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"Natha Daged Dhaer: They Are All Going To Die!"

A Lord of the Rings Fanfiction
By, LegolasLover2003

Chapter 1: The Last Homely House, Rivendell Chapter 2: The Road To The Forests Chapter 3: The Halls of The Elven Kings Chapter 4: Home At Last for Legolas Chapter 5: Time Alone to Think
Chapter 6: The Path of War Chapter 7: A Dark Day for Mirkwood Chapter 8: Breaking The Fall Chapter 9: Dealing With Loss Chapter 10: Return of an Immortal Enemy
Chapter 11: Labyrinth of Caves Chapter 12: A Cry In The Dark Chapter 13: The Smell of Blood Chapter 14: Warm Rays of the Sun Chapter 15: In A Heartbeat
Chapter 16: The Fading Light of Hope Chapter 17: Dreams of Darkness and Despair Chapter 18: Where Is My True Friend? Chapter 19: Chocolate Covered Lies Chapter 20: The Hush of Nightfall
Chapter 21: Immortality Lost?! Chapter 22: The Path To Healing Chapter 23: Questions And Answers Chapter 24: A Final Plan of Attack Chapter 25: Death For Breakfast
Chapter 26: Unnatural Silence Chapter 27: The End of a Nightmare Chapter 28: Grief's Breath of Life Chapter 29: Life's Celebration Chapter 30: What Must I Do?


Can also be found at under the username of:



I do not own anything related to The Lord Of The Rings.
It is all the property of the great, J.R.R. Tolkien.
I merely visit his world and interpret, for myself, my opinion of other events.
There are sometimes poems or songs used from Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, such as in Chapters 1, 2, 4, and 10.
Also, the song which Aragorn sings in Chapter 17, as well as the small quotation at the end of Chapter 27 both come from the motion picture soundtrack for Black Hawk Down
Thank you.


For the sequal to "Natha Daged Dhaer: They Are All Going To Die!" please follow the link below...

"Hiro Hyn Hîdh Ab 'Wanath: Let Them Find Peace After Death"
