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Flashes of Light, Rulers of Fate

Chapter 11: No Time To Say Goodbye


~[ ]~ - indicates the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      The minutes ticked slowly by and each second was agonizing. The car rode steadily, bumping little along the dirt road. Dust and rocks flew from the back tires and trees passed quickly by tinted windows. The spot where Ashley had first found Legolas was no more than three miles from her cabin.

      As the car slowed to a stop, the trio exited and stood on the road, looking deep into the dense forest.

      "This is it, right?" Amy asked.
      Her friend nodded, "Yes..." but she gathered herself once more, "I hope this vortex appears soon though, I'm getting worried about Kenneth and the others. By now, those agents have realized that the lights were fake and may be coming back."
      "Well, if that happens," Amy smiled, "I'll just take your car back, park it in front of your cabin, and jump in my own truck. They're sure to have not seen it, since I parked in the back and they'll just think it's another car traveling down the road."

      Ashley nodded, but her thoughts were elsewhere and Amy's words did not quite register. She turned her head, looking at the Elf beside her. Legolas stood looking into the forest, appearing to be listening intently to something unheard by human ears.

      "Legolas?" she asked.
      He looked down at her, his blue eyes smiling, "The vortex has already opened. I can hear it, though..." the Elf looked off again, "I can not explain what the sound is..."

      Legolas stopped all movement and turned his head to the side, looking back down the road.

      "Something's coming..."
      Ashley too looked in the same direction as a blue car came into view but she sighed, "What is Dan doing here?"
      "She probably didn't like the idea of that message you sent them." Amy replied with a laugh.

      The trio stood for a few moments as the blue car rolled to a stop and a young woman stepped out, her hands on her hips.

      "So... thought you could get away with it huh?"
      Ashley held up her hands, "Get away with what?"
      "You introduced your 'friend' to everyone but me! Kenneth told me about it, it's not fair!"
      The two friends began to laugh, "Danielle, we don't really have time for this."

      She walked up to the trio and stopped in front of Legolas, starring intently at him. He raised his head slightly, feeling her eyes upon him and frowned.

      "Is there a problem?" the Elf asked, keeping his temper in check.
      Danielle smiled, "Nope, no problem." and without any warning, the young woman threw her hands around his neck and hugged him.

      Legolas was a bit taken aback and looked to Ashley with shock and confusion. But she just began to laugh, nearly doubling over.

      After no more than a couple seconds, Danielle let the Elf go and smiled again, "Sorry.... I just always wanted to do that." and, her mood suddenly switching, she grabbed Ashley and pulled her toward the blue car.

      "We'll be just a second." Legolas could hear the woman call out.


      "What are you doing?!" Danielle asked when they were out of ear shot from even the Elf.
      Ashley sighed, "It should be obvious what I'm doing."
      "No! You don't get it! You could get killed or worse!"
      "There's little worse than getting killed."
      She was about to retort but shrugged, "Good point... but still! Just because he's your so called hero, you can't just leave! You can't just up and throw all caution to the wind and go off on some huge adventure!"
      The older woman blinked, "Why can't I? This is my one true chance for adventure, Dan... I have to take it. No more role playing or day dreaming or writing about life changing adventures. Finally I can live what I've always dreamed of. So tell me now why I can't go."
      Danielle stood there for a moment then laughed, "It's not just adventure is it?" when her friend didn't respond, she continued, "This doesn't have anything to do with a dwarf dressed as a nun does it?"
      With a laugh, Ashley's friend continued, "I seem to recall a certain movie quote that fits your predicament quiet well."
      Ashley put her hands on her hips, "Uh huh... and that would be?"
      "Love is like oxygen. Love is a many splendid thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need..." Danielle stopped there.
      "Is love." the older woman finished, "I know. I know."
      "So then? You are doing this for more than just adventure."
      Ashley avoided Danielle's gaze, "You know me pretty good I guess."
      "You always have more than one motive, Ash. Always."
      "What if I do?" The woman replied, "I've already had this talk with Amy, I don't need to have it with you as well."
      "I just want you to think about this, that's all."
      Walking a couple paces from the car, Ashley turned, "I have thought about it. I've been thinking about such things for days now. Danielle, if you had this chance, what would you do?"
      Danielle thought for a moment, "I suppose I'd take it."
      "Then it's settled."
      "Alright. Alright. I'll tell the guys I couldn't convince you to stay."
      Ashley smiled, "Guys just don't understand and I'm betting it was Kenneth and Mark who convinced you to come, right?"
      "Figures... Mark never could understand how emotionally complicated women are."
      Danielle laughed, "Then I guess you'd better get going. I saw those MIB guys Kenneth warned me about back at your house."
      "What? They should be long gone by now!"
      Ashley turned but stopped, ran back and gave her friend a hug, "Thanks Dan."

      And with that, hurried back to join the others.


      "Guys, Danielle said that those MIB agents are on our tails. We've got to hurry."
      Amy nodded in the direction of Danielle's leaving car, "What happened?"
      "I just had to convince her of something, that's all." Ashley replied with a smile.

      Suddenly however, Amy heard the distinct sound of tires on a dirt road and turned. Behind them, about a mile off, drove three black cars.

      "Guys, we gotta go... NOW!"

      Ashley saw the cars as well and the three ran off into the forest as fast as possible. Legolas, who was used to running over fallen objects, made it to the vortex before anyone. They stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do next.

      Legolas however, turned and bowed to both Ashley and Amy, "Hannad le, Nileregwen, Enlygiel." ~[Hannad le - Thank you]~ but now he looked at the woman whom he had shared a house with for a week. The Elf smiled, "Ae u-an, Im boe gerin tolno haim. Hannad le a loth i Valar berio le." ~[If not for you, I should have become lost. Thank you and may the Valar protect you.]~
      Ashley shook her head, "Nay, Im tolath na le, ind le u-loth dui ha. Im u-innas no trenarathon al hen lu, Legolas." ~[Nay, I am coming with you, though you may not like it. I will not be told no this time, Legolas.]~
      The Elf shook his head, "No! I will not get anyone else involved!"
      "It's too late for that!" The woman shot back.
      "Guys, we're kinda pressed for time here!" Amy said in a hurried voice, "The MIB guys are coming! Either get in that freakin vortex or forget it!"
      Legolas looked to her, "U-caro aphad nin..." ~[Do not follow me...]~ he bowed once more, "Navaer." ~[Farewell.]~ and, without another moment's hesitation, the Elf reached his hand toward the swirling light.

      In a brilliant flash, he was suddenly gone. But the vortex continued to hover above the ground.

      "Amy..." Ashley started, turning to her friend.
      But she just smiled back and threw the bag at Ashley, "Get going."
      The woman nodded, hugging her friend, "I will write to you guys, everyday."
      "I know." she replied.

      In the next instant, Ashley too had disappeared with a brilliant flash of light. But Amy had her own problems to worry about.

      She quickly rushed toward the nearest clump of foliage and, as she ducked low, the MIB agents came within sight. They ran toward the vortex but were too late and it disappeared mere seconds before they reached it. A curse could clearly be heard from one of them and Amy got the sudden urge to laugh. The lead MIB agent reminded her of the guy off The Matrix and, with all the Middle-Earth talk, her mind drifted to a conversation which included the phrase, 'Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.' Holding back her laughter, Amy waited a few more moments as they walked back out of sight. The recollection of that conversation brought back many memories of herself and Ashley, laughing about under the sun. Those had been good times...

      Now though, her friend was gone and had taken the step into adventure. Amy remembered that Ashley had once said she wanted to be a writer for the sole purpose of creating adventures. She had always wanted to have one like those in TV and the movies, but this was real life.

      "Now you have your adventure." Amy whispered, making her way as quietly as possible back to the car. "Make it memorable..."

      A few minutes later, Amy found the car and there was no sign of the MIB agents. She got into the SUV, her friend's SUV, and drove down the dirt road once more. Now that she had Ashley's keys and car and basically everything else her friend owned, what would she do with it? Amy thought about just holding onto all Ashley's stuff until she returned, but something in her mind said that Ashley would never again set foot on the Earth. It was not a dark feeling or a sense of danger but one that told Amy, her friend would find happiness beyond her wildest dreams in the faraway land of Middle-Earth.


Chapter 12: Strange Awakenings