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Natha Daged Dhaer: They Are All Going To Die!

Chapter 4: Home At Last for Legolas


~[ ]~ - indicated the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      The companions were ordered to rest before seeing the father of Legolas, King Thranduil. And rest they did. Gimli spent many an hour learning the speech of Elves from, not only Legede, but from others who were good friends of the Elven Prince. Aragorn listened to Legolas relate their adventures to his younger sister long into the night.

      He spoke to her in Elven, the Sindarin tongue, for many many hours. Legolas talked of his trip to Rivendell and of how Elrond had chosen him to represent all the Elves of Middle-Earth. He told her of the fall of both Gandalf and Boromir, of the fights in the Mines of Moria and in the forests of Parth Galen. He spoke of the battle of the Hornburg and the destruction of Saruman the White Wizard, of the battle of the Pelennor Fields and the end of Sauron and the one ring. The Elf told her of the beauty of the forest of Fangorn, the cramped confines of the glittering caves under Helm's Deep, and the call of the oh so wonderful sea. Lastly however, Legolas told his sister all of the wonder and magnificence of the land of Lorien. Tales of the Lady Galadriel, the Galadrim, the leaves of Lorien, and of it's fair folk. As Legolas spoke of this, his eyes shined with a passion Aragorn had seen few times as of late. And that was where he left them.

      The king of men began to wander alone and he found himself in what appeared to be an underground garden within the palace. There he sat, signing quietly to himself.

      O mor henion i dhu ~[From darkness I understand the night]~
      Ely siriar el sila ~[Dreams flow a star shines]~
      Ai! Aniron Undomiel ~[Ah! I desire Evenstar]~

      Tiro! El eria e mor ~[Look! A star rises out of the darkness]~
      I lir en el luitha uren ~[The song of the star enchants my heart]~
      Ai! Aniron... ~[Ah! I desire...]~

      Aragorn sighed, "Yenillor morne tulinte I quettar tercano nuruva Hlasta! Qyetes Hfirimain."
      "You speak much sadness, Master Aragorn." Legede said. The Elf had walked up behind him during his song, "What is it that could trouble the heart of a great King of Men?"
      Aragorn turned to him, "Out of the Black Years come the words, the Herald of Death. Listen! It speaks to those who were not born to die." The man stood, "A great decision is before me, Legede. Is it my place to ask one of your kind from Rivendell, to stay with me and lead the life of a mortal? I think that it is not."
      The Elf looked to the ceiling of the palace, "It is not your place to ask it of her, you are correct. I know Arwen, of whom you speak, for I have met her long ago. But, if she asks you, if she asks to live here in this mortal world alongside you, than it is indeed you place, Lord Aragorn."
      He said nothing in reply.
      "Get some rest, for tomorrow you will meet with Thranduil and for that, you will need all the strength you can gather." With that, Legede left Aragorn to his thoughts.


      The evening passed quickly after that. Gimli rejoined the others, and Aragorn had put his troubles to the back of his mind. They all fell asleep and, for the first time in a long while, Legolas' dreams were filled with more joy than he could remember for what seemed like an age.

      The next morning, they would meet with Legolas’ father and king of this woodland realm, Thranduil.


      "Mae govannen, Legolas. A mae govannen le Aragorn a Gimli. Im Thranduil, hir ned i eldarinned, ne lin beth, Mirkwood." ~[Welcome, Legolas. And welcome to you Aragorn and Gimli. I am Thranduil, lord of the Elves, in your words, Mirkwood.]~ Thranduil said, standing to greet his guests.
      Legolas rushed up to his father and clasped his arms, "Han na daer to lo dan, ada." ~[It is great to come back, father.]~ he said with a smile.
      Even though poor Gimli had studied the language with Legede, he was still new at speaking Elvish. Legolas and Aragorn both noticed this, as did the king.
      "You must forgive me, my guests. I seldom use the common speech these days and have forgotten that there are some in our midst who speak not the language of the Elves." Thranduil said, a hand on his son's shoulder.
      Gimli nodded, "Im hannad le, hir Thranduil." ~[I thank you, Lord Thranduil]~ he spoke in very badly accented Elvish.
      Both Aragorn and Legolas exchanged a smile.
      "It seems that Master Gimli knows something of our tongue after all."
      "Only with the help of Legede, my lord." he answered, "I know very little I'm afraid."
      Thranduil gave a smile, but Legolas could see something within that smile that set a quick worry to his heart. His father was pleased with his coming, yes, but it seemed that Gimli’s presence upset him. It was a mask of good welcome, nothing more.
      "Then we shall not speak in Elvish unless the need be, for your sake Master Dwarf."
      The mask his father wore had become nearly his own face, Legolas could see this and it troubled him deeply. But, donning a mask of his own, he continued on.
      "Ada," ~[Father,]~ he began, "We received word from Lord Elrond of Rivendell that these forests have been over run, at times, by large Orc armies of the North. What has happened while I have been away?"
      Thranduil's face became troubled, shedding the mask he wore earlier, "Much has happened, my son. During the time you were battling with the armies of Saruman and Sauron, Orcs invaded our lands and burned much of the forest North of here. Many of our bravest warriors have died trying to defend this stronghold. It is not so simple as to destroy the ring of power and be rid of all evil in this world, Legolas. No, your valiant kinsmen have struggled against the armies of the North and we still struggle with them. It is as if they multiply by the eve and return to attack the next morn. So it has been of late."
      "This is grave news to my ears." Aragorn said, "What Elves do you have left?"
      "Only a mere handful that are currently here, maybe one hundred warriors at the most." Legede answered.
      "Bah! Those are worse odds than the battle for the Hornburg! It is no wonder Lord Elrond sent us here." Gimli put in.
      "Why did Lord Elrond not send help of his own? Surely he has the strength of his own army at Rivendell?" Thranduil asked.
      Legolas shook his head, "Nay, Hon gwaith cireatha na valannor, ada." ~[No, His people sailed to Valinor, father.]~ he caught himself and looked to Gimli, "I am sorry my friend, but the sailing of Elrond's people to the West troubles me and, as you have seen I am sure, I sometimes slip into my own tongue when speaking of such things."
      Gimli nodded, "No apologies are needed, Master Elf."
      "So, Lord Elrond has not sent help because his people have sailed to the West. It is ill news to my heart and in such a time as is the Elves' autumn, I am saddened."
      "We have come, Lord Thranduil, to aid the Elves of Mirkwood." Aragorn spoke up.
      Legolas straightened even taller, "Though we are only three, we have proved useful in battles past, ada."
      The Elven King sat looking at the company of three for some time. It would help his forces for them to see their prince in battle at their sides, for he had been gone for quite some time.
      "So be it. The Orcs attacked three nights ago and we expect them this eve. Prepare for battle." Thranduil stood.
      All three knelt before him, "Hannad le, Lord Thranduil." *[Thank you, Lord Thranduil]* they all said in unison, though some slower than others.
      As they prepared to leave the king's hall, Thranduil stopped Legolas and pulled him aside.
      "It has been long, my son, too long. Will you not stay with me a while and relate all that has happened. I wish to have words with you."
      The tone of the last sentence told the Elven Prince that he was in trouble. Though he could only guess at why. But, he agreed so Gimli and Aragorn returned to their given rooms to await the battle and their friend.


Chapter 5: Time Alone to Think