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Flashes of Light, Rulers of Fate

Chapter 25: Mirkwood's Song of Hope


~[ ]~ - indicates the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      ~ ~ ~ Hey Amy,

      Yeah hi.... ummmm.... I really don't want to be telling you guys anything right now. I mean, I'm awfully busy and all so ummm.... I'll see you later then.

      Laters! ~ ~ ~


      ~ ~ ~ Ashley,

      Girl friend, that's not how it works. And this is Danielle by the way. We demand an explanation.
      Apparently time passes differently there because it's only been like a day or so. It takes us forever to read your journal entries because of the time difference. I actually stole the journal from Amy, since she had class and just happened to leave it in her dorm room.
      But seriously, Ash, you really need to tell us everything that's going on. Mark's dying to know! He's obsessed with the fact that you've got a front row seat to all of Middle-earth. Kenneth's just wondering if you're having fun. Becca and Amy are both wanting to know what Aragorn's like and Jessica's trippin' out because you're hanging out with Elrohir and Elladan and all those other Elves. Myself... well... I just want to keep an eye on little Frodo.
      By the way, how are things going with Legolas?

      Laters! ~ ~ ~


      "Another song!" Frodo called over the roar of a great fire.

      Everyone was gathered in the Hall of Fire, where Arwen had just finished an interesting tale. Never before had Ashley thought it possible to behold such a lovely sound. But Arwen sang like no one she had ever heard in her life. It was truly amazing and, apparently, the Hobbits wanted more.

      "Nay good friends. One is enough for tonight. However, I am sure you can find someone else who shall serenade you throughout this evening." The Elven Lady replied, seating herself in one of the larger chairs in the room.

      Ashley smiled, "Perhaps Legolas could entertain us with a song?"

      The Elven Prince glanced at her a moment, his face flushing slightly in the heat of the room. It was true, he had sang before on many occasions, but that was before Ashley had come. It was long before anything had truly happened with the fate of Middle-earth. Now, Legolas was not so sure he should sing of a happy time or not.

      "Perhaps another time." He replied, directing his gaze elsewhere.

      Pippin crossed his arms over his chest, "Come now, Legolas. I think we are entitled to hear one of your own tales. Ashley tells me you have quite a few."

      "How did you?..." but the Elf's question trailed off as he saw the knowing look in the woman's eyes. "Of course... I probably sang during the journey. Did I not?"

      Ashley nodded, "You did. You graced them all with the song of Nimrodel. I was hoping though, for something of your own creation..."

      Legolas smiled, "And what would happen, pray tell, if I refused to accept your request to a song?"

      "I don't know..." The woman replied, a smirk on her face. "Perhaps we would just have to see who was the master of that little technique you taught me yesterday."

      "You would not!" The Elf cried, almost certain that she was joking.

      Ashley smiled, "I would too! I've been practicing I'll have you know. Merry and Pippin can vouch for that."

      Both Hobbits nodded.

      "She's right, ya know, Legolas. You can no' beat her." Pippin said with a shrug.

      Merry smiled, "Besides, she's already bested us as well."

      "Impossible." Legolas shook his head. "Then I am afraid I shall have to grace you with a tune, least I become her latest victim."

      Elrond looked from the Elven prince to the woman at his side. "Is there something I should know about the two of you?" he asked, seeing how Ashley's head rested upon Legolas' shoulder.

      "Nay, Lord Elrond. 'Tis but a friendly banter and nothing more." Legolas replied, glancing at the woman.

      But Ashley just smiled, "Banter is it? Well, get on with it, Legolas. We haven't got all night."

      The archer sighed as he closed his eyes. Legolas leaned his head back against the sofa upon which he and Ashley sat. His arm was about her shoulders and he smiled slightly, having finally come up with a song she had never heard before. In all honesty, Legolas had only made it up about a month ago. So, he was not quite sure how it would be received in the House of Elrond.

      And then, the prince began to sing. It was a wondrous melody the likes of which had not been heard in Imladris in some time. It was of Silven origin, and not to be known amongst the Noldor. Legolas' voice flowed with an expert grace that could only come from one of the First Born of Middle-earth.

      "The trees were fair in that age
      And noble, strong, and proud.
      When green was in the sturdy boughs
      Of the forest of Greenwood.

