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Flashes of Light, Rulers of Fate

Chapter 9: The Last Ray of Hope


~[ ]~ - indicates the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      Legolas felt like he were on display for the entire world as the room stared at him in disbelief. Ashley put her hand over his own, trying to comfort the rising irritability that the Elf was now experiencing. He took notice of the woman's hand and it calmed his anger, letting him remain cool and collected before the gawking table of mortals.

      Mark was the first to speak, "For the love of everything good and holy Ashley, tell me that you just hooked up with the actor who played Legolas." He said, his eyes settling on his friend.
      The woman shook her head and stood, "Guys, may I introduce you to Legolas Thranduilion, crowned Prince of Mirkwood."
      Looking up at her, the Elf smiled slightly and stood as well, "I am honored that I have so many, admirers in this foreign land." he replied, bowing.

      Both he and Ashley sat once more, at the same time. The sight hit Amy suddenly and she realized, to her shock, what that scene just looked like. A king and a queen before their royal court. She could not shake the feeling that this may be the last time she saw her best friend but, somewhere in the back of Amy's mind, she knew that it was alright and, in the end, everything would turn out for the better.

      Kenneth however, was not about to believe it, "You can't be serious, Ash. Legolas is a fictional character, he can't be real!"
      "Looks like dreams do come true." Becca replied, a small smile on her face. The look was directed toward Ashley and she laughed, "But Legolas himself, in our very presence... Suddenly I feel more honored then I have ever been before."
      "Right out of the pages of Tolkien..." Jessica said in a whisper, "I never thought such a world existed."
      Ashley nodded, "That is why I said he was an alien, but not." her friends still had shocked looks on their faces, "But now it grieves me to tell you of his arrival."
      But the Elf's hand passed onto her own, "I shall tell them. After all, I may have to relate the tale many times upon my return home." She smiled and let him take the lead. "Our Fellowship traveled to the Mines of Moria and, after our arrival, we were attacked by a large group of Orcs and a Cave Troll. A battle ensued and, as we ran from their arrows and growing strength, shadow and flame burned within the depths of the mines. Never in my long life had I been so frightened as when the Balrog of Morgoth showed itself to us. Mithrandir ordered our company to run and we did so. We made it to the Bridge of Kazhad-dum, but the Balrog followed us even there. It was in those moments that I thought the Fellowship would fall and, acting rashly, I fitted an arrow to my bow. Shooting the Balrog proved to be an unfortunate turn of events, for the ancient demon was only angered. By some foul devilry of his own, I was cast into the black pit of the mines. I could hear my companions scream my name and, as I fell, something lashed out to catch me. My elbow was snared and broken by the Balrog's whip and, as I heard the spell of Mithrandir, the evil creature flung me across the chasm. I landed on the other side, near to Estel and the Periannath but, before my wits returned, the beast snared me once more. My arm dangled uselessly at my side as I was suddenly hurled, one last time, into the very bowels of the mines." he closed his eyes for a moment, "All hope left me as I fell, tumbling against rock and stone walls as I went." Legolas opened his eyes once more, "The next thing I remembered, after the darkness took me, was that it was raining and a form stood over me in the chill air. I can not recall the words I uttered, but unconsciousness claimed my mind once more and, when I awoke, I was in the care of this most kind soul." he looked to Ashley and a smile broke onto his face, "So I am very sorry if my actions have seemed a bit hastened, for she has explained to me the events that may very yet be taking place in Arda."
      "Events?" Mark asked, "You mean the quest for the Ring, right?"

      Legolas nodded.

      "Well that's simple enough to answer. After you leave the..."
      The man looked to Amy who sat next to him, "What?"
      The blonde woman hit him on the back of the head, "You can't tell him what happens, it's his journey and his life and shouldn't be told by anyone besides himself."
      "Amy is right, but there are more pressing matters at hand." Ashley said, her tone betraying the sadness she felt, "If Legolas does not return then the Fellowship will fail, I've told him that much. The thing is, I can't figure out a way to get him home, not just yet anyway. That was why I hoped the reports would help." She looked to Kenneth, "Is there anything that we've come across that deals with vortexes that can twist time and space?"
      The younger man sighed, "I don't think so." he went through a few pages, "Most of our reports have to do with the recent lights in Roswell. But it seems," Kenneth drew a map out of the stack of papers, "that the lights have been moving."


      "Moving?" Becca asked, leaning over his shoulder to see, "Moving like how?"
      Kenneth shrugged, "Each dot is the location of a new light and," he took out a pin, "once I mark the spot Ashley found Legolas, then maybe it will tell something more."

      The group waited in hushed silence for a few moments before Kenneth's eyes lit up and he grinned.

      "X marks the spot." he said as he showed the group that all the little dots indeed made an X, Ashley's cabin in the middle of it all.
      Becca glanced at his face, "Don't go all Pirates of the Caribbean on me here Kenneth."
      But Ashley had a slightly different reaction, "X....." she closed her eyes a moment, "There's something important about an X...."
      "Nileregwen?" Legolas asked, looking at her confused expression.
      She took the map from Kenneth's hands and studied it, "X.... Dragons of Heaven!"
      "Of course!" Amy yelled, "Power shields and what not. Could each light be where some strange being from Middle-Earth has been dropped?"

      Everyone else looked at the two friends with confusion but they continued their theories.

