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Natha Daged Dhaer: They Are All Going To Die!

Chapter 7: A Dark Day for Mirkwood


~[ ]~ - indicated the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      "Leithio i philinn!" ~[Release the arrows!]~ The Elven Prince cried as every Elf left to defend Mirkwood fired an arrow into the swarm of rushing Orcs.

      The foul creatures stumbled over the bodies of their fallen comrades and charged on. The Elves however, released wave after wave of arrows and Aragorn began to realize that they could win this fight. Suddenly however, a great cry rang up from the front lines and the sound of metal hitting metal clashed loudly in the warrior's ears.

      It had begun.

      Hand-to-hand combat ensued, each Elf holding his own against the invading Orcs. Legolas jumped from the balcony, which he had stood on before and, grabbing his daggers, twirled them around to plant them firmly in the closest Orc's chest. Blood sprayed onto the front of the prince's jerkin, but he pulled his daggers out of the limb body and slashed to his side, felling another of the twisted creatures. Aragorn and Gimli charged into the battle, following their Elven comrade. The King of Gonder withdrew his sword and cleaved the head off of the nearest Orc, blood spurting from it's neck as it fell. Gimli began to hack the nasty things in two, taking great pleasure in his work. For none had a problem with the killing of such evil beings as these. On and on the fighting continued, for more than an hour. It became apparent to Legolas, that many of his forces had perished when Legede brushed up aside him. They continued to fight, but the Elven Captain had an urgent message for his prince.

      "I hothri turu nuitho i daug, nin kunn!" ~[The army cannot hold the Orcs, my prince.]~ Legede shouted over the sounds of the battles, "Hien boe dantbod!" [They need to fall back]~
      Legolas risked a glance to his long time friend then turned his attention once more to an oncoming Orc. He disposed of him quickly before rising his voice above the clamor of swords, "Emyn! Va emyn!" ~[The hill! To the hill!]~ he shouted to his troops.

      At once, the wave of Elves retreated to the top of the hill, which enclosed the palace. There, they could continue fighