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Natha Daged Dhaer: They Are All Going To Die!

Chapter 3: The Halls of The Elven Kings


~[ ]~ - indicated the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      The journey took them little time for Legolas kept the companions moving at a swift pace. He ran through the hidden paths known only to the Elves and to the Rangers of Men. Dusk was fast approaching when they arrived in the outskirts of the Elven kingdom.
      "I bid you, wait here for a moment." Legolas said, walking ahead of his two companions, "I must speak with any who may try and stop us. For the woods of this kingdom are very suspicious, as are it's people."
      Aragorn and Gimli sat upon a fallen log, waiting for Legolas. After some time he returned, with him was another Elf of Mirkwood.
      "This is Legede, one of my father's captains. He has agreed to let us have safe passage into the halls of my father, Thranduil, and to personally escort us there."
      Legede bowed his head, "It has been some time since any Man or Dwarf has entered these woods. I bid you welcome."


      Legolas and Legede lead the way, talking to one another in their own tongue. Gimli and Aragorn followed behind. Though the man knew what they were saying, he paid them little mind, deciding to let them have their peace. After an hour or so, the company and their guide arrived within the main area of what appeared to be an underground Elven city.
      "The halls of the Elven Kings." said Legolas, "How I have missed them so!"
      Aragorn knew the feeling of returning to one's home very well, and he was glad for his friend.
      "Holes in the ground, much like Hobbits I must say." Gimli replied.
      Legede looked to the Dwarf, "They are not mere holes in the ground, Master Dwarf but a land protected by Elven magic. Nowhere in Middle-Earth will one see such a thing than the home of the Mirkwood Elves."
      As they entered the city farther, Legolas breathed a sigh of relief. Houses, fashioned slightly like those of Lothlorien, clung to the trees and the ground all about the main road. Not far ahead, lay a huge underground cavern. Within, lay the palace of Thranduil.
      A cry suddenly exploded from the road before the travelers, "Legolas!"
      In turn, the Elf's face lit up as he realized who had called to him, "Han na le, Legolia!" ~[It is you, Legolia!]~
      "Le to la dan ammen." ~[You came back to us!]~ a small Elven girl said as she ran from the open gates of the palace.
      Aragorn and Gimli's companion picked up the younger Elf and hugged her tightly.
      The young Elven girl, sensing the presence of Legolas' companion, looked over her brother's shoulder at the Man and the Dwarf, "Legolas, le aphadaraen!" ~[Legolas, you are being followed.]~
      At this both Aragorn and Legolas burst into laughter, for Gimli knew little of the Elven tongue.
      The man took a step forward and bowed slightly, "Im Aragorn, telin thaed a han," he pointed to the Dwarf, "na Gimli, i casarinwa." ~[I am Aragorn, here to help, and this is Gimli, of the Dwarves.]~
      Legolia looked at her brother quizzically, "Hon henio eldarinwa beth?!" ~[He understands Elvish words?!]~
      Stifling a laugh, Legolas turned to his friends, "Of course he does dear sister." he fell back into the tongues of men, the common speech. "Have you not heard of Aragorn, son of Arathorn? He is a most mighty man in this age and is the heir to the throne of Gondor to the South."
      The young Elf shook her head.
      He sighed, "I have much to tell you then."
      "I would first think that your father, Thranduil, would wish to speak with you, Legolas." Legede said, now standing next to the palace's gate.
      "Im henio, Legede. Edro i amon ammen." ~[I understand, Legede. Open the gates for us.]~ Legolas replied, setting his sister on the ground.
      Legede nodded, "Edrio i amon! Edro i amon!" ~[Open the gates! Open the gates!]~
      As the company entered through the gate, Gimli shook his head.
      "I am afraid that I have learned little Elvish in my years and am now terribly confused as to the recent exchange of words. I suppose, that while I am traveling with Legolas, I should learn some of his speech."
      Aragorn answered with but a smile.
      The companions, as well as their guide and young Legolia, entered the great hall of Thranduil.


Chapter 4: Home At Last for Legolas