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Flashes of Light, Rulers of Fate

Chapter 19: Deadly Discussions


~[ ]~ - indicates the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      ~ ~ ~ Hey Amy,

      Well, I said it...
      I actually addressed Elrond's council and it turned into more of a scolding session.
      There was one moment however, when I looked at the ring. But that only steeled my resolve to destroy the thing.
      I think Legolas and Aragorn came away from this a bit taken aback by the way I spoke.
      But that's why I'm here, right? To make sure it's destroyed, right?
      Oh Amy, sometimes even I begin to doubt my reasons.
      Any way, I wonder what everyone will be thinking and saying and doing tomorrow. I'd better get some rest so I'll be at full alert. Also, maybe I'll get a chance to have some more words with our Elven friend.
      Who knows...

      Laters! ~ ~ ~


      Peace and quiet, that was what she sought. After the council meeting was over, everyone, save for the Hobbits, herself, and Legolas, went their own ways. There was far too much to think about and nearly everyone was in silent shock.

      Legolas was not however, he had already volunteered for the mission once before after all. But something still bothered him and, after a time, he too departed, leaving Ashley on her own.

      Deciding to take advantage of the silence, the woman had returned to her room only to have an urge to explore the rest of Rivendell. She grabbed her cd player, a couple of spare batteries, and a miscellaneous burnt cd and headed out.

      It was not long however until she came to a quite spot within the walls of Imladris. The lights within were tinted light blue, possibly due to the fact that evening was fast approaching by that time. Everyone would be gathering for the evening meal and she would be absent. But that bothered her little, so intent was she upon her explorations.

      Within the room were several benches, each facing a large painted mural which, to her knowledge, depicted ancient battles which the Elves had taken part in. But in the middle of the room, stood a large statue and, in it's hands, rested an ancient treasure.

      The Shards of Narsil lay broken and glittering in the evening light. Ashley stared at them for a long moment and realized that some other force had drawn her to this room. Here had been where Aragorn and Boromir had first met, in the movie anyway, and now she was seeing the most important weapon in all of Arda lying right in front of her.

      Ashley sighed, taking in the still quiet of the room. She walked down the small steps which had lead up to the statue and took a seat on the floor before it. Leaning back against the wall, Ashley let the soft music from her cd player slowly lull her into a trance-like state.

      I know I'm kind of strange
      To you sometimes
      Don't always say
      What's on my mind
      You know that I've been hurt by some guy
      But I don't wanna mess up this time.

      And I really really really care
      And I really really really want you
      And I think I'm kinda scared
      Cause I don't want to lose you
      If you're really really really there
      Then maybe you can hang through
      I hope you understand
      It's nothing to you

      My heart's at a low
      I'm so much to manage
      I think you should know
      That I've been damaged
      I'm falling in love
      There's one disadvantage
      I think you should know
      That I've been damaged


      She had not been sitting there for too long. In fact, her song was only about halfway over before Ashley noticed a change in the room. Opening her eyes, she was surprised to see a shadow covering her. The shadow, of course, belonged to someone, but due to the lack of light she could not make out the man's face.

      "If the Ring cannot save Gondor, Miss, then I would very much like to know what can."

      Ashley immediately recognized the voice. It was Boromir. Standing, she took the headphones off her ears and set the cd player upon the ground.