      "No, otherwise I would think Hobbits and Orcs would be running around the countryside. But what if each light signaled a manifestation of power. In X/1999, each Dragon of Earth and of Heaven had their own spots where their power was used, at each of the targets of the ending war. I think..." Ashley's eyes grew wide as she spoke, "I think that something has been trying to break through and, only now, has that power found a suitable place where a vortex could be torn." she looked to the rest of the group, "That's why the MIB are running all across the town and surrounding areas. They've figured out the same thing we have, but don't know that someone has traveled through the vortex and, they..." the woman looked to Legolas in fear, "They're trying to find you."
      The Elf raised an eyebrow, "What would they want with me?"
      "Same thing they always want." Kenneth replied, "Testing and probing and the like. They'd experiment on you until Doomsday if they could get you in their hands."
      "Kenneth!" Becca reprimanded him, "You're going to scare him and the rest of us with your talk about government experiments."

      Ashley put her head in her hands and all conversation stopped, each person busy with their own thoughts.

      Legolas placed a hand on the woman's shoulder, "Man raeg?" ~[What is wrong?]~
      "Lim pulu rino nin bar... Ha nainnas nu tirith si." she answered, shaking her head slightly. ~[We can not return to my home... It will be under watch now.]~


      "English please!" Amy said, "I've already told you guys that once."
      Ashley lifted her head from her hands and sighed, "Sorry but... the way I see it is this. The power is emanating from the forest near my house and, I'm guessing, it will open once again. But we can't go there now because the government surely has figured out where the location of their photo is." She closed her eyes and sank back into the chair, "It'll be guarded now."

      The group sat in silence for a moment and Legolas put his arm around Ashley's shoulders.

      He smiled to her, "Pan nainnas mae, le innas tirad. Lim pul hir edwen men, caru naeth." ~[All will be well, you will see. We can find another way, do not despair.]~
      A sigh issued from Ashley as she reached her hand up to her shoulder, placing it on Legolas', "Im fanu naeth egor annam estel." She smiled, his eyes shining on her once more. ~[I never despair or give up hope.]~
      Suddenly, Kenneth jumped up from his chair, "I've got it!" he cried. "You three go to your house," he said, pointing to Ashley, Amy, and Legolas, "but don't get on the main road to your cabin. The rest of us will go and distract the agents, making our own light in the sky. When they leave, head up to your place. It's as simple as that!"
      "Oh Kenneth!" Ashley said, standing and hugging him, "You're the best!" she pulled back and looked at him for a moment, "But how will you fake the light?"
      He smiled, "Easy cheese, Ash. We'll just get a few flood lights, give a couple of them different colored bulbs and, using the generator that I've got back at my place, have a little fun! Those agents will think an army of aliens has come to invade." the man laughed, "By the time they get to where we're at, we can just give an excuse that we were having a party and meant nothing by the lights. It was just so we could see a little."
      Mark sighed, "When the lights blink on and off, they're going to wonder what's up."
      "Simple." Kenneth shrugged, "We just say that we were attempting to create a strobe light for the party, nothing more."
      Becca shook her head, "They won't believe you, least I don't think so anyway."
      "But it's the only option left and we have to try." Ashley replied. "All in favor of the plan, raise your hands."

      The count was quick, everyone raised their hands, except for Mark who just looked at Ashley for a moment.

      "You know we're going to get into a lot of trouble if we're caught?"
      Kenneth elbowed him, "Oh come on you goody goody, do something constructive for a change."
      "Fine." he sighed and raised his hand as well.


      "It's settled then." Ashley said, a huge smile on her face, "It's about three right now so, we'll put the plan into motion as soon as we leave. Kenneth, you and Jessica will go and get the generator. Mark and Becca, you guys get the light bulbs and flood lights, the strongest you guys can find. Head over to the old gold mining field on the outskirts of town, that would be the best place and, it's in the opposite direction of my cabin. But do not use your cell phones, they could pick up the signal and learn what's going on. Amy and Legolas and I will head out to the cabin, but remain off the main road until it's all clear." she sighed in relief, "Everyone got their part?"

      The entire group nodded.

      "Good, when it's all over, we'll call you on my cell, Kenneth. That will give you the signal to pack up the party and head home."
      He laughed, "Are you kidding, it's going to BE a party. Not just to fool the MIB, but to have some fun in this dreary little town of ours."
      The woman shook her head, "Alright then, but we're still going to call."
      Mark stood, "Good luck you guys, and be careful."
      "It's a good thing you're so paranoid Ash. Otherwise, I think you guys would have been caught a while ago." Becca replied, standing also.
      "It was a pleasure to meet you, Thranduilion." Jessica said, bowing slightly.

      Legolas returned the bow and stood as well, Amy doing the same thing. But Ashley looked to Kenneth, her gaze serious.

      "Don't get caught." she warned, "I don't want to have to come bail you out of jail or worse, break you out of a military installation."
      Kenneth smiled, "Me, get caught? As if. I'm the best prankster this town's ever seen or ever will see for that matter." but he became serious as well, "And don't you get caught either. Watch your back."
      "You too."

      With that, the group disbanded. Mark closed down the Castle Dungeon for the remainder of the day, seeing as how noone aside from them had been in. Becca started up her car, waiting for Mark to hurry into the parking lot. Kenneth and Jessica jumped into his truck and speed away toward his house.

      Now, Ashley and Amy and Legolas were left alone in the streets of Ruidoso, looking at one another.

      "This is risky, Ash. If we're caught..."
      "We won't be." Ashley replied, giving Amy her best, 'it's me', look.

      The trio walked back toward the SUV in silence but inside, Ashley was at war with herself. Torn between her mind and emotions, she finally realized that this would be the last few hours she would ever see Legolas. Fighting back the tears which threatened to overtake her, she pulled herself together and walked with her head held high.


Chapter 10: There & Back Again... A Present Between Friends