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Flashes of Light, Rulers of Fate

Chapter 16: The Council Draws Near


~[ ]~ - indicates the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      ~ ~ ~ Hey Amy,

      Aragorn told me today that Legolas was summoned back to Mirkwood temporarily. Of course, this should not have been new news to me, seeing as how his father is most likely going to tell him to report that Gollum escaped.
      He left about four days ago, I can't really believe it's been that long though. Luckily, he should return in the next couple of days, just in time for Lord Elrond's Council.
      I passed today talking with Aragorn. He seemed very interested in Earth so, in light of that, I showed him a few of the things in my backpack. Gandalf however came around eventually and he wished to speak with Aragorn. I was then left to find some way to occupy myself.
      This lead to my meeting of Frodo Baggins!
      Somehow, Frodo avoided Sam all morning, which I think was ticking the other Hobbit off dreadfully. It appeared that he sent his friend off on a type of mini quest, to find me actually.
      The other soon-to-be council members have arrived. Some, as you well know, will become members of the fellowship as well. The only one who's missing is... yeah, you guessed it. Legolas.
      Any way, I had dinner with the Hobbits. Now that was interesting. Earlier that day, I had gotten involved in one of Elrohir's practical jokes and found myself seeking refuge in the Hobbit's room.
      Hobbits are quite good at talking and, at about three a.m. or so, I finally fell asleep. Now, don't be getting any strange ideas, Amy. I fell asleep on the room's sofa bed. Actually, it was just like that one in "The Two Towers" movie. You know which one I'm talking about. It's the one Aragorn was laying on in the scene with Arwen. Remember how I always wanted that sofa thing? Well, now I can officially say that it's comfortable... very comfortable.
      Any who, now I got off the subject...
      Frodo and Sam were sharing the room and, since Sam nodded off quite early in the conversation, I took it upon myself to keep poor Frodo company. When I awoke this morning however, I had the most dreadful fright. Elladan was standing in front of the sofa, looking terribly cross. Apparently, the joke from earlier was still fresh on his mind. I cried out in laughter that Elladan was going to kill me, for at that time, I was being tickled so hard that I thought I surely would die! Lucky for me, Elrohir came to my rescue.
      Our faces bright with laughter, we had some breakfast and then I bid them farewell and retired to my room to write this...
      Amy, Aragorn has just arrived to tell me that Legolas has returned earlier than expected! It looks like I'll have to finish this later.

      Laters! ~ ~ ~


      "Estel, or would you rather I call you Strider?" Ashley asked.

      She and the future King of Gondor were sitting on one of Rivendell's many balconies, this one overlooking the gardens, eating a small bit of breakfast.

      The man looked to her, "Which ever you can remember easier. It matters not to me."
      "Well, I have had a question floating around in my head for quite some time. If you wouldn't mind answering something that, I myself would consider, very personal... I would really like to ask you."

      Strider shrugged, though in reality he hated to divulge personal information to other people. However, when he looked at the young woman the ranger remembered that she probably knew more about him than most people around. This woman was, after all, from a world where the land of Arda was well know. As were it's inhabitants and their lives.

      He smiled, "How may I be of service?"

      The formal manner in which most of Middle-earth spoke was a bit awkward to the woman and Ashley wondered if she would fit in better if she tried to not say anything in contractions. After all, she had had tons of practice at writing dialogue for Tolkien characters before. Whether it be her Role Playing Games or Fan Fictions in the past, she could do it, no doubt about it.

      "I was wondering, Estel..."

      It would be a very personal question.

      "How... how do you feel about you being a human mortal and Arwen of Elf kind?"

      There it was, she had asked it. Now, Ashley just had to hope that the man would not be angered by her blurted out question.

      Aragorn thought for a long moment, regarding nothing in particular as he starred out at the gardens. There was silence and Ashley feared that, due to her outburst, she had indeed made him mad or worse, started a chain reaction of painful memories.


      He started, his eyes focusing on her once more. But, to Ashley's surprise, Strider smiled.

      "That is a question which cannot be answered with all the words of the world, my friend." he answered. "As I am sure you know, I love Arwen more than life itself. You must understand that there is deep sadness which accompanies my love and yet, I would have it no other way. I am mortal and she is Elf kind. I will die and she will live forever. I will remain here and she will travel into the west, to Valinor. However, though we both realize all of this, our love still shines strongly, even in the darkest of hours."

