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Flashes of Light, Rulers of Fate

Chapter 5: Oh The Possibilities


~[ ]~ - indicates the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      "It is not true! It is impossible!" Legolas yelled, tempted to throw the book from his hands.
      Ashley laid a hand on his shoulder and knelt down slightly to look up into his blue eyes. "I swear to you, Legolas... it is true. These books were written by a man named J.R.R. Tolkien and they are about a fellowship of nine companions who travel to destroy the One Ring of Power."
      The Elf shook her hand off, "You lie..."
      Anger filled the woman's eyes, "There you go again! Accusing me of lying when all I try to do is help you!" She stood in a hurry and walked back toward the kitchen. "I won't stand for it!" she turned back to him, "You have been like a hero to me, from the first time I read those stories. You and Aragorn and Frodo alike! It's infuriating that your stubborn Elven mind can not grasp the concept that I'm attempting to show you!"
      Legolas was quite taken aback, not used to being yelled at, "I..."
      "No! I help you, bring you into my home and tend your wounds! I found you in the middle of the forest and, when I realized who you were, I thought that my wishes had been granted. I have always wanted to meet someone like you, even if it were for a little while. And now I..." she stopped and turned away sharply, "Now I don't think the wish was worth it."

      The Elf made not a sound as he stood from the chair and walked quietly up behind her. Placing his slender hands on her shoulders, he sighed.

      "I am deeply sorry and am in your debt. I have been through much and do not trust as I once did. Not even Gimli was deserving of my trust until just the other day. I apologize for offending you."
      There was silence for a moment but Ashley sighed, "I can't stay mad at you." she turned, looking up into his eyes, "You're too sweet to be angry with."
      He smiled and released her shoulders, looking back toward the book which now lay in the chair, "I would very much like to hear your theory one more time."


      They went back into the living room, each sitting where they had sat before. Ashley took the book from him and slowly turned it over in her hands.

      "Some dark force has interfered with the fate of your world. While in Moria, Gandalf, Mithrandir as you call him, was to be slain by the Balrog of Morgoth while you and your companions narrowly escaped. But, since you fought the Balrog instead of Gandalf, I fear grave happenings. Without you in the company, the fellowship may never be accepted into the Woods of Lorien. And even if they are, I fear that Aragorn would be felled during the battle at Parth Galen. I dare not speak more, for you shouldn't know your fate until it happens but..." she stopped.
      Legolas, who had been listening intently and trying to make sense of everything nodded, "Go on."
      "If that happens, Middle-Earth may not be the only world to perish. I am sure that it was Sauron who interfered with time and, he could do the same to bring his armies to this world. Then, the entire universe could be thrown under his spell."
      "But do you not have the strength to deflect the armies of Mordor?" Legolas asked.
      Ashley nodded, "We do, indeed we do. But if he strikes at us with the whole of Middle-Earth, there will be little that we could do against such a massive force, save destroy ourselves."
      "I see..." Legolas leaned back in his chair, "It has become clear to me now, since I have taken the time to listen." he smiled, "I suppose that I must return."
      "But how?! I don't fully understand how you got here in the first place!" Ashley threw her arms into the air and sighed, "All I did was find you."
      "Do you know of noone who could help us?"
      "Well...." she thought for a moment, "I do know some guys who know more about The Lord of The Rings than about anything else in this world. Maybe they could answer some of our more puzzling questions." The woman stood, "As for right now though, we should eat before the stew gets cold."


      After dinner, Ashley showed Legolas to the bathroom, where he could get washed up. Though, it was a rather funny exchange as she explained how to actually use the hot and cold water on the bathtub.

      However, after a few minutes of instruction, she left the Elf to cleanse himself, and walked back into the living room. Beside her chair, sat a cup of hot tea. Taking it in her hands and curling her legs beneath her, Ashley reflected on everything that was happening.

      "Legolas is truly here and the only thing I've done is try to figure out how to get him home. What am I doing?!" She whispered to herself, taking a sip of the tea, "I've always wanted to meet him and now he's here, he's a real live being, and I... I've done nothing but discourage him."

      Just then, the telephone rang. Reaching a hand over the table, she grabbed the cordless phone and answered it.

      Amy's voice came over the other line, "Ash! You'll never guess what I've found."
      "What is it?"
      There was a moment of silence, "You okay?"
      Ashley sighed, "I'm fine, I'll tell you about it in a minute. What have you found?"
      "Oh yeah..." the woman could hear a couple clicks of a mouse on the other end of the phone, "It seems that Tolkien never truly said where he got his ideas. Most assumed that it was out of his own head, a sort of boredom thing if you will. According to all the research I've done, there is nothing to disprove the fact that, in another universe, Middle-Earth may actually exist."
      "But I thought he based it on surrounding areas of England?" Ashley countered.
      "That was one theory, yes. But there was no true evidence to say that this world does not exist. A rip in the fabric of time and space could very well transport someone to and from that world. In which case, it has happened to Legolas."
      "So, how do we re-open the rip."
      A long pause of silence made it's way across the phone, "Do what now?"
      "He has to return, Amy. The fellowship will fall without him."
      "But Ashley, this is your big chance! Remember all those years in High School when all you only talked about was The Lord of The Rings when you were bored? He's finally here, finally real! And you're just going to give up that wish, just like that?"
      Ashley sighed, "No, not just like that but what can I do? If he does not return, all of the universe could be in great peril!"
      "Well anyway, you should be very careful about being around him. If it has happened once it can happen again and you may be sucked in. I've mailed you a book, a journal really, so that if this indeed happens, you can write me."
      Now it was Ashley's turn to create phone silence, "How can I do that?"
      "We have the same journal's and, according to the theory of a few people here at the college, you should be able to write me since they are linked to one another. So we can always make sure the other is alright."
      "Amy, you're the best!"
      She could basically see her friend smile over the phone, "Yeah, I know. So what is it that has you so down?"
      "I thought that was plain... The thought of him leaving."