      "Simple. Who among us has the power to unite an entire country?"
      Boromir stepped back from her for a moment, giving the woman a bit more room so she would not feel cornered between him and the wall. "I know not of such a man."
      "But you yourself recognized him, Boromir." Ashley replied, "Gondor has no king, you said it yourself. But what if it did? What if Aragorn could become the king of such a country? The spirits of the people would be lifted and an army that could very well take on Sauron's forces could be established."
      The man scoffed, "Aragorn is a mere Ranger, as I said it before. He has no true power, none to rule with any way." Boromir's eyes were dark, it was apparent the man did not hold Ashley's feelings for such a statement. "The Steward of Gondor, my father, looks to me to make good judgements in this realm. Handing over his kingdom to a lowly Ranger is not what he sent me here to do."
      "Tell me what you came here for and why." The woman stated simply.
      Boromir looked at her for a moment, puzzled. "In this evil hour I have come on an errand over many dangerous leagues to Elrond: a hundred and ten days I have journeyed alone. But I do not seek allies in war. The might of Elrond is in wisdom not in weapons, it is said. I come to ask for counsel and the unraveling of hard words. For on the eve of the sudden assault a dream came to my brother in a troubled sleep and afterwards a like dream came oft to him again, and once to me. In that dream I thought the eastern sky grew dark and there was a growing thunder, but in the West a pale light lingered, and out of it I heard a voice, remote but clear, crying:
      'Seek for the Sword that was broken:
      In Imladris it dwells;
      There shall be counsels taken
      Stronger that Morgul-spells.
      There shall be shown a token
      That Doom is near at hand.
      For Isildur's Bane shall waken,
      And the Halfling forth shall stand.'
      Of these words we could understand little, and we spoke to our father, Denethor, Lord of Minas Tirith, wise in the lore of Gondor. This only he would say, that Imladris was of old the name among the Elves of a far northern dale, where Elrond the Half-elven dwelt, greatest of lore-masters. Therefore my brother, seeing how desperate was our need, was eager to heed the dream and seek for Imladris; but since the way was full of doubt and danger, I took the journey upon myself. Loth was my father to give me leave, and long have I wandered by roads forgotten, seeking the house of Elrond, of which many had heard, but few knew where it lay."

      "Boromir," Ashley stared, becoming slightly annoyed with the man's stubbornness and pride. "Your father sent you here because he holds notions that the Ring is at hand. You said it yourself as well, speaking of Isildur's Bane as such. But there is another rhyme, though it wasn't prophetic but told a legend all it's own.
      'All that is gold does not glitter,
      Not all those who wander are lost;
      The old that is strong does not wither,
      Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
      From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
      A light from the shadows shall spring;
      Renewed shall be blade that was broken;
      The crownless again shall be king.'
      Can't you see that the only thing that will save Gondor is this fellowship? The Ring has to be destroyed and only the Ring bearer can do that."

      The man's eyes flashed in anger, "Aragorn cannot save Gondor, I care not what you think on that matter. The Ring could be used for good, not evil. If we only..."
      "No, you don't understand! The Ring could be used with good intent, but it would only create more greed for power and we'd be in the same situation again!" Ashley replied, glaring at him.

      Why did he press the issue ? She had given him a greater glimpse into the future than even Gandalf or Elrond had divulged from her. But still, Boromir did not understand and Ashley was beginning to realize how the Ring had taken such a powerful hold over him. She also was reminded, of the hold to come.

      She turned, picking up her cd player and began to walk away, "I leave you to your thoughts, Boromir. For apparently you do not desire my counsel and I wish for nothing more than peace and quiet."

      But Boromir was not finished. Quickly, with more speed then she thought he could posses, the man reached out and grabbed Ashley's elbow. She dropped her cd player and the chamber rang from the echo as it impacted with the floor. The man of Gondor swung her around to face him.

      "See here. You may know of certain things, but not everything in this world could be known by you. What makes you think that the people of Gondor are so weak as to let the Ring get out of control."
      Ashley glared up at him, "Because of exactly what you're doing now." she retorted, "You are too quick to anger and your pride is a downfall that will be your own undoing. The people may not be weak, but apparently their leaders are."
      These words stirred a deep anger in the man and he pulled her close, "How dare you speak such a thing." he whispered, anger bubbling in his words, "You insult my father, my brother, and you insult me."
      "If the shoe fits." she replied, but she was slowly beginning to see that this conversation could take a deadly turn.
      Boromir raised his first, clenching and unclenching his gloved hand numerous times, "I should kill you for such a remark and, though I find it dishonorable to strike a woman, in your case I may make an exception. In Gondor, speaking out so harshly about the rulers of the land can be punishable by death."
      Ashley realized she may have gotten herself in over her head, but she was not about to back down now. "We're not in Gondor, Boromir. And I think Lord Elrond and the others would have something to say if I suddenly came up missing." She shook her head, "No, killing me would not help your situation, nor that of Gondor itself."

