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"A Destined Journey"

Chapter 3: Freezing Conditions


~[ ]~ - indicates the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      ~ ~ ~ Hey Guys,
      Okay, I'm fine... I swear... But...
      Man, now I'm thinking Legolas was right. We both know that going over the mountains won't work! Why I kept my mouth shut on this I'll never know. Now I'm half frozen!
      Alright, the ink's freezing up... dude, this is mad!
      I'll write when we get to a warmer climate.
      Laters! ~ ~ ~



      Legolas glanced to his right at the woman huddled next to him. She had a thick blanket draped about her and her head rested upon the Elf's shoulder.

      "Frik?" he questioned, "What is, 'Frik'?"

      Ashley sighed, "It's an exclamation a couple of my friends made up. It's kinda like 'Ow!' or 'On No!' and the like. I meant it as, 'Frik it's cold!', if that makes sense."

      High up in the mountains the fellowship was attempting to climb over Caradhras, though the woman knew it was in vein. So did the Elf at her side, but Gandalf seemed set to try anyhow, as did Aragorn. Snow blasted the tiny camp with a tremendous force. The Hobbits all huddled together for warmth and Ashley was doing the same thing, only she kept close to the Elf. As expected, the elements bothered him little, if at all. Aragorn, Boromir, Gandalf, and Gimli all looked nearly frozen in place.

      "This is madness!" the Gondorian man suddenly spoke up, "We should have traveled south, not east!"

      Ashley sighed once more, "And then have Saruman to worry about? No thank you. Personally, he gives me the creeps."

      "But anything is better than freezing in these impenetrable mountains!" Boromir replied, his cloak wrapped tight about him.

      "If you want to walk into the white wizard's hands, go for it." the woman said, leaning against Legolas as she spoke. "I'll take my chances with the snow."


      All through the night no warmth was felt within the ring of travelers. Fire was impossible to kindle, even for Gandalf, though Legolas had suggested he just use his magic. Apparently, that did not go over too well and now, by morning, everyone was half frozen.

      As the fellowship trudged on, Ashley began to notice a very familiar cliff face. She stopped, searching her memory for the source, then frowned.

      "Wait!" she called.

      The entire group halted, turning to look at her in shock and surprise, all save for Legolas. He realized the same thing she did... they were walking into a highly dangerous situation.

      "I'm just going to warn everyone to watch their steps."

      Boromir looked at her quizzically, not quite sure how to respond to the warning. Within seconds however, all had became quite clear.

      Rocks and snow rained down upon the fellowship in a torrent.

      "There is a fell voice on the air." Legolas stated, his eyes straining to see anything in the blinding snow.

      Ashley grabbed the Elf's arm, pulling him back toward the safety of the cliff face behind them. Suddenly, without warning, the entire mountainside caved in. It buried the travelers under a thick blanket of snow and ice.

      Ashley was blasted back against the rock wall, her breath stolen from the impact. Everything about her was black, no light penetrating the packed white mass about her. For long moments, the woman realized she was indeed freezing, but more to her panic, that she could not breathe. Fear set in, but before it could grasp her heart completely, a strong arm wrapped itself about her, pulling upwards with all it's might.

      The woman blinked, shuddering from the cold. Snow fell from her hair as she gazed up at her rescuer. But it was not Legolas, whom she had thought would dig her out of the freezing snow.

      It was Boromir.

      "I found her!" he called over the wind.

      Legolas immediately looked up, relief washing over his features. "Thank the Valar..." he whispered, hurrying over to her.

      The Elf took in Ashley's blue tinted lips, her shivering form, and the manner in which she held herself. Taking hold of the woman, he pulled her close, rubbing her back and attempting to cause friction to warm her chilled body.

      "Le caro navaer?" Legolas asked, keeping her close to him. ~[Do you fare well?]~

      Ashley nodded slightly, huddled close to the Elf before her. "I think it's time we went down." she said with a whisper.

      The prince's keen hearing heard her remark and readily agreed. He turned to the rest of the fellowship, watching their reactions.

      Boromir had stepped away from the woman as she was embraced by Legolas. Now however, the man from Gondor frowned as he looked over the conditions which the fellowship had narrowly escaped.

      "We must get off the mountain! Make for the Gap of Rohan! Or take the west road to my city!" he called over howling winds.

      Aragorn shook his head, snow falling from his dark hair. "The Gap of Rohan takes us too close to Isengard!"

      "We cannot pass over a mountain. Let us go under it! Let us go through the Mines of Moria." Gimli voiced.

      At that Legolas's hand, which was still rubbing the woman's back, went still. Ashley looked up at him, noticing the look of fear glinting in his blue eyes. She reached up, touching the side of the Elf's face and bringing him back to the present.

      "Le innas namae... Estelo nin." she whispered, directing his gaze down to her own eyes. "Estelo nin." ~[You will be well... Trust me. Trust me.]~

      "We cannot stay here! This will be the death of the Hobbits." Boromir stated, looked at a shivering Merry and Pippin who were attempting to meld into one being.

      His voice brought the Elf and the woman's attention back to the conversation at hand. Gandalf seemed to weigh a great thought but he decided against his initial reaction.

      "One thing is for sure." Ashley spoke up, turning to look at both Frodo and Aragorn. "Boromir's right, we can't stay here. But we can't head for the Gap of Rohan either. Let us at least move down the mountain, then make a decision."

      Gandalf's gaze landed on the small Hobbit standing nearly chest high in the snow. "Let the Ring-bearer decide... Frodo?"

      There was a long moment of silence, in which Frodo was attempting to make up his mind. However, he consented to Ashley's suggestion. "We will go down the mountain and make our choice there."

      Legolas sighed in relief. His fears were suppressed, for the time being. However, deep within himself, the Elf knew that the Mines of Moria would be their only option. It was an option which he dreaded with all of his heart.


Chapter 4: Farewell, I Go To Find The Sun!