Okay,my webcam won't go up to my room

so i'm just going to give you a little

mental tour. My room is a deep purple

color,but the bedspread,border and

curtains are all this funky retro

tye dye. I LOVE my room! I sleep on

a queen size water bed,complete with

a comforter and fluffy pillows! My

walls have pictures,posters and stuff

all over them,i have 3 calenders,

one Eminem,one I Love Lucy and one

the wizard of oz. My I Love Lucy

collection rests on my clothes

drawers thing,and my Garfield collection

sits along the tops of the walls,on

a big white shelf. My Hello Kitty

stuff is right by my bed,on a matching

shelf thing. I have a TV,a computer

and a blue stereo in my room,but

i don't use the computer that often.

My desk is probably one of my favorite

things in my room,it's white and covered

with a purple starry cloth. I also have

a makeup vanity in my room,it's so cute!

Well,thats about it,unless you want to

hear about my closet,but all there is to

say is that it's covered in clothes,hehe.

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