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Flashes of Light, Rulers of Fate

Chapter 18: Middle-earth's Decided Fate


~[ ]~ - indicates the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      ~ ~ ~ Hey Amy,

      He finally talked to me! It was brief and we didn't really say a whole lot, but I at least know he isn't angry with me. Of course, during our conversation, we were summoned for Lord Elrond's council.
      So far, not much has happened and we have broken the meeting on account of lunch. Already though I can see Boromir's plans. I really did like him, in the beginning that is. Or did rather... The first time I saw the movie, he was my favorite. I mean, I had never read the books and so I liked him. Yet, as you know, he dies and I couldn't watch two more movies without a favorite character!
      Any way...
      Gandalf wants me to speak after lunch sometime, but what will I say? How can I address Elrond's Council?!
      Sorry about that, Merry and Pippin were tossing an apple back and forth and they hit me with it.
      Any who, I'd better finish this meal before the council starts again.
      What will I say?!

      Laters! ~ ~ ~


      The council reconvened, much to Ashley's dismay. She really did not want to talk to such a large assembly of famous men. Course she realized that then. The entire council was made up of men from Middle-earth, and not just form the race of men. Ashley was the only woman present.

      This of course added to her fear of addressing the assembly. Legolas however, saw her apprehension and laid his hand on her own.

      "Lighten up, Nileregwen. If you do not, you may forget how to breathe and then you would surely make a fool of yourself."
      Ashley smiled at the prince's whispered comment. "I'll try..."

      "Aragorn is right. We cannot use it." Gandalf stated, opening the council meeting once more.

      Elrond knew now that there was only one way to destroy the ring. He had discussed it with Mithrandir and Ashley earlier that week. There was no avoiding the inevitable.

      "You have only one choice. The Ring must be destroyed."

      Of course the entire council became eerily silent at this news. Until of course, as the woman expected, one of the Dwarves stepped forward, brandishing his axe.

      "What are we waiting for?" Gimli grumbled, swinging his weapon high into the air and bringing it's sharp glittering blade down upon the golden ring.

      However, the Ring held fast, shattering Gimli's axe into mere shards. The Dwarf fell flat on his back in amazement, unable to comprehend something so strong and sturdy to be so small and light.

      Elrond looked at him with a sympathetic smile. "The Ring cannot be destroy, Gimli, son of Gloin, by any craft that we here possess. The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade." The Elven Lord paused for, what seemed to Ashley, dramatic effect. "It must be taken deep into Mordor, and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came." There was a second pause as all eyes turned to Elrond, giving him looks which seemed to say what he wished was impossible. "One of you, must do this."

      Boromir had heard enough. Rubbing his forehead with a hand, the man seemed like he were about to explode from irritation.

      "One does not simply walk into Mordor." He said, looking up and fixing every member of the council in his stare. "It's black gates are guarded by more than just Orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. And the great Eye is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire and ash and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly."
      Suddenly, an idea came to Ashley and she stood, looking directly at Boromir. "Perhaps it is 'folly' as you call it." she turned, looking at each member of the council in turn. "But what if it isn't? What if you could be rid of this evil once and for all? Never again to be haunted by its whispered promises." Her gaze fell on Frodo then, seeing the pain in the Hobbit's eyes. "Never again would it linger to be an ever present reminder of the past." Here, Ashley looked to Aragorn and received a look of understanding. "Never again to be a burden to Elves or to Men or to any of the Free Folk of Middle-earth. Would this not be worth the risk? The sacrifice?" Ashley turned, looking at Legolas for a moment for encouragement but then her gaze rested on the emissary from Gondor once more. "You are wrong Boromir. The Ring cannot save Gondor, only one has the power to save your realm and it is not yet time."
      "Time?" The man spoke up, standing to met her. "Time is a luxury that we cannot afford. Do not speak to me of time and of things you know nothing of, girl."
      Ashley just looked at him for a moment, "You have no idea what will happen if Sauron gets the Ring, do you? I thought you to be smarter than that, Boromir. If Sauron obtains the Ring ALL of Middle-earth will fall into darkness and there will be no redemption in sight for all eternity. To make matters worse." she continued, her arms folded before her, "He won't stop with Middle-earth, every world in every galaxy will fall to his evil power. There will be nothing to stop him."

      This silenced the man for a moment and he sat back down, resting his head in the palm of his hand. Legolas stood instead, addressing the council once more as Ashley took a step beside him.

      "Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond has said? The Ring must be destroyed."

      Oh no, Ashley thought. Here it comes.

      "And I suppose you think you're the one to do it?!" Gimli roared, jumping to his feet.
      But apparently even Boromir was not finished, "And if we fail, what then? What happens when Sauron takes back what is his?"
      "I will be dead before I see the Ring in the hands of an Elf!"

      Gimli's harsh words ignited a fire in the Elves and they all stood, as did the Dwarves. Without fail, every member of the council save Ashley and Frodo were standing and arguing.

      "Never trust an Elf!" Gimli voice bellowed over the noise.
      "Do you not understand?" Gandalf shouted, trying to talk, or rather yell, some sense into Boromir. "While you bicker amongst yourselves, Sauron's power grows! None can escape it! You'll all be destroyed!"

      Even as this happened however, Ashley's eyes flew to Frodo. The Hobbit was starring directly at the Ring, as if weighing his options. The woman prayed that he would do which she knew he was thinking,

      "I will take it! I will take it!" The small Hobbit's voice rang out.

      However, only Ashley could hear him, directing her attention to Frodo and tugging on Legolas' sleeve as she did so.

      "I will take the Ring to Mordor..."

      Now the entire assembly was starring straight at Frodo who seemed quite small among the crowd.

      "Though... though I do not know the way." he stated, looking rather embarrassed that he had even spoken up in the first place.
      Gandalf nodded his approval, walking to stand beside young Frodo. "I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins. As long as it is yours to bear."

      Ashley smiled, knowing what was to come. The joining of the fellowship of the ring.

      "If by my life or death, I can protect you." Aragorn was saying as he knelt before the Hobbit. "I will. You have my sword."
      "And you have my bow." Legolas stated, walking up to the now assembling group.
      Gimli too followed suit, "And my axe."

      There was silence for a little while and Ashley's eyes flickered over to Boromir. The man stood, looking down at Frodo with an odd expression.

      "You carry the fates of us all, little one." The man looked up to Elrond. "If this is indeed the will of the Council, then Gondor will see it done."

      Suddenly, Samwise Gamgee jumped up from the bushes. Ashley nearly doubled over in laughter, realizing that it would prove quite useful that the stout Hobbit went along.

      "Mr. Frodo's not going anywhere without me." He stated, standing next to his friend, arms crossed over his chest.
      Elrond simply smiled. "No, indeed, it is hardly possible to separate you, even when he is summoned to a secret Council and you are not."
      More voices spoke up from the steps. "Oi! We're coming too!" Merry cried, rushing down the stairs to stand next to Frodo and Sam with Pippin right behind him. "You'll have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us."
      Pippin nodded, "Anyway, you need people of intelligence on this sort of mission. Quest. Thing."
      The elder Hobbit glared at him, "Well, that rules you out, Pip."

      But the Lord of Imladris was in quite good humor. He knew who would have joined in on the quest from the beginning. Thanks to Ashley's advice of course.

      "Nine companions." He said, giving the woman a quick glance. But she shook her head and he continued. "So be it! You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring."
      Pippin, not knowing any better, smiled. "Great. Where are we going?"

      As utter confusion broke out once more, Ashley laughed and then disappeared back into the vast halls of Rivendell. She would not be credited with being a member of the fellowship, even if she did join them on their journey. There were nine companions and that was how she wanted it to stay.


Chapter 19: Deadly Discussions