van X is the single baddest mother fucker on the planet earth today and I’ll be damned if any of you fool’s will stop me from achieving my goal. If any of you doubt what I am capable of go ask Jeremy Clarkson….. Ask him what it feels like to go up against Chris Van X when he is focused like this. He will tell you that it isn’t pretty and that it isn’t fun. Get your bags packed boys. It’s almost fighting time.”

~{Cameras open up at a radio station located in south side Philly. The wall reads WXWR 102.3 the BUZZ. There is two people sitting in the production room and the “ON AIR” sign is light up in the background. The camera comes in and you can hear the man talking.}~

Host: Alright let’s go to a quick commercial break dogs, and when we come back the Hardcore legend Chris Van X will be live in my studio! I’m BadMan Mike and we will be right back!

~{Mike reaches over and flip’s his switch off. The on air light goes off and he takes off his headset. He look’s over at his co-host and mumbles something. Then turns and waves through the window. A moment later the door to the studio swings open and none other than Chris Van X comes trotting in. He has on some brown new balance shoes with a pair of khaki shorts and a black pull over sweater. He has a black bandanna covering his head and he stands there in the room for a minute.}~

Mike: Yo, Van X! Whaddup?

CVX: What’s going on BadMan?

Mike: Not much, have a sit we will be back from commercial in a minute. You know my co-host Stephan right?

CVX: Eh, I’ve heard him on the radio, What’ up dawg?

Stephan: Sup man,

~{Chris takes a seat in the empty chair and pull’s the headphones on over his head. He then pull’s the microphone up some as he sits and watches as Mike gets ready to come back on the air. From the other room you see the producer hold up three fingers, then two, then one and points to Mike who sits back up.}~

Mike: Alright folk’s welcome back to 102.3 the BUZZ! I’m BadMan Mike and with me as always is Stephan with no nickname. And joining us in the studio now is one of the men that will go into this weird octagon type ring strapped by his ankle to a chain. I am referring to none other that Chris Van X! Chris thanks for joining us today.

CVX: No problem Mike,

Mike: Alright we will get to some caller’s in a little bit but first let me get the advertisement part out of the way……. Stephan you got that right?

Stephan: Um…. Yea,….*Clears Throat* XCW will be live in Dallas Texas this Sunday Night. All three singles titles will be on the line in matches never before seen in XCW. With the main event being a six man main event featuring the returning big man Titan, The XCW Icon Cyrus along with Dante, Chris Van X, Slayer and Kash. The twist is all six men will be strapped to a chain awaiting the moment they are released into the octagon to fight it out for the right to be the worlds champion. Call your local cable provider to order or if you have a dish you can order with your remote.

Mike: Well let’s get this ball rolling, Chris we will get into this pay per view deal in a few minutes, first let me ask you about some behind the scenes stuff. Like in WCW before it folded Hulk Hogan, Kevin Hash, Dusty Rhodes even Ric Flair to a extent all caused some problems and seemingly held back some others. In WWE it was the likes of Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin. So be honest and tell me….. In XCW who is it? Who causes the beef?

CVX: Damn Mike you sure do cut to the hard shit.

Mike: Whoa, bro we are live. Let’s cut the profanity down a bit. Some kids do listen to us.

CVX: Oh yea,…. Well Mike all the guys seem to get along just fine….. I mean back when XCW first reopened a lot of the guys weren’t happy with me because I was working a part time schedule. They where ranting and raving behind the scenes. Then like when Justin Denison showed up right before Summertime Killing Spree and got into that Xtreme title match it really ruffled some feathers. But we have gotten rid of stuff like that and for the main part we run like a tight group.

Stephan: You know I remember when Denison came out for that match. I was wondering how he got into it.

Mike: Well Denison was one of the first owners of XCW if I’m not mistaken right Chris?

CVX: I think so, I didn’t roll with XCW back then.

Mike: Yea, that’s right you where working with UWWF before one of it’s many shut downs…… But let me ask this, what is yours and everyone else’s feelings on the way Mortis Magnus left XCW?

CVX: Well Mortis was part of XCW for just a few short weeks. Came in part of that weak invasion that everyone hated. He worked his way up to the Worlds title quickly but as soon as he lost he just said he quit. It honestly had no effect on us guys in the locker room….. I mean we had just watched Clarkson fire one of Mortis close’s friends in Nightmare. So we didn’t figure Mortis would stick around too much longer anyways.

Mike: Well what about Acid who beat Mortis one week then leaves XCW the next? How did his leaving effect the locker room and what didn’t everyone think of it?