      But the man was almost beyond speaking too, so enraged was he. But suddenly, when Ashley thought that there was nothing else she could do and that he would surely kill her, a hand appeared from nowhere, gripping Boromir's wrist tightly.

      The man looked to his left and saw angry blue eyes starring back at him.

      "Release her... now."

      Legolas' usually melodious voice was dark and deadly. His body, completely still. Boromir knew he could do nothing now and let go of the woman's elbow.

      Ashley turned, rubbing her sore arm, looking at the two.

      "Boromir, I suggest you either retire to your chambers or join the others for dinner in the main hall." Legolas' gaze then turned to Ashley, "Haithao le sammath, Nileregwen." *[Go to your chambers, Nileregwen.]*

      Ashley knew that Legolas was not angry with her, but decided to comply with his request anyway. It was most likely for her own protection that he wished her to go.

      Picking up her cd player form the ground, Ashley left the room where earlier she had found the peace and quiet which she so readily sought.

      Legolas turned back to Boromir, "Stay away from her, mortal man of Gondor and heed this warning. She knows more than you, more than I, more than Elrond or your father, Denethor. It would be wise to listen when she says something and to take her words to heart." The Elf shook his head, "But no, you are too prideful and stubborn for that. You rival even Elves and Dwarves in those areas, Boromir. Be wary of that."

      Legolas let the man's wrist go and carefully walked out of the chamber, following Ashley.

      Boromir however, was left alone. He had lost his appetite for food and the conversation which he had undergone left him both weary and ashamed. He had very nearly struck the woman, and all she had been doing was pointing out his own flaws. Perhaps the Ring was altogether evil and no good could come of it. But if so, what was Gondor to do? Surely she was wrong about Aragorn. Boromir returned to his own quarters as well, this time it was to ponder the events which had taken place.


      Ashley was sitting on her bed when Legolas entered. His face was an emotionless mask and the woman was slightly angered by this. She sighed, falling backwards onto the bed.

      "I could have handled him by myself."
      Legolas walked in, standing next to her bed. "Yes but, I was not so sure you would have come out as the victor."

      Ashley looked at him and it was enough to break the mask. Legolas smiled, knowing that she was far too eager to get into a fight, especially for such a small person.

      "I question not your resolve for the fight." He continued, "But, I am beginning to understand you a little more. You posses many of the best qualities of both Hobbits and Dwarves."
      "What?" She asked, "What are you talking about?"
      "Well," Legolas continued, sitting on the edge of her bed. "Maybe your short stature gives you such confidence that you believe you can take on the entire world. In that way, you are very much like the shorter races of Middle-earth."
      Ashley grabbed her pillow, throwing it at his head as she laughed. "Shut up..."

      Legolas caught the large object and placed it behind him on the bed. With a sigh, he leaned back. The Elf turned his head to look at her for a moment.

      "Challenging Boromir was not wise, Nil."
      Ashley smiled, "Yes but someone had to do it. He... he will be the downfall of everything, I know this."
      "Perhaps..." but Legolas shrugged, "Or maybe things will happen differently and the man can overcome his flaws."

      There was a long silence between the two. A small candle burnt on a bedside table, and aside from that and the light of the full moon, all was dark. Ashley looked at him again, the candle glinting off his delicate features.

      "How did you know where I was?" she asked.
      Legolas turned to face her again, "You forget about Elvish hearing, mellon nin. I was walking back from dinner and I heard raised voices in the chamber. When I came across the room, I stood in the doorway watching everything. But when Boromir raised his fist, I knew I had to do something so I quietly crept into the room. I am glad he was foolish enough not to turn as I came upon you two."
      "I didn't hear you either." Ashley admitted, "But then, Elves are very good at sneaking up on people."
      Legolas smiled, "Indeed we are."

