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Flashes of Light, Rulers of Fate

Chapter 23: An Unforgettable Evening


~[ ]~ - indicates the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      ~ ~ ~ Hey Amy,

      I swear, Boromir is going to drive me up the wall.
      I don't quite know what he's thinking but, if he continues on in this way, I swear that I'll tell him about Amon Hen!
      I swear it!
      I can't believe this is happening...
      Coming here is now sounding like a very VERY bad idea!

      Laters! ~ ~ ~


      "I said I didn't want to talk about it!" Ashley yelled at the closed door to her chambers.

      Legolas stood on the opposite side of that closed entrance.

      "Please, Nil. I want to help you but I cannot if you lock me out."

      The woman shuddered. She did not really wish to tell anyone what Boromir had said. Partially because she really did care for Legolas and partially because she knew that what the man had said was true.

      "Look, just please, go away, Legolas."

      However, the Mirkwood prince was not about to let the subject drop. "Did Boromir say something to upset you? Please, I only want to help."

      Ashley sighed. About thirty minutes earlier, the Elf had found her chatting away with the Hobbits in the Hall of Fire. She had not thought anything of it until he began to ask questions about her and Boromir's conversations. The woman had excused herself from the great hall and retired to her room, Legolas following her every step of the way. It was sweet, truly he meant well and she knew that, but she did not want to talk about Boromir. It had been painful enough when the man from Gondor had seen through her, known what she had felt before. He was right. A relationship with an immortal would always turn out bad in the end. Ashley knew what was to happen to Arwen after Aragorn passed on, she would die of grief.

      "I don't want to hurt you, Legolas." She had told him before slamming the door in his face.

      But the archer would not let up. "You shall not hurt me." he had replied, not really knowing what she had meant.

      Now, as he stood at her closed door, Ashley began to wonder what she could say to make him leave her be.

      "Nil, I only want to listen."

      Ashley spun around, seeing Legolas standing on her balcony. "I can't even get peace in my own room!"

      She was angry, upset, and afraid of what might happen. Turning, the woman was about to unlock her door and leave when Legolas' gentle hand on her arm stopped her. She looked to the side, his eyes holding immense amounts of worry.

      "Please, tell me what is wrong."

      Ashley sighed, feeling as if she might faint. "Boromir was right. Remember... remember that night when you walked in on my phone conversation?"

      The Elf nodded.

      "Amy and I, she... she wondered if I was in love with you and... well... at the time I didn't want to be. Things had happened to me and I despised the prospect of being in love again. But now, after I've gotten to know you and seen the way you stood up to Boromir for me, I..." the woman's eyes wandered to the floor, afraid to look up and find something unwished in the Elf's features. "I think I'm in love with you."

      Legolas was taken aback. He had thought that she was, but had brushed off that possibility after the last evening. The prince could barely fathom the prospect because, it showed that Aragorn had been right all along.

      "I know." His voice was soft and melodious.

      Ashley looked up, "What?"

      "I know. Somehow, I have always known." he sighed, "Estel has been teasing me about you and it had me wondering that maybe you did have feelings for me. But I... I did not want to place myself in the same position as Estel."

      The woman's eyes lit up, "I know, that's what Boromir said. Kind of..."

      Legolas, taking her by the hand, walked over to the room's small sofa and there they both sat down. "Tell me, what did he say?"

      She was ashamed to even look at him at first, "He said that any relationship between a mortal and immortal would only bring about pain." the woman looked up into his eyes, "And he's right. I know that he's right. Aragorn..." she stopped suddenly, remembering that this had yet to happen.

      "What about him?" The urgency in his voice showed through as the prince spoke.

      Ashley shook her head, "I'm not supposed to tell anyone."


      She looked at him again, his blue eyes steady and unwavering.

      "Tell me. I swear to you that I shall never speak of it to anyone else."

      Closing her eyes and sighing, she continued, "Aragorn will pass on one day, he's mortal. But Arwen, she will be left to die of her grief."

      Legolas understood now. It was an issue that he and the Dunadan had spoken of before, many times in fact. But to hear it come from her, it caused the prince great sadness.

      Looking to him, Ashley could see the sorrow in his eyes and, without thinking, she flung her arms about his shoulders in a hug.

      "I am so sorry. I didn't want to tell you."

      But the Elf simply nodded, "I know. I asked you to and for that I cannot blame you. Perhaps now," he started, as the woman's hands slipped from his shoulders and he looked back into her eyes. "Perhaps now I understand that which Boromir spoke of. He fears a great hurt upon you, knowing that if we were to fall in love, that you would pass on one day and I would grieve for you until it destroyed me."

      The woman frowned, "There is something else that worries me."

      Legolas quirked an eyebrow in question.

      "Boromir I think he... well... I don't know how to explain it but the fact that he worries over such a matter. It's personal to us, he shouldn't have known about it. He shouldn't have known so much about me, yet he did."

      "He said more?" the prince asked.

      Ashley nodded, "He said, not asked, that I had been hurt before."

      A frown came to the Elf's face, "I remember you speaking of it before. But how did Boromir know?"

      "That's what I can't figure out. It was as if he could read me, inside and out. As if he had studied me as I myself have studied your world."

      Legolas shook his head, "Perhaps Boromir is just infatuated with you?"

      "I thought that to because..." she stopped, looking at the smirk on Legolas' face. "Stop teasing me. This is no time for games, Legolas!"

      He laughed, "I am truly sorry. I merely thought that some mirth in this most depressing conversation would help you some."

      Ashley smiled, though she really had not meant to, "You can always cheer people up, can't you?"

      "Well," Legolas replied with a shrug, "It never hurts to try. Now." He took her hands and they both stood, "Dinner should be soon and, now that you have no longer locked yourself away, we should join the others.

      "Legolas, I..."

      "Shhh." He replied, putting a finger to her lips, "Do not apologize, for it was not your fault to begin with. You merely wished to keep some things hidden and for that, I hold nothing against you." the prince laughed, "Now come, or we shall be late."

      With those words spoken, the two went off to dinner.


      "Do you not wish to join the others in the Hall of Fire for music and song?" Legolas asked, walking with Ashley back to her room.

      The woman shook her head slightly, "No, I'm kind of tired. Though, I do hope that you would stay with me for a while. It seems that, with what Boromir said I mean, that it won't be the last time he brings it up. Me not being in the Hall of Fire tonight, may cause him to come looking and, well, I'd rather not be alone with him if I don't have to be."

      Legolas smiled, "Of course I would stay with you. 'Tis a pleasure."

      "Now I know you're lying." she replied, opening the door to her chamber.

      Laughing, the Elf shook his head, "Nay, I am merely showing you what an honor it is that you have bestowed upon me."

      "Legolas!" The woman scolded, "Your teasing me again, quit it!"

      But he laughed once more, leaning against the door frame.

      Ashley walked over to her dresser, or rather, the dresser which was part of her chamber. She picked up a brush from it's top, combing it gently through her hair.

      "Do you think we'll be able to hear the music from here?"

      Legolas nodded, "Of course. Lord Elrond has ordered all kinds of wonderful instruments to play tonight. Strings, woodwinds, anything and everything you could possibly imagine."

      "Sounds lovely." The woman said, closing her eyes.

      Suddenly, music began. It was light at first, barely to be heard. But soon it swelled to a crescendo beyond imagination. It was the most beautiful sound Ashley had ever heard. All her years with music, she had never been touched so by an instrument. Not in all her years.

      Turning, she found Legolas starring at her. Self consciously, she blushed, realizing that asking him to stay with her was rather awkward.

      "If you would wish to leave, Legolas, I would understand completely. It does seem a bit..."

      But he cut her off, "Nay, but I would like to ask you one favor."

      "Anything." the woman replied with a smile.

      Legolas' demeanor became serious, "Would you dance with me?"

      She was quite taken aback by this request. Wearing a simple dress which had been loaned to her by the Elves, she did not think she wore the proper attire for dancing. Though, as she noticed, neither did he. Legolas had taken his tunic and vambraces off sometime during the day and now wore his simple silver high collared shirt. He looked elegant nonetheless, which was only to be expected of Elves.

      "I'm afraid that I'm poorly dressed to dance, Legolas."

      But the Elf shook his head, "Nay, you look wonderful."

      He stepped forward then, as the music crescendoed once more, taking her hand in his own.

      "Legolas, I..."

      "Shhhh. Just enjoy the music." He replied, pulling her close.

      They danced like that for some time, partly like a waltz and then sometimes in a slow dance. Ashley was rather unfamiliar with some of the steps used, but Legolas guided her through nevertheless. Elvish dancing was not unlike ballroom dancing, or so she thought. The woman imagined herself in a beautiful gown, one that she had worn during her high school years, brightly colored and sparkling in the fading sun's light. That same light played on Legolas' features, making him all the more radiant and handsome than he had ever been. Images of Legolas standing in the doorway to Frodo's room in Minas Tirith sprung into her vision. The light upon his face was breathtaking. These thoughts brought to mind something the woman had read about the Sindar Elves being the fairest of all.

      In that moment, she whole heartedly agreed.

      The music continued on, for perhaps five, ten minutes. It was beautiful. The melody could have carried you away to far off places where only the imagination could take you. But imagination was not needed for Ashley, she was already in a land of her dreams. Middle-earth, a place where anything could happen and, apparently, one could fall in love with the most wonderful person imaginable.


      The Elf looked down into her eyes, "Yes?"

      They twirled about the floor of her chamber as the sun's setting rays drifted softly through the window.

      "Why did you ask me to dance with you?"

      Legolas stopped, though the music continued in the background. It rose and fell as he struggled to find the correct words.

      "It... it is simple." he said with a smile, touching the side of her face. "I think I have fallen in love with you."

      The music played softly as their eyes locked, holding one another's gaze. Ashley had wished for this ever since their meeting. Legolas had tried to deny his feelings for days. In the end, Aragorn had been right. The Elven prince was truly in love, no matter what his mind told him. It was his heart, like that of all Elves, which spoke for him.

      The woman smiled slightly, a slight red tinge coming to her cheeks.

      "You are blushing." the prince said with a smile.

      She touched his hand, the same one upon the side of her face, "I don't know why. I've waited for this for such a long time."

      Legolas looked at her a moment, the music and the lighting had set the mood, just as he had originally planned. His eyes twinkled with joy and mirth, for nothing had given him this much pleasure in a long time.

      Slowly, as the music crescendoed to it's highest peak, the prince kissed her. With the swelling of such a sweet Elven tune, nothing more could have made that single moment more romantic.

      Ashley kissed him back, for what seemed like ages but lasted only a few seconds. When Legolas pulled away, looking deep into her eyes, he smiled.

      "I truly do love you, Nileregwen."

      The woman gazed back at him, her brown eyes meeting his blue ones. "And I you, caun nin." *[my prince]*

      As the music continued, they kissed once more, holding each other tightly, wishing never to let go.

      It was turning out to be the best night of their lives.


Chapter 24: Doubts Revealed