CVX: Well I spoke with Acid personally before his last match and he told me a few details of what was going on in his personal life. The man had some issues that he needed to handle and he did what was best for him. He really hurt the locker room and killed XCW in some ways. To my knowledge none of the guys are bitter at Acid for leaving. But he is truly missed and I hope that someday he returns to the ring and to XCW.

Mike: Why is it such a big deal that Acid left but not Mortis? I mean what is the difference?

CVX: Well it’s like I said, Mortis wasn’t there long enough to make a impact. But Acid,….. I feel like I watched him grow up from this punk kid who thought he was the best. To a true fighter and true competitor. He had a drive within him that carried over into the ring and everyone knew that the man would soon be unstoppable. He helped breath life into XCW when it first reopened and without him it’s a bit like a body running without one of it’s major organs. I mean would you like to live with only one lung?

Stephan: I feel you on that man, It’s be like having the show without Mike…… Or even worse without me.

~{Everyone in the studio bust out laughing at the comment. Chris reaches over and takes a swallow of the bottle water that was in front of him.}~

Mike: Alright I want to get a few more backstage type questions out of the way…… Now I have watched XCW and UWWF for many years. I have had many of the guys in the studio before and I attend a lot of live events. I also followed the Ultimate Hardcore Cup 2 as close as possible through the UWWF times and the XCW ones. When you and Clarkson faced off I was in attendance. I just have to know this. I have heard the rumors, and I have never really cared either way. But after watching that match I just have to know…… Is it real? Or is it just show?

CVX: Well you sat and watched that marathon of a match. You saw the glass, the barb-wire, the fire the thumb tacks and everything else. You tell me Mike….. Was it real?

Mike: I just don’t know how one or in this case two human bodies could go through so much pain just for a trophy.

CVX: I love what I do Mike. I live for it. I breath for it. It’s all real, every last drop of it.

Mike: Well I know how bad Clarkson wanted to remain the King of Hardcore. But you beat him out. Let me know man….. What’s it like working with him behind the scenes? Is there any tension?

CVX: That’s a good question man…… Me and Clarkson rarely if ever speak. Anytime he needs to tell me something he sends word down…… Anytime I need to tell him something I take a picture of the King of Hardcore Trophy and blow it up onto a poster board then on the back write me note.

Stephan: That’s classic man

Mike: Alright, I like that. But let me ask you something. I know most of you guys go out and do your show, then leave. A few of you guys go out to the bar together. Or travel together. But for the main part you guys might fight on camera then when the lights or gone you are shooting the breeze….. But I get this feeling that between Chris Van X and Maddog there was something more…..

CVX: Man you wouldn’t understand how deep it goes…..

Stephan: So like when you went and trashed his house….. Was that set up or was that real?

CVX: Real

Stephan: Well what about the night you tried to run him over? That couldn’t have been real it was just to dangerous.

CVX: If it hadn’t been real don’t you think they would have given me a vehicle with a roll bar or crash cage?

Mike: Ok, we understand it was “real” but exactly how real?

CVX: Go ask my brother how real. He’s the one that nearly got his head taken clean off his shoulders. He’s the one who lost nearly one third of his own blood and almost lost is life……

Mike: Alright let’s jump over to this pay per view. House of Chains and a octagon chain death match. How do you mentally prepare for something like this Chris?

CVX: It’s tough, different matches I prepare different ways. A lot of times I go to bed early the night before and sleep as much as I can. Then sometimes I just sit up and watch some old tapes or what not.

Stephan: Chris I’m wondering if you had the chance to face any one wrestler when he was in his prime who would it be?

CVX: Well the classic answer would be Maddog, but honestly I’d rather face a man by the name of Xtreme that use to run around in UWWF, BWCW and some other federations. I’d sure like to get my hands on him.

Mike: Names like that sure do bring back some memories, Listen we are going to take a quick commercial break when we come back we are going to take a few phone calls. Folk’s we’ll be right back on 102.3 the BUZZ!

~{The “On Air” light flicks off and both host take off their headsets. They begin to condensate amongst each other. Chris sits there for a minute silently finally Mike look’s over at him.}~

Mike: How much longer do you have Chris?

CVX: However long needed,

Mike: That’s cool. Well we will take a few call’s and see where to go from there.

~{The two host share a few words with each other then take a seat back down at their respectful seats. They place the headsets on and watch as the producer counts them down to go back on the air live. Mike gets up to the microphone once again.}~

Mike: We are back like on 102.3 the BUZZ! I’m BadMan Mike along with Stephan. In the studio with us is Chris Van X from XCW. He was going over some of the backstage politics with us and what not. But now we are going to get to the phone lines. Up first we James from right here in Philly…… James go ahead with your question.

