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Flashes of Light, Rulers of Fate

Chapter 21: A River Bridge and The Beginnings of War


~[ ]~ - indicates the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      ~ ~ ~ Hey Amy,

      You won't believe me even if I tell you this so, I won't. Okay, scratch that, I will. However, you have to promise not to let the others read this part, okay?
      Well, last night, after the incident with Boromir, I was frightened and definitely didn't want to be left alone so I umm... I uhhh... I asked Legolas to stay with me.
      Now, I know what you're thinking and yes, there's only one bed in my room but no, we didn't do anything and this I swear by all that is good and holy in Middle-earth!
      Long run on sentence...
      Anyway, Boromir apologized and then we all ran off to breakfast. There wasn't much to tell but, I have a question.
      Seeing as how my "Lord of the Rings" copy is now blank, how long did the fellowship remain in Rivendell?
      It's not that I'm eager too... okay, I want the journey to start, so find out for me... please!!!

      Laters! ~ ~ ~


      "My report may have set a heavy burden upon the hearts of all those assembled." Legolas said with a sad note to his voice. "How I wish it were not so."

      Ashley sighed as they walked. "It couldn't be helped, Legolas. Besides, didn't you already give that report before?"

      "Aye. This time was no easier either."

      A silence settled between the two as they explored the gardens all about Rivendell. Eventually, amidst the flowers and trees, they came across a small brook. Over this was a bridge, which looked quite familiar to the woman. As they crossed, she sat down upon it, her legs dangling over the side.

      "What are you doing?" the Elf asked, stopping beside her.

      Ashley looked up at him, "Just relaxing."

      "Whatever for?" he replied. "We shall leave very soon, it is best that we begin to prepare for the journey."

      Ashley tugged on his leggings to bring him down.

      She smiled as he sat next to her. "We're not leaving Rivendell for two full months. I suggest that we just relax and enjoy the peace and quiet."

      Legolas sighed, "Forgive me, I suppose that you are quite right. I remember now that we stayed for some time in this peaceful sanctuary." he smiled, "It is easy to forget the passage of time when one is immortal."

      The woman shoved him slightly, "Rub it in why don't ya."

      But she too laughed.

      It was impossible to be angry, even mock angry, with the Elf, even when he did deserve it.

      Ashley sighed, laying back on the bridge and watching clouds drift slowly by overhead.

      "You know what I think."

      Legolas looked at her, an eyebrow raised in curiosity.

      "I think that everything's going to change when we leave Imladris. I mean, not like the people in the fellowship, though for some that might be the case, but everyone's outlook on life. I mean, it's going to be hard to be optimistic deep down in the depths of the earth."

      The Elf nodded, laying back as well. "To that I must agree. My first trip to the Mines of Moria was quite shocking, it is unpleasant to think of having to return."

      "Unpleasant?" Ashley replied, "Was it unpleasant or was it frightening?"

      Legolas thought for a moment, "Both actually. I dislike caves, that much is true, so it was very uncomfortable and unpleasant to be within them for such a long period of time. However, the Balrog of Morgoth..." he paused, averting his eyes from her gaze. "Facing such a terrible beast once more strikes me with fear. 'Tis the greatest of all Elf banes, save for Sauron the Dark Lord himself. To encounter such a creature, not once but twice..." Legolas shuddered slightly, but Ashley noticed the movement.

      Placing her own hand over his, Ashley sat up on her elbows, looking directly into the Elf's face. Legolas' gaze drifted to her own. A mixture of surprise swam in the depths of his blue eyes, but he remained silent, sensing she had something to say.

      "It's okay to be frightened of such a thing." The woman replied, the Elf's hand clasped firmly in her own. "I know things about this journey, you mustn't forget that, and it frightens me as well. But, here I am, ready and willing to help out and see that this Ring is destroyed once and for all. Terrible darkness looms before the fellowship and sorrow and tragedy follow in it's footsteps, but it has to be done." She smiled, sensing some of the tension within the prince fade. "You too have overcome much. Why, you've volunteered for such a mission twice! And that, in itself, is commendable. You shall be fine, I swear it."

      Legolas returned her smile, now leaning on his left elbow. They sat like that for quite some time, in the silence and peace which filled the air about them. Somehow, words were not needed, for they would have disturbed the serenity of the atmosphere. But soon, Ashley began to laugh.

      "That tickles." She squeaked, trying to pull her hand away from Legolas.

      The prince had been gently playing with her fingers as they relaxed, saying nothing and thinking nothing in particular. But now, he had the urge to be playful, and was beginning to lightly tickle her fingers.

      However, the Elf was not about to left go. "It tickles? Come now, that can not tickle. Now this..."

      And it was on. The tickle war to end all tickle wars had begun. Ashley tried to roll away, but she was caught fast and being mercilessly assaulted by enemy fire to the ribs. She laughed, unable to contain her high pitched squeaks.

      "AH! Stop it! Legolas!!!"

      Eventually, Ashley found a way to fight back. The woman had figured out that Legolas himself was ticklish as well, and she began to dish out a taste of his own medicine. Attacking his ribs, Ashley learned that he was as susceptible to such tactics as she herself had been.

      After long moments of fighting for their own lives, and for air nonetheless, Legolas eventually gave in.

      "Ai! Ai! Enough!" the Elf laughed, holding his sides.

      Ashley fell backwards onto the bridge, "Had enough?"

      Legolas nodded, though he was still too busy attempting to draw air into his thirsting lungs.

      The woman was exhausted, having spent a lot of energy in an attempt to win this small war. She wondered what Amy would say when she told her that she had bested the Elf. Ashley smiled, looking over at Legolas who was starring at her, a smile on his face.


      "Who taught you such tactics?"

      Ashley laughed, closing her eyes and taking a few breaths of air, "I always get tickled. I learned from some of the best, like Amy for instance." she took another breath, "I'm glad it came in handy."

      Legolas nodded, "Indeed. Even the twins, Elrohir and Elladan, could never best me in such a match. I must congratulate you."

      "That's not necessary." She replied, a twinkle of mirth in her eyes, "I got the better of you this once. Who is to say it would happen again."

      "Is that a challenge?" The prince asked, looking at her for a moment.

      Ashley nodded, "That's what it sounds likeeeeeeeeee! AHHHH!"

      And once again, as laughter filled the air about them, the tickle war began it's second battle.


      "So, what do you think of this, Aragorn?"

      The ranger looked at his companion. "It displeases me that such a thing occurred. Always have we trusted the people of Mirkwood, it must have been a terrible scene to come upon."

      "As I understand it, Legolas was the one to find his comrades at the site." Boromir put in, walking alongside the elder man.

      "Indeed. Though, the watch had been only a handful of guards, they had still all been slain or taken. Death is not easy for an Elf to see."

      Boromir snorted, "You make it sound like they have never seen someone die before."

      Strider stopped, looking at the other man, "That is just it, Boromir. They have not. Legolas no more knows of death than you know of flying above the trees. It is foreign to him, and I fear that this fellowship's journey will be an ill revelation to him."

      "But surely he has slain Orcs before. Those would have died. Is he not a warrior?"

      Aragorn nodded, "He is and he has. But to loose one close to him, a friend or a companion, that is something he knows nothing of. I have learned from Ashley, that not everyone shall come through this trial unscathed."

      At the mention of the woman's name however, Boromir changed the subject. "And where might Ashley be this afternoon? She left quickly after the meeting this morning and I have not seen her since."

      "And Legolas has also been absent..." Aragorn voiced.

      The man willed his mind to not finish that sentence. He had trust and faith in Legolas and knew that his Elven friend would not put himself in the same situation. Last night had been for her own protection, he had voiced that feeling quite obviously.

      "Perhaps we..."

      However, before the ranger could finish his sentence, a high pitched 'NO!' could be heard from somewhere nearby.

      Aragorn and Boromir looked at one another and, fearing something wrong, dashed toward the sound. They stopped however when, peeking over the top of a tall bush, the two spotted Ashley and Legolas.

      "Legolas, this isn't funny! Stop! You win this time! I swear!"

      The Elf fell over onto his back, looking up at the clouds. "It seems I have not lost this war."

      Ashley looked at him, her face red from laughing, "OH! That's it! I'm not going to let you live with such a victory! Few tickle me and live to tell the tale."

      But Legolas began to laugh again, holding his sides as he did so. The woman smiled, laying on the bridge beside him.

      "Okay, so maybe you're the better tickler. But you have yet to win this war."

      The Elf looked at her for a moment. "Is that another challenge?"


      Aragorn stepped from the bushes, clearing his throat as he did so. This of course caused both Legolas and Ashley to look up and acknowledge his appearance. The Elf smiled, waving a hand to his friend, his mind thinking of it as nothing more than playful antics. Ashley however, blushed and blushed furiously.

      The ranger laughed, "I see you two are having fun."

      Ashley could find no words, however the prince spoke up for her instead. "Indeed, Estel. Ashley was merely teaching me the tactics one would use in her world for such a war. One that I am nearly unbeatable in, until now."

      Aragorn nodded, looking at Ashley and hiding the smirk on his face. She was blushing bright red after all, a sight which would have sparked laughter in anyone. Anyone except for Boromir.

      The man of Gondor stepped from the bushes as well. Legolas regarded him with a calm demeanor as Ashley met the man's gaze. His eyes rested on her, piercing through the woman's thoughts, and she felt like shrinking back. But she was not about to give in to him, she had not during their rather loud fight, she would not now.

      "Aragorn. Boromir." Ashley nodded to each in turn. "I'm sorry for you finding us like this. Legolas is very good at tickling."

      Aragorn laughed, "That I know all too well. It seems popular among Elves, to tickle I mean. I know the twins can be heard clear up into the hills sometimes."

      At this the woman laughed. She stood, with the help of Legolas who had just regained his footing.

      "So, what were the two of you speaking of?" Legolas asked, turning from Ashley to the two men.

      Aragorn shurgged, "We spoke of your news actually. A terribly tragedy, which I am very sorry for. I..."

      But Legolas shook his head, "Think nothing of it. The people of Mirkwood now know that more than the Dark Lord is their enemy. The threat of spiders grows daily and now, with Saruman turned against us, there is little we can do save for retreat further into our protected realm."

      "And exactly how is your realm protected?" Boromir asked, his arms crossed over his chest.

      The prince looked at him for a moment, "The Elves of Mirkwood have their own ways for protecting what is theirs. Though we posses not a Ring of Power, we have managed for millennia and will continue to do so."

      Ashley stood in silence, pondering over why Boromir would be so interested in the Mirkwood forests. But she shook off the thought and leaned over the bridge's railing, watching the water flow silently beneath.

      "And what think you of Saruman's treachery?" Aragorn asked.

      Legolas shook his head, "I think of it as a waste to tell the truth. Saruman's skills should have been used for the good of Arda, not for it's destruction. I believe that..."

      "I believe that perhaps this turn in discussion has bored your guest." Boromir cut in, looking from Legolas to Ashley.

      When the woman realized whom he spoke of, she turned. A slightly startled look crept into her features and she shook her head.

      "No, no. Continue, please."

      "A word with you, if you can spare it, Miss."

      Ashley looked at Boromir for a second. He wanted to talk with her, but why. What was he up to? Did he wish to continue their discussion from the previous evening? She thought they had patched that misunderstanding up. Or had they? Her gaze turned to Legolas', who spoke volumes with his eyes. It was clear to her that the Elf still did not trust this man, but it was her own decision and, if worst came to worst, he would always hear her if she called for help.

      She looked back to Boromir, "Of course. If you two will excuse us."

      Together, the two walked over the bridge and disappeared into another part of Rivendell's gardens.

      "I wonder what that is about." Aragorn said, his interest in previous topics completely lost.

      Legolas' narrowed eyes followed them, "I wonder that myself."


Chapter 22: How Many Talks Can One Have?