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Flashes of Light, Rulers of Fate

Chapter 13: Welcome to Middle-Earth


~[ ]~ - indicates the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      ~ ~ ~ Hey Amy,

      Both Legolas and I made it to Arda safe and sound. Well, that might be an understatement. Though I'm just finding the chance to write to you, I've actually been here for about seven days. I can't remember what has happened over the past few days, probably because I was unconscious. However, I spoke with both Gandalf and Lord Elrond earlier this morning.

      It seems we've arrived in Rivendell, a few days after the Hobbits and Aragorn. I told Gandalf all about where I came from and about how Legolas ended up on earth. Then, the wizard told me that Legolas had brought me here. Apparently, I had fallen from the sky mere seconds after Legolas and landed on him! He was going to, supposedly, 'scold me' about following him, until he noticed I was unconscious. From what Gandalf said, he was very worried and, since Rivendell had been in plain sight, he brought me here.

      When I woke, both Gandalf and Lord Elrond were watching over me. Imagine my surprise, Amy! It was very hard not to say, "Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson." Of course, then I became slightly confused because here we are, the fellowship not yet formed, and in Rivendell. We were supposed to be in the Mines of Moria! This also I told Gandalf and me made me promise not to speak of the future for a while.

      Of course after that, who should walk into the room but Aragorn himself! He's a lot better looking in person. Now however, I'm imagining that you are rather jealous that I have met him and, even though I'm in a different world, I can still feel you glaring at me... so stop it!

      I fear however, that I've made Legolas terribly angry with me. He hasn't spoken to me since I've awoken, which has only been about seven hours ago, but still! Lord Elrond has forbidden me from leaving bed however and, on top of not coming to talk with me or even to see how I am, he's turned away anyone that I've asked to go find him! There's this small voice however, at the back of my mind, that says he's more frustrated than truly mad. I can vaguely recall seeing his face, an expression of worry mixed with hurt. But the image is blurry and, if it was real, then it must have been shortly after I landed on him.

      Sometimes though, I've found myself wondering if this is all just a dream.

      Is any of this real... or not?

      Laters... ~ ~ ~


      "An interesting story, which no doubt, will have an equally interesting end." Ashley laughed as Pippin dove into one of the many tales of the Shire.

      It had been nearly two days since the woman had awoken, finding herself in the beauty that is Rivendell. After first speaking with Aragorn, a meeting which still sent shivers down her spine when the thought of him arose, she had spent the day resting. As evening drew near, Ashley had received a second visit from Gandalf. There was a table and chairs in her room, so she and the wizard had partaken in a light dinner while discussing the happenings of Middle-Earth. Ashley had been surprised that such secrets were being told to her, especially things that she realized, only Lord Elrond and the Istari knew of. They talked of the traitorous Saruman and his ever multiplying army of Orcs. Sauron and his One Ring were the main topic of discussion however, as the wizard sought knowledge on how things had occurred from Ashley's understanding.


      "Surely you must know what sort of action we took to be rid of the Ring's evil." Gandalf questioned, though by the look on his face, Ashley guessed he already knew that answer.
      "I don't want to tell much." she replied, taking a quick drink from her glass, "Soon, Lord Elrond will hold a council, involving many of the races of Middle-Earth. Those invited will include such as yourself but also Frodo, for the Hobbits. The fact that he's been the Ring Bearer so far will ensue that he be there, but the other four will be listening in. Though," Ashley said with a smile, "Don't tell Lord Elrond that. Bilbo will also be there. Now, as for the other races..." she stopped for a moment, "I know the major players, but let me see if I can't remember everyone... There was Lord Elrond, Glorfindel, Galdor, and Erestor for Lord Elrond's household. Then there was also Gloin and his son Gimli, both for the Dwarves. But, I think there were also other Dwarves present as well. The same goes for the Elves." she closed her eyes, "I cannot remember any others, save for Legolas being for his father's realm of Mirkwood. Lastly, was Boromir, son of Denethor for Gondor and Aragorn," at this Ashley blushed slightly, "I mean, Strider for the Rangers of the North."
      Gandalf thought on this for a time, "From our first meeting I gathered that your knowledge would not fail. It became even more apparent when you called Aragorn by his rightful name, which few have ever known. I believe only myself and the Elves know of his true name, though none speak it openly." The wizard smiled, "You may call him Aragorn, if that is your wish. However, until such a fellowship's meeting comes to an end, I ask that you refrain from that name and call upon him as 'Estel' or even 'Strider.' It will make things easier for the time being." The woman nodded, but Gandalf was far from finished, "Tell me, what shall be done about the One Ring? But do not reveal all to me, for even I should not have such a great foresight into the future."
      "Well..." Ashley started again, "You shall choose a fellowship of nine; Yourself, Boromir, Gimli, of course Legolas," she smiled, "and Strider also will go with you. Lastly, there will be Sam and Merry and Pippin and Frodo, the latter will bear the One Ring to Mordor's Black Gate."
      The wizard sighed, "I was afraid of this..." he turned to look out at the setting sun, "Frodo's burden has already been great and if I could have it my way, he would return to the Shire and live out his days in peace. But," the Istari's eyes came back to focus on the woman, "I suppose that it is his destiny, fate if you will, to bear this wicked burden."

      At this, there was a knock at the door and in walked one of the Elves of the household. He bowed low to the two seated and Gandalf rose to meet the Elf.

      "Mithrandir, Lord Elrond wishes to speak with you."
      Gandalf nodded, "Tell him I shall be delighted and will be along shortly."

      The Elf bowed once more and then left the room, closing the door behind him.

      Turning, the wizard smiled, "I will take what you have said to heart and speak with Lord Elrond about holding a council. However, there will be one more member present at the meeting, a member with the knowledge of everything which we shall shortly do."
      Ashley stood, "Gandalf, I couldn't. I... I would be changing history."

      And with that, the Istari left the room and left Ashley to deal with her conflicting thoughts.


      So, ever since her meeting with Gandalf, Ashley had to find other ways of occupying her thoughts. She had received a very strange visit this afternoon however, and it had been none other than Pippin who had come to call. Though the young Hobbit had never met her before, he explained that Strider had sent him to talk with her.

      As they spoke, it became quiet clear why. Pippin was worried about Frodo and wanted to know if he would be alright. Ashley, feeling now like the village fortune teller, had sighed and asked him to sit with her.

      So, here each sat, the Hobbit at the foot of her bed. She had begun to tell him that Frodo would be perfectly fine, but refrained from mentioning anything about how the wound would always be with him. It was something she did not think the youngest Hobbit needed to know, at least not now anyway. Thrilled with this news, Pippin had decided to stay and keep Ashley company, entertaining her with stories from the Shire.

      Of course, Hobbits posses a great ability to talk and talk until there is nothing left to say, but at the current rate... it seemed that Pippin could go on forever.

      "And so, there was a grand party and it was all just for Bilbo!" the young Hobbit flew into a detailed description of the old Baggins' 111th birthday.

      Ashley just sat there, laughing as Pippin told her of his and Merry's party antics, which included much more than just launching a large firework into the air.


Chapter 14: Conversation With a Stubborn Elf