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Flashes of Light, Rulers of Fate

Chapter 15: Not A Word Spoken


~[ ]~ - indicates the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      ~ ~ ~ Hey Amy,

      Lord Elrond has given me leave of my room today. He says that the fresh air may do me some good. I was given some very nice Elvish clothes, though the pale tones only show the fact that I haven't tanned in forever!

      Before breakfast, I wanted to speak with Legolas, only to find him gone. I did however, meet two very kind Hobbits today. The rest of the afternoon was spent in conversation with Merry and Pippin. I made sure however, not to speak of the future to them.

      This lasted well into the evening when Aragorn found me sitting in the garden with the two. He offered me his hand and lead my to my quarters, knowing full well that I needed to get my rest.

      We spoke for a bit, about nothing really, and I promised him a walk in the morning. He was rather pleasant to be around, more so than even in the movies. I shall greatly enjoy tomorrow's talk I believe.

      My arm is beginning to cramp, must be the lack of exercise, hehehehe.

      However, once again I find myself wondering... what has become of Legolas?

      Laters! ~ ~ ~


      A light morning breeze wafted in through the balcony. Upon it were the faint smells of fall and of food simmering to perfection somewhere within the house. The aroma was what had awoken Ashley and as she stood on the balcony, wrapped in the bed's thick blanket, she sighed. Rivendell was beautiful in the morning.

      The woman could hear laughter coming from down the hall and suddenly a very out of breath Pippin sped into the room.

      "Hide me!" he cried desperately.
      Ashley nodded, pointing behind her, "With this blanket, I should be able to hide you very well. Get behind me."

      The young Hobbit nodded and no sooner was he out of sight, when Merry came careening around the corner. He came to a stop in the doorway and was momentarily shocked.

      "Pardon me but," his eyes were downcast and he blushed, "I didn't know you'd just arisen from bed."
      "Is it that obvious?" Ashley asked with a smile.
      "Well I... You are wrapped in a blanket."
      The woman laughed, "That's because the outside breeze is rather chilly."
      Merry nodded but then remembered why he was in the room in the first place. "I was wondering if you had seen Pip this morning?"
      "I'm sorry Merry, but I haven't."
      "Oh well..." the Hobbit backed out the doorway, "Sorry to've disturbed you." with that he left.

      Moments later, laughter erupted from behind her and, as Ashley turned around, she found poor Pippin holding his stomach and chuckling like no other.

      "May I ask, what is so funny?" she inquired.
      "Oh! It's Merry!" Pippin laughed, hardly able to control himself. "I rigged his bed so as when he got up, a large basin of water would dump on top of his head."
      Ashley smiled, trying to contain the laughter welling inside, "So that is why he's in such sour spirits."

      She had to hand it to the young Took, he was very clever when it came to pranks.

      Pippin drew himself up and bowed, "I thank you for hiding me and the favor will not be forgotten, I assure you."
      "The pleasure was mine and I will be glad to help you again, provided I don't become the subject of one of your pranks."

      With a shake of hands it was agreed and a truce was made. Ashley would hide Pippin during his pranks and the young Hobbit would help her out and not subject her to his trickery. After a few more pleasant words, the Took left the room and Ashley was left to admire the beauty of Imladris once more.

      As she stood at the balcony's railing, the woman leaned her head against the door frame. It was so peaceful, beautiful, uplifting. It was all of these things, until a figure below caught her eye...


      "What is he doing?" Ashley asked herself.

      Two stories below stood the Elven prince, gently stroking the mane of a Mirkwood horse. the animal wore no saddle, but had a blanket with packs tied to it, draped over it's back. Legolas turned, a confused expression on his face. He appeared to be speaking with someone out of Ashley's line of sight and, to her disappointment, she could not hear what they said either.


      "Leaving so early?"
      Legolas turned to see Gandalf standing at Imladris' doorway, "My father has summoned me and I must go."
      The wizard nodded, "You will return in time for the council?"
      "Of course, Mithrandir. This is to decide Middle-earth's fate." he stopped, thinking for a moment. An inner struggle was apparent within the prince, "I already know what it is my father wishes to speak with me of, the contents of which will be made apparent during the meeting."
      "No one knows the purpose of this council, save myself, Lord Elrond, that friend of yours, and you. Your own father does not know what occurred to have brought you here in such a state and, I think it best, not to tell him so."
      Legolas nodded, "A wise decision."

      There was silence for a long while. The prince however, began to grow weary under the other's stare.

      "Have you spoken with her?"
      The question came from virtually nowhere, and the archer was rather loath to answer it. "Nay Mithrandir, I have not."
      The Istari shook his head and walked forward, "Perhaps when you return, your stubbornness will subside."

      As the wizard laughed, he patted the Elf on his shoulder, turned, and walked back into the great house. Legolas shook his head, visibly sighing, and mounted his stead.


      "Legolas!" Ashley called from the balcony, knowing he would hear her easily.

      The blanket had slipped from her shoulders, revealing a long sleeved white shirt which appeared slightly too big for her frame. Legolas looked up at her for a moment. Without a word however, the prince nodded his head in the woman's direction and galloped out the gates of Rivendell.

      Ashley was stunned, he had left with little more than a nod, not even a spoken word. As she stood there in the silence, there came a knock upon the door.

      "Come in." she whispered, her mind still reeling from Legolas' hasty departure.
      Aragorn stood now in the open doorway, a bit taken aback. "Are you alright?" he asked, taking a couple of steps into the room.
      She turned to him, an indifferent expression upon her face, "I am fine, Lord Aragorn." However, Ashley realized what she had said, "Forgive me, Strider. My mind was somewhere else and I forgot about the need for secrecy of your identity."
      The man shrugged, "An honest mistake, but will you tell me what troubles you?"
      "I don't want to talk about it right now, perhaps later. Thank you though."
      "Of course." Aragorn smiled, "I have come to escort you to breakfast. Perhaps it will make you feel better."
      Ashley nodded, "Thank you. I must get dressed however and I'll join you down stairs."

      Not another word was exchanged but, as Aragorn left the room, he believed he knew what was troubling the woman. Legolas' departure had been quick and unannounced and now she had more than likely witnessed the Elf prince leaving. The man now took it upon himself to fix the problems of both Legolas and Ashley, even if it killed him in the process. As he walked down the hallway, Strider smiled at the thought. Their stubbornness could very well kill him.

      Ashley starred at the door after Aragorn had gone, torn between the need to be with people and a wave of anger and sadness which threatened her. If Legolas could run off for no apparent reason, than the woman was not about to let it get her down. With this thought in mind, Ashley went to the room's closet and prepared to get ready for a new and, most likely, interesting day.


Chapter 16: The Council Draws Near