Caller James: Hey Chris,

CVX: What’s up man.

Caller James: I was just wondering, what do you consider your toughest match of all time. And who do you consider your toughest opponent?

CVX: That’s easy, my toughest match of all time was the finals of the Ultimate Hardcore Cup 2 and it was against my very opponent Jeremy Clarkson.

Mike: Alright thanks a lot for your question James…… Next up we have Stephanie listening to us from Oakwood, Steph your on the BUZZ with Chris Van X go ahead.

Caller Steph: Hi Mike, Thanks for taking my call…. Chris my question to you is will we ever see the return of the Van X BoyZ? Or will Sean ever come back as a singles wrestler?

CVX: Well honestly I don’t know if Sean will ever come back as a singles wrestler. That’s something you’d have to ask him….. As far as a Van X BoyZ reunion? I’d say it’s a long shot. I think my career as a tag team wrestler with my brother is over. It was a great run and no doubt in my mind we where the greatest of all time. But the past is the past.

Mike: Alright, thanks a lot Steph. Up next we have Jeremy from Philly. Go ahead Jeremy.

Caller Jeremy: Hey Chris, I am training to become a professional wrestler, and I was wondering what do you eat or drink and do in the hours before your match?

CVX: Um you probably want to wait until someone else comes on the show to ask them that question. I’m not a good example.

Stephan: Oh come on man. I mean what do you do get high?

CVX: Not exactly,

Mike: Well give us something, do you jump off the side of the walls or what?

CVX: I usually take a shot of liquor then drink a beer or two to relax me. And right before I walk out I smoke a cigarette to calm my nerves.

Stephan: Wow, that’s not what I expected but alright.

Mike: Alright Jeremy there you go, We have time for one more call before Chris heads out. Caller Devon from my hometown Plains. Go ahead your on the BUZZ.

Caller Devon: Chris first off I want to say I’m a huge fan of yours and have been following you ever since your early UWWF days….. But my question to you is, if you do not win the XCW Worlds Title at House of Chains what will you do?

CVX: Well Devon first off thanks for the comments. Second off, there’s not a chance of me not winning.

Stephan: Wow that’s bold.

Mike: I think he means hypothetically speaking here. “WHAT IF?”

CVX: Well I haven’t given it any though whatsoever. But off the top of my head I’d most likely quit.

Mike: Quit? Wow man.

Stephan: Talk about being brave that’s saying a lot there.

CVX: Well I don’t expect anything less than victory.

Mike: Alright then well folk’s we are out of time for today. Chris thanks again for joining us here today on the BUZZ, good luck Sunday.

CVX: Thanks for having me guys.

Stephan: Don’t forget folk’s House of Chains presented by XCW will be live and only on pay per view. Don’t miss it I know we won’t.

Mike: We will be right back to close out our show for the day. But Chris won’t be here. So stay tuned to 102.3.……the BUZZ!

~{The “On Air” light flip’s off and all three men take off their headsets. Chris shakes hands with the two guys and they make quick small talk. Chris then turns out walk’s out of the studio. As he exits and walks towards the elevator he digs into his pockets and pull’s out his keys. Cameras then switch to inside the elevator}~

CVX: The clock ticks slowly, the time is flying by. I sit and ask myself what is everyone thinking? What is going through their minds? For some of these guys it is the biggest match of their lives. For me it’s big….. But it’s not that big….. But lets be honest Chris Van X is bigger than this match. He is what makes this match. If it wasn’t for him….. This match would be nothing.

~{The elevator doors swing open and Chris is back on the ground floor. He exit’s the elevators and heads towards the exit. He walks through the doors into the parking garage. He takes his keyless entry and start’s up his truck which you can see a few feet away. Chris climbs inside his truck and backs out as the camera angle switches inside.}~

CVX: Slayer I heard your comments you made to me. I can’t honestly understand why you think I you are superman and bigger than me. Because quite frankly I am a god compared to you mortals. You might be superman Slayer. But I am kryptonite and I promise to destroy you….. Want to tell me how strong you are? Hell son the way you tapped out like a bitch to Black Haze just proves to me that your not strong. It just proves that your weak. You think you can stand up against Chris Van X? Do you think you have the brass hanging down between your legs to look me square in the eyes and fight me like a man?….. Slayer a lot of people have thought that before. A lot of guys have claimed to be able to do that. But ask around Slayer, ask the guys in the back. Go out and rent a few old XCW DVD’s our some UWWF ones. Watch me Slayer, watch how I work…. Watch what I can do. Because Slayer you are going to have to use every ouch of strength you have in your body to rise up and beat me. Because no matter what happens in this match. I can promise you this…… You will not break me,….. You will not beat me. You asked me if I saw what you did to get into this match? Hell no son I didn’t watch you under Jeremy Clarkson’s desk giving the blowjob of your life. That’s just plain and simply sick….. I just hope for your sake you don’t make that a habit to get yourself to the top…… But Slayer when your time in this match comes and your chain is released. I want you to know that you would have been better off staying your broke ass self at home. Because I guarantee that you will not be the one left standing at the end of the night. Slayer you might be a superman….. But I’m a god! Trust me god always wins!

~{Chris reaches into his pocket and produces his pack of cigarettes, He puts one in his mouth then flip’s open his lighter and lights it up. He takes a few drag’s off of it then exhales the smoke out. He look’s back at the camera.}~

CVX: Titan wants to talk about a mental edge….. Claims I don’t have that mental edge over him like I do the others…. Claim’s that me and him are equal when it comes to glory and fame….. Titan don’t kid yourself son, don’t tease yourself. It’s not good for you. It might help you sleep at night now….. But in the months and years to come when you are still struggling with the entire ordeal, it wont help. Titan don’t try to hide behind your previous title runs. Don’t try and act like you are the big bad enforcer. Don’t act like you where one of the ones who stood side by side and battled WWA out the door. Your little poor ass took your tail tucked it between your legs and left XCW because you couldn’t hack it….. You talk about your mania sports bitches and how it would be a honor for me to lace up my boots against anyone of them? I say fuck it, bring the entire mania sports team down from the office. I don’t care if they are in their prime or not. I’ll still beat every one of there asses and if anyone of them begs to differ with me they can come find me……. I know they where the king of the shit back in the rebirth era. But guess what they didn’t have to deal with Chris Van X and if they would have, you couldn’t come out here and claim they are better than me because I would have already proven that they are just like you, full of shit and un-capable of backing your talk up…. Titan you said you are going to punch me in the jaw if I ever tell you to bring it to the table. Well bitch I am telling you again. Bring it to the fucking table. Don’t just cook the shit in the kitchen. If your going to cook it up you might as well serve it. Chris Van X owns your ass and you know it. You cant hide from the fact that I am better than you. You can’t stand to know that no matter what you do people will always tell you that you just don’t measure up to Chris Van X and it’s eating away at you Titan….. It’s digging into your soul. It’s thriving into your conscience. Titan bring whatever you have to the table, but I want you to know that when you have dished out everything you have I will look at you in the face and I will laugh at you. Because I guarantee that it will not be enough. Just like in bed for you Titan you will come up short. I will beat you Titan….. I will beat you.

~{Chris relaxes for a moment and takes a long drag off of his smoke. As he exhales the smoke out his mouth Chris lets a sly grin sneak across his face.}~

CVX: Then in this match there is others still. There is more yet to come….. I heard the man Kash come out and admit that he knows he is going to be beaten, he knows that he is out of his league but he still insist that he will come out and give it his all….. Kash to you I tip my hat. To you I clap my hands, and to you I stand in approval. Kash we may not see eye to eye, but any mans who can stand and admit that gets a piece of respect from me…..Dante I also heard you speak your mind before our match… It too me several minutes to figure out what you where talking about. Then I fell asleep from the boredom. But needless to say Dante from your words you speak I can tell that you are not ready for this war. I can tell that you are un prepared. I can tell that you are not going to make it……Dante your fate awaits you, your destiny is inside the octagon. Once again I will prove to you that you are overrated. That you are hype, and that you are a joke……. Dante I will laugh as you fall. I will beat you……. Then the last man to enter the octagon….. Cyrus a man who just a few short months ago was on top of the world. But now he sits as a mere shell of what he once was…. Cyrus I wont set here and bash you, kick you while your down. But you know deep inside of you that you are dieing to come out and be the man you once where…. So I say this just do it…. Just do whatever you need to come back to the main stage…. Don’t let your career go to waste……. House of Chains is so close…. The days are turning to hours and the electricity is flowing….. Boy’s when the bell sounds the talk will be over…..Can you handle it?

~{Chris takes the last drag off his smoke and flicks it out the window. He looks at the road then reaches over to cut on his radio as the camera fades to black.}~