      After soaking for a while in the steaming water, Legolas opened his eyes and starred at the ceiling. Long had he desired to have the chance to enjoy the comforts of his own home once more. There, he could take hot baths at leisure, for Elves valued their cleanliness. His hair was wet and, after using some of the foreign soaps and such, he had just taken the time to lean back and relax. The room had begun to smell of the soaps, which reminded Legolas of home and the trees of Mirkwood. It was a wonderful feeling, but the prince knew he could not linger for too long. Already the water had begun to lose it's temperature and, after splashing his face once more, he stepped out of the bathtub.

      There was a towel hanging just beside the bath and a robe hanging beside that. Doing his best to dry out his long blonde hair, Legolas took the robe and put it on, tying the belt round his waist.

      It was then that he heard an odd ring and, not knowing what it was or where it came from, he silently leaned against the bathroom door, an ear pressed to the woodwork.

      From the room beyond, Legolas picked up on the conversation between Ashley and someone else, though he could not hear the other's voice. Was the women mad and talking to herself or had that ringing sound been the entrance of one of her friends?

      Slipping the door open, the Elf stood in the doorway, listening intently. He could see Ashley's head, barely visible above the back of the chair. In her hand, pressed close to her ear, was an odd white device which looked as if it had a small stick attached to it's top. Somehow, Legolas began to wonder if she was talking to someone inside the small object, but that seemed impossible. Then the thought of the Palantir entered his mind. It was an ancient object, once a noble tool to rule the kingdoms of Middle-Earth but now lost and forgotten, or so he thought.

      Could this be some type of Palantir? He asked himself, moving slowly and silently down the hallway and back toward the living room, keeping careful not to let the robe make much noise.

      Legolas walked in just in time to hear Ashley say, "No, not just like that but what can I do? If he does not return, all of the universe could be in great peril!"

      Realizing that the women spoke of him, he continued to listen. It appeared that she spoke to a dear friend, one whom he could not see or hear but somehow the voice was present to Ashley. It was not until her last sentence however, that the Elven Prince realized what might truly be going on.

      "I thought that was plain... The thought of him leaving."

      He nearly gasped, shocked that his appearance in this world had hurt her deeply. But how was that possible, he had done nothing and had not asked to come here. Yet here was where he was.

      Ashley continued to speak for a few more moments, standing from her chair and walking slowly to the side of it, as if she were listening intently to the voice of her friend. Legolas stayed in the hall, knowing that she would not notice him from her current position.

      "I know Amy, do you think I haven't tried to put that behind me?" Ashley sighed, "I only mean that, well... after that entire deal with that guy the other year, I've been in a bit of a dating slump. But I'm not going to use his appearance to remedy that!"
      There was another pause and Legolas could see the look of frustration on the woman's face, "You don't know him, heck I don't even know him. We've only just talked today and, though he is everything I had envisioned him to be. Strong, handsome, incredibly sweet and smart and funny... I just can't do that. I can't let myself become attached to a person who will be leaving. I don't think I could emotionally handle it."

      A pause was heard once more, but this time Ashley had walked around to the back of the chair and was leaning against it slightly.

      She started up again, "Good, changing the subject helps, thanks." there were a couple of, "uh huhs" and "yeahs" before the conversation really got started again, "Yes, I'm going to apply for the next semester when I move back into town. And of course I'll take classes with you, provided you come and room with me at the college."

      Legolas took this as a sign and, after waiting for a few more moments and a couple extra sentences about something called college, he stepped from his hiding place. With the most silent of grace, he walked up behind Ashley and, knowing exactly what he was doing, placed his arms around the woman's neck in a small hug, taking care not to hurt his elbow in the process.

      She jumped slightly, nearly dropping the white thing from her hand, before turning, "Legolas, I thought you were taking a bath."

      The Elf was close enough now to hear a giggle come from the device in her hand.

      Ashley glared at the phone sharply and answered with a "shush."
      "I was, but then I began to thinking that I have yet to properly thank you for your help. I know I angered you before, greatly in fact. I was hoping you would forgive my outburst."
      A rose tinted glow appeared on Ashley's cheeks, "I... I already said that I forgive you." Course then she remembered that she was still talking to Amy and, with a quick "I'll call you back later." into the phone, she hung up.
      Legolas raised an eyebrow, "What was that thing?" he asked, nodding toward the phone.
      "It's a telephone and it lets me talk to someone and hear them, from a great distance. That was my best friend Amy she..." Ashley stopped, trying to think up an excuse, "I had told her about you and she wanted to know if you were alright."
      The Elf smiled, "You do not lie very well."
      "I know..." this of course caused her to blush again and Legolas just laughed, "What's so funny?" she retaliated.
      With a smile, Legolas shook his head, "Nothing... nothing at all..."


Chapter 6: An Evening of Reflection