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"A Destined Journey"

Chapter 2: Interrupted Enjoyments


~[ ]~ - indicates the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      ~ ~ ~ Hey Guys,

      Man, it's been a hard journey so far. I mean the terrain and the weather. I sometimes find my thoughts drifting back to home and wondering what you guys have been up to. Nothing too dangerous I hope.

      Yesterday we walked during the day! I was humming some song and I hadn't thought anything of it until Legolas asked me what it was. I thought for a bit, not quite sure, then remembered it was called, "Siente Mi Amor" which was really odd because I hadn't listened to any movie music in quite some time. But somehow I got it stuck in my head and, well, I found myself wishing I knew the words. Though, as you guys know, I've never been very big on learning Spanish, even when it was required, so I just hummed it for the longest time.

      Course this was really cool because it got Legolas to humming his own song and, well, we kind of cheered everyone's moods up!

      But now it looks like we're going to be camping out here for a bit. Strangely, I know exactly where we are.

      Anyone remember the crebain scene?

      Yep, we're at those rocks. So, I'll see how things play out before saying anything. After all, we have to end up going through Moria and if I mess that up... I might really screw this quest up!

      Laters! ~ ~ ~


      Evening had fallen on the fellowship and watches were quickly set. Everyone who was allowed to sleep had fallen to their blankets in an attempt to gain some much needed rest. Ashley was no exception and, as she drifted off to sleep, she could hear Legolas softly singing as he kept watch.

      A few uneventful hours passed and, as Legolas' watch drew to a close, he woke Aragorn.

      "Estel..." the Elf whispered, touching his friend's arm gently.
      The man's eyes opened, "Is something wrong?" he asked, sitting up quickly.
      "Nay, just the switching of watch hours. It is your turn, mellon nin." Legolas replied with a smile.
      "Ah." And, as Aragorn stood, he looked up at the star filled heavens. "A beautiful night."
      "Indeed." the prince replied with a sigh, "Too bad we can not enjoy it under happier circumstances."
      Aragorn looked to his friend, "We are not in great danger now. Perhaps this will be the only time in which to enjoy the stars."
      "Perhaps." Legolas replied, walking over to his own blanket, next to Ashley's, and laying down upon it.
      "Legolas, I must thank you and Ashley for what you two did today. The music, I know, lifted the spirits of the Hobbits. I am afraid that they are quite unused to such long journeys and, for the song I was grateful."
      The Elf smiled as Aragorn took up his watch position, "Think nothing of it, Aragorn."


      As the prince made himself comfortable, he began to watch the woman sleeping next to him. So much was going to happen over the next few days that Legolas knew he and Ashley would get few chances to be together. He smiled, moving a strand of brown hair from the woman's eyes. Sleeping soundly, even on such a night. At least, Legolas thought, the wind had died down and the temperature risen. The prince sighed slightly, laying his head down upon his outstretched arm and looking up at the star filled sky.

      "Legolas?" came a slight whisper at his side.
      Turning his head, the Elf's eyes rested on those of the woman beside him. "Yes?"
      Ashley smiled, "Having problems sleeping?"
      "Nay, just watching the stars pass overhead. 'Tis a comforting sight on such a long journey." The prince sighed once more, "We are nearing the foot of the Misty Mountains. From there it shall not take much time before the snows begin to fall."
      "Yes, I've been thinking about that as well. Will you be keeping an eye out for that 'wind drift' during our march?"
      Legolas smiled, "I shall."

      Silence encompassed the camp for the next few moments as neither the prince nor Ashley could think of anything else to say. She starred at him for a second, fearing that he had fallen asleep. However, the look on her face caused the Elf to laugh.

      Ashley shrugged, "I just thought you fell asleep."


      The next morning as, once again the trek began, the fellowship found themselves camping in an outcrop of rocks. Ashley knew immediately where they were, as did Legolas. The prince remained alert, standing atop the rocks and watching the sky warily.

      The woman however, was enjoying watching Boromir attempt to teach Merry and Pippin a few sword techniques. Actually, the two Hobbits were not bad at all, they just needed practice.

      "Again." Boromir's voice drifted out over the rocks as Merry and Pippin started a new attack.

      Turning her head, Ashley watched as Frodo and Sam spoke quietly to one another and Gimli voiced a few concerns to Gandalf. Legolas was still standing guard.

      Aragorn's laugh brought the woman back to the practice session. The Ranger was smoking his pipe and watching, with great amusement, the lessons before them.

      Things were so peaceful... if only they could stay that way. Perhaps, Ashley thought, when everything was over, perhaps there would be moments like this. Though... Boromir would not be there to share in them.

      Just then the man from Gondor's eyes fixed on her and Ashley read something there she did not expect. There was a feeling of betrayal in Boromir's features.

      Does he know? She wondered to herself, leaning back against the rocks behind her.

      Suddenly, the man accidently struck Merry's hand and then all chaos broke loose. As the two Hobbits attempted to tackle Boromir, Aragorn tried to come between them.

      "For the Shire!" came Pippin's voice.
      "Gentlemen, that will be quite enough." The Ranger's stern demeanor showing through, though one could tell he was still amused by the situation.

      Who would not have been, seeing Boromir flat on his back after all.

      "What's that?" Sam asked, standing from the small fire he and Frodo were sitting next to.
      Gimli put his hands on his hips, "It's nothing, just a wisp of cloud."
      Boromir, now on his feet, looked up to the sky as well. "It's coming in fast... against the wind."

      Anticipation crept into Ashley as she waited for Legolas' confirming call.

      "Crebain from Dunland!" the Elf's voice broke the still silence.

      The camp erupted into commotion as everyone grabbed their packs and dove for cover.

      "Hide!" came Aragorn's voice as he put out the small fire, stomping on it with his boots.

      Legolas took Ashley by the hand and they both retreated under a large bush. Trying to blend in with their surroundings as best as possible, each member held their breath, waiting.

      Within moments a large flock of black birds, resembling crow Ashley had thought, burst into view over the rocks. They fluttered around, searching and scanning for any sign of life. The signal of a hastily put out camp fire alerted the flock and quickly, with a few calls into the air, they disappeared from sight, going back to where they had come from.

      The Elf was the first to emerge and, as everyone stood, a descision was made. Gandalf knew what had to be done, so did Ashley and the prince. It was inevitable.

      "The passage south is being watched." The wizard said with a sigh, straightening his hat atop his head. "We must take the pass of Caradhras."


Chapter 3: Freezing Conditions