      Ashley's gaze drifted to the gardens as she listened to the man's words. They were so passionate, so full of love and life. Her mind was slowly coming to terms with the grave error which she had made. Made not only for herself, but unknowingly for Legolas as well.

      Ashley turned, only to find Aragorn regarding her closely. "What?" she asked.
      The man shook his head, "I know why you asked me such a question and I want to let you in on a small secret. Worry not."
      "Worry not? Worry not about what?"
      "About your feelings, for Legolas I mean."
      Ashley laughed, "What are you talking about? I don't..."
      "Yes you do. I can see it clearly written upon your face. The way you act, talk about him, worry about him. It is plain for any who have ever experienced love to tell." Aragorn smiled, "That may be why poor Legolas cannot see it."
      The woman stood, slightly worried. "What has he told you?!"
      "Nothing, yet I have seen the way he looks at you when you do not notice."
      Ashley's head swam, "I have not seen him since we left Earth! That is impossible!"
      The man stood, "The night before he left for Mirkwood, Legolas and I went walking through Imladris' hallways. We passed by your room and he looked within. You were asleep, of course, and I saw the way he watched you. 'Twas as if he struggled within, an inner turmoil raging inside of him." Aragorn smiled slightly, "He is stubborn, Ashley. You must see that. Yet it was obvious to me that he cared for you and for your well being."
      "But," Ashley faltered on her words, not quite sure how to respond. "He puzzles me so..." she sat back down, nor more confused than ever.
      "Perhaps you should speak with him when he returns." laughter rang in Aragorn's voice, "I shall take it upon myself to make sure he has the time to talk. How does that sound?"
      Ashley returned his smile, "That sounds most excellent. Thank you, Estel."
      He waved a hand at her gratitude, "Thank me not. I am glad to be able to help."

      A voice from down the hall brought the two out of their conversation and the woman realized that the voice belonged to Gandalf.

      "Estel, Lord Elrond and I wish to have a few words with you, if the lady here can spare you for a few moments." the wizard said with a half smile.
      Aragorn turned to go but stopped, looking back at the young woman. "You will find the time, I swear it."

      With that, the man followed Gandalf out the room's door and back down the hallway.

      Ashley was left alone with only the sound of softly falling water in the gardens to keep her company. Long hours she sat there, looking out into the beautiful and majestic gardens which covered the landscape before her. Silence, a gift she had considered back home, now felt like a threatening presence just waiting to consume her. Loneliness was an overwhelming feeling and Ashley longed for nothing else than to talk with someone, anyone. It was this feeling which prompted the woman to leave the balcony and go in search of company within Rivendell's vast halls.


      "The infamous Frodo Baggins I presume?"
      The curly haired Hobbit turned at the voice, "Yes, that is my name. Who would you be? I have not seen you within these halls."
      Ashley bowed, if only Danielle could see her now. "My name is Ashley and I have been staying as a guest of Lord Elrond's for a few days now."
      "Are you the woman whom Lord Elrond said knew everything?" Frodo asked with wide eyes.
      The woman laughed, "Well, I don't know EVERYTHING but, I do know about you and your adventures, yes."
      Frodo gripped her arm, "Than you must come with me. Sam and I have so many questions! He has been out looking for you all morning. When Merry and Pippin said thay had seen you in your room earlier, Sam went off in that direction. He came back saying that you had left and we did not know where you had gone off to. I am glad I finally found you."

      As Ashley was being pulled down the hallway, she began to wonder if her point in coming to Middle-earth was as a teller of fortunes. She supposed that however, she had nothing better to do than occupy the Hobbit's minds with tales and harmless predictions. Besides, she had wished for someone to talk to and who better than four curious Hobbits?

      Without a second thought, Ashley followed Frodo down the halls and into the Hobbit's connected rooms.

      In all the excitement however, she had forgotten about the semi harmless joke which, moments earlier, she had helped one of Elrond's sons, Elrohir, play upon his twin brother Elladan...


Chapter 17: This Meeting Will Come To Order