      I used to sit and wander there
      Beneath the leaves of green.
      Before the world fell dark once more
      And Dol Guldor appeared.

      An evil spread across the land
      It reached out far and wide.
      And though the Elves fought valiantly
      Many perished and died.

      The darkness crept into the land
      Filling it with death and fear.
      No longer is it Greenwood the Great
      But the shadow of evil still.

      Mirkwood is the name by which
      This once fair forest goes.
      By our power we drive back the dark
      And keep the evil at bay.

      One day we shall be victorious
      And our light shall cover the land.
      Until then let the spiders roam
      Let the Orcs travel by night.

      One day we shall be victorious
      And our light shall cover the land.
      But until then let it be known
      That the Elves shall always stand."

      When Legolas had finished, he opened his eyes once more. The first thing the archer realized, was that everyone was quietly contemplating his words. The second thing that came to his attention was the fact that Ashley's eyes were on him.

      "How truly sad..." she said, starring intently at the Elf.

      Legolas merely smiled softly, "'Tis what we of Mirkwood believe. One day we shall drive out all of the darkness in our forests and, until that day comes, we must fight the shadows with everything we have."

      Ashley smiled in return, "Your forest will be beautiful again, Legolas. This is promise you."

      Silence hung in the air about them as the entire hall pondered Legolas' words. None had ever heard the song for, as the prince had known, it was new to all ears save his own.

      Elrond cleared his throat, "Perhaps then we should all retire for the evening. The hour has grown late indeed."

      Legolas stood, bowing, "I am sorry, Lord Elrond, if my words have offended you in any way."

      "Nay, Legolas. It was not your words but my own weariness. So long has Imladris been outside the influence of evil that sometimes I believe we are all immune to it. Now, I see once more, that this is not the case. But come, let us all to bed, for one never knows what the morrow may bring."

      As Ashley and Legolas left the Hall of Fire, Gandalf appeared, seemingly out of nowhere.

      "Legolas, a word if you will." the wizard said with a nod of his head.

      Ashley smiled, "Go on. I'm tired and I'm going to go straight to bed. Just make sure you don't stay up all night. You did promise me archery lessons tomorrow after all."

      "Of course. How could I forget?" Legolas replied with a smile of his own before exiting the grand hallway by another smaller branch.


      "Mithrandir, is your news urgent?" The Elf asked once they had arrived outside of the walls of Imladris' main house.

      Gandalf merely looked at the prince before him, "We must speak... it is about you and Ashley and it can not wait."

      Suddenly, a dreadful feeling of unease worked it's way into Legolas' heart. Mithrandir wished to speak with him urgently on matters concerning himself and Nil. It was only too obvious that the two had been spending more and more time together as of late. But what could Gandalf possibly have to tell him that was so urgent?

      "Mithrandir, please tell me. If this is interfering with the journey in any way, I would wish to know. I..."

      But the Istari held up his hand, "Legolas, young Legolas... 'tis not to worry you why I have wanted to speak to you. I have joyous news which may lighten the burden you now carry upon yourself."

      "I do not understand." Legoals countered. "What burden do you speak of?"

      Gandalf smiled, "You love this girl, do you not?" But before the prince could speak he continued, "Yet you fear that you shall be in the same situation as Aragorn and Arwen. Their fates were meant to be, Legolas, none can stop that. But you, you are meant to live forever, not to give up your immortality. You Legolas, shall have a full and very long life."

      "But how... how can you say that when... when you know that Nil and I... that I.... that I love her, Mithrandir? How can you even suggest such a thing?" Legolas' features twisted into shock.

      Was the Istari serious? Could they love one another without either having to give up their lives?

      The wizard shook his head with a slight laugh, "Legolas, I can suggest such a thing because I know of certain circumstances which you do not. Apparently, there has been a slight change in that woman of yours since she came to Middle-earth. In the beginning, Elrond and I thought it merely some sort of sickness which can sometimes affect the race of Men. But now we both see that this is not the case."

      "Mithrandir, please tell me. Give me a straight answer, please!" Legolas begged, his curiosity getting the better of him.

      Gandalf smiled, "Due to her crossing into this existence, Ashley has become an immortal. Exactly like the race of the Elves."


Chapter 26: Archery Lessons Can Be Murder