      Another long silence. Ashley was scared, though she wished not to admit it, but she was frightened of Boromir in those moments. She wished that she had handled the situation differently, but there had been no other way.

      Legolas looked at her for a moment, brushing a strand of unrulely hair from her eyes. "You wish me not to go, do you not?"
      The woman nodded, "I'm afraid Boromir may come back."
      "Then I shall just have to keep watch over you all night." Legolas replied with a soft smile.
      "You couldn't." Ashley stated, looking at him with a startled expression. "I mean, you have to get some rest too. Tomorrow could very well be a busy day and I would not want you to be tired on my account."
      "I can get rest without truly sleeping." Legolas said, sitting up now, "Elves do not require the same sort of rest which mortals seek."
      Ashley blushed slightly in embarrasement, "Sorry, I forgot. But where will you sleep?" That was her main question.
      He was slightly taken aback by the question, "I suppose I could sleep in a chair, though that would be rather uncomfrotable. Maybe the floor perhaps?"
      The woman sighed, "No. You can't do that."
      "Any other suggestions?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.
      "I know I'm going to regret this in some way or another..." Ashley whispered, more to herself than anyone else. "I suppose we could just share the bed."
      Legolas smiled, "A much better suggestion."
      "Though just as friends." she added.
      The prince tried to hide his laughter, "Of course."
      "And only under these circumstances."
      This time Legolas could not stop the laughter and he smiled again, "I am getting the feeling that you do not wish to be around me very much."
      Ashley shook her head, "No no no. It's not that. It's just, well..."
      But Legolas knew what she was thinking and he turned away to hide his smirk, "I sometimes forget how prudish mortals can be."

      With a very dignified and mirthful, 'humph,' Ashley threw the pillow at Legolas once more. This time however, it impacted with the side of his head.


      After a few minutes Ashley was dressed and had crawled into bed. Legolas was at a loss however. He had nothing to change into, for all his night clothes were stored away in his chambers. So, having nothing else he could do, the prince slipped off his tunic and boots, deciding to sleep in his silver undershirt and leggings. He too got into bed and before long, with very few words shed between them, the Elf had fallen asleep.

      Ashley watched Legolas for long moments as he drifted into the waking dreams of Elven kind. She was finally able to tell that he slept when his breathing became very steady and his heartbeat lowered. Sighing, the woman found herself starring at him in the darkness until she too fell asleep upon her pillow. However, the remaining words from her cd player's song earlier, crept slowly through her mind as she drifted into dreams...

      I might look through you're stuff
      For what I don't want to find
      Or I might just set you up
      To see if you're all mine
      I'm a little paranoid
      From what I've been through
      You don't know what you've got yourself into.

      And I really really really care
      And I really really really want you
      And I think I'm kinda scared
      Cause I don't want to lose you
      If you're really really really there
      Then maybe you can hang through
      I hope you understand
      It's nothing to you

      My heart's at a low
      I'm so much to manage
      I think you should know
      That I've been damaged
      I'm falling in love
      There's one disadvantage
      I think you should know
      That I've been damaged

      My heart's at a low
      I'm so much to manage
      I think you should know
      That I've been damaged
      I'm falling in love
      There's one disadvantage
      I think you should know
      That I've been damaged

      And I really really really want you
      And I think I'm kinda scared
      Cause I don't want to lose you
      If you're really really really there
      Then maybe you can hang through
      I hope you understand
      It's nothing to you

      My heart's at a low
      I'm so much to manage
      I think you should know
      That I've been damaged
      I'm falling in love
      There's one disadvantage
      I think you should know
      That I've been damaged

      My heart's at a low
      I'm so much to manage
      I think you should know
      That I've been damaged
      I'm falling in love
      There's one disadvantage
      I think you should know
      That I've been damaged


Chapter 20: The Morning After