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Flashes of Light, Rulers of Fate

Chapter 24: Doubts Revealed


~[ ]~ - indicates the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      ~ ~ ~ Hey Amy,

Last night...

      How can I even begin to describe how much fun I had last night.
      And no, not like that. But seriously. Legolas and I danced well into the late evening. It was marvelous.
      And now, not only does he know how I feel for him, but he feels the same for me.
      But I've got to go.

      Laters! ~ ~ ~


      This place is so warm and comfortable, Ashley thought. Wherever this place was.

      She dared not open her eyes, for fear that the pleasant sensation would fade from existence. Sunlight tried to rouse her from sleep, but she would not allow that. Everything was so wonderful and her mind drifted back to memories of song and dance from the previous evening.

      Suddenly, the hand wrapped about her waist shifted slightly and it was then that the woman truly remembered where she was.

      Opening her eyes, Ashley was greeted by early morning sunshine, as well as blonde hair blowing lightly in her face. She turned her head and smiled. Legolas' blue eyes rested on her.

      "So you are awake?" he smiled, having sensed the change in her breathing and heartbeat as she woke.

      Ashley nodded, "I am, though I have to admitt that I didn't think that you'd be beside me when I woke."

      The Elf laughed, "I would have left, but you fell asleep with your head on my shoulder and I dared not wake you"

      "Is that why we're wrapped in a blanket on the balcony?"

      Legolas nodded, "It is."

      She sighed, leaning her head back on his shoulder. "I remember dancing, which was lovely beyond words, and then I remembered sitting here with you to talk."

      "Then you fell asleep." he added, resting his own head upon hers.

      Ashley sat there for a while, contemplating everything and yet nothing at the same time. It was not until one interesting thought entered her head, that she broke the peaceful silence about them.

      "Why did you change your mind?" she asked, glancing up at him. "About me that is."

      Legolas sighed as he looked out into Rivendell's vast valley. The honest truth was hard to explain. Even the prince himself was not sure as to why the change.

      "I tried to be logical." he replied with another sigh, his voice sad and unsure. "Aragorn and I have talked about his love of Arwen many times and I suppose that, when I realized my own feelings for you, I thought of them." the Elf paused for a moment, not sure how to proceed. "Back on Earth, I was not in love with you. I was immensly grateful, yes, but not in love. Now over the past month, I have started to come to terms with my own heart."

      Ashley smiled, her eyes closed, reveling in such a comfortable morning. "And Aragorn had nothing to do with your, 'coming to terms'?"

      The Elf frowned, "He did, somewhat. Well, I never really listened to my heart, about this, until Estel brought it to my attention."

      "And when was that?"

      "The night before I left for Mirkwood." he replied, tightening his hold on the woman's waist.

      Ashley began to laugh, "I knew it!"


      "I thought you looked troubled when you left. Now I know for a fact that you weren't mad at me."

      Legolas smiled, "Me? Angry with you? You must be jesting."

      She returned the smile and was about to say something more when there was a knock upon the door. Ashley frowned, looking at Legolas. He merely shrugged, untangling his arm from the woman's waist. He stood, walking toward the door. As the Elf opened it however, he was taken aback as both Merry and Pippin scrambled into the room.

      Ashley immediately began to laugh, seeing the distress of the two Hobbits and realizing that they had probably just pulled a horrible prank.

      "Sorry to be bursting in like this." Merry said, panting for breath.

      Of course, then he noticed that Legolas was the one who opened the door, and not Ashley.

      "Where's Ashley?" the curious Hobbit inquired.

      Legolas smiled but, before he could say anything, she walked in from the balcony. The woman was still wearing the simple dress from the previous day.

      Merry and Pippin looked from Legolas to Ashley and back again as understanding dawned on their faces.

      "Oh, I see you two made up then." Pippin said, before being elbowed in the ribs by his cousin.

      The woman smiled, "And I see two Hobbits who look so guilty that I shudder to ask what you're up too. Elladan and Elrohir are gone, so who fell to your tricks this time?"

      It had become common knowledge that the Hobbits and the twins of Elrond had declared a contest of tricks. Each trying to outdue the other.

      Merry's face paled slightly, "Well, we thought that Boromir could use a little cheering up. He's been so grumpy these past two weeks, and well..."

      Legolas frowned, "Certainly you did not..."

      Before the Elf could finish his sentence however, a loud crash echoed down the hall, followed by a shouted curse.

      "It seems you've upset him more than cheered him up." Ashley replied, her hands on her hips. "I suggest you go apologize."

      Both Hobbits knew she was right, yet they were loath to leave. Each knew that Boromir might become even angrier if he knew exactly who had caused a bucket of freezing water to come tumbling down upon his head.

      "Merry. Pippin." Legolas said in a stern voice, causing the two Hobbits to look up at him. "You heard her, go apologize. I am quite sure that Boromir already knows it was the two of you and it would be better to seek him out first."

      The older Hobbit nodded, "Alright. Come on, Pip."

      As Merry and Pippin left to find Boromir, Ashley looked at Legolas.

      He smiled, "Let me guess. You want me to make sure nothing happens to them, correct?"

      The woman nodded, "And in the mean time, I need to freshen up. It wouldn't do to be absent from breakfast."

      "Then I shall see you shortly." the Elf replied, leaving the room.

      Ashley sighed, looking at the journal sitting atop the room's desk. It was the same journal which Amy had given her.

      "What am I going to tell them this time?" she whispered, before going into the closet to locate a change of clothes.


Chapter 25: Mirkwood's Song of Hope