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"A Destined Journey"

Chapter 4: Farewell, I Go To Find The Sun!


~[ ]~ - indicates the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      ~ ~ ~ Hey Guys,
      I will never understand Elves!
      Okay, you know what?
      I will also never understand Men, either!
      So frustrating!
      Both Legolas and Boromir are giving me a headache!
      At least Aragorn has the decency to stop their constant bickering... though, they never actually argue with one another face to face. They always argue about the other at me!
      Legolas not so much, though I know he disapproves of Boromir. But that man has complained to me about the Elf every chance he gets!
      I swear, I'll kill'em both before this is over!
      No... I can't do that. I love Legolas too much and Boromir, well, he'll be needed in Moria soon.
      Laters! ~ ~ ~


      "Legolas! Wait!"

      The woman's voice never reached the Elf however, as he disappeared around a bend in the mountain.

      Pippin looked up, confused. "What does he mean by, 'Farewell, I go to find the sun'?"

      Ashley simply sighed, sitting down and leaning against the cliff wall. "I don't know, Pip. One thing about Elves I have learned though, is that their logic is completely out of this world."

      The young Hobbit began to laugh, seeing how Legolas was truly making the woman quite exasperated.

      She threw a glare toward the other. "Grrrrr...."

      Aragorn and Boromir were busy attempting to plow a trail through the snow before them. They were making progress, but it was a very slow process.

      "Cursed Elf!" the man from Gondor grumbled. "If he is so fleet footed and weather hardy, why does he not toil with us? I am sure his Elven strength would exceed our own!"

      Aragorn sighed, "You can not make him. Besides, he is our eyes and ears, leave him to scout if he so wishes."

      "He should be doing his part!" Boromir replied.

      "Oh leave him alone!" Ashley exploded. "You would find some flaw with him no matter what he did!"

      Boromir turned, glaring at the woman. "Is that so?!"

      "Yes!" She put her hands on her hips as she stood, starring the man down. "You have done nothing but talk bad about him ever since that day in the garden. I'm sick of it! He's trying to melt the freakin' snow, Boromir! He's gone to see where the sun's rays are shining in hopes that they may turn this direction! And all you can do is talk down about him as if he were doing nothing!" She began to stalk towards the man, her eyes glaring daggers at him.

      The Hobbits looked on in fear. They knew women could become angry but this was another thing all together. She was positively livid! Gandalf watched in amusement, as did Gimli. Aragorn stood as if waiting to come between the two and poor Boromir was attempting to keep his calm composure.

      "If you want help so bad then I'll do it! But you leave Legolas out of this, Boromir." her voice grew to a whisper that only the man inches from her could hear. "He has nothing to do with your anger towards me."

      Immediately Ashley set to work removing the snow. Her hands became quite red in the process and, after about an hour of toiling, Aragorn touched her shoulder gently.

      "I think you should stop."

      She looked up at him, "Whatever for?" then the woman realized her words had been harsh and she sighed. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have spoken to you like that. It's just that..."

      Aragorn held up a hand as his eyes strayed to the form of Boromir further down the path. "I know you are frustrated. You are tired also and that does not bode well."

      The woman sighed again, closing her now stiff fingers. "I'll stop, but only as long as Mr. Attitude over there leaves Legolas alone." she pointed over her shoulder at Boromir.

      Aragorn smiled, "I shall see to it that he does."

      Consenting, Ashley hurried back over to the others and sat down amidst the Hobbits, awaiting Legolas' return.


      Not long afterwards, from around the same bend, Legolas came into sight. He smiled, rushing over and sitting next to the woman in the fellowship's company.

      "Well, I have not brought the Sun. She is walking in the blue fields to the South, and a little wreath of snow on this Redhorn hillock troubles her not at all. But I have brought back a gleam of good hope for those who are doomed to go on feet. There is the greatest wind-drift of all just beyond the turn, and there our Strong Men were almost buried. They despaired, until I returned and told them that the drift was little wider than a wall. And on the other side the snow suddenly grows less, while further down it is no more than a white coverlet to cool a Hobbit's toes."
      -The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Book II, Chapter III, pg. 328)

      Ashley began to laugh after this, having anticipated the speech ahead of time. It had, after all, been her favorite book sequence.

      "Then let's get off this frozen ice cube and into a warmer climate before something else happens." the woman stated, standing and grabbing her own gear.

      That they promptly did...


Chapter 5: Ain't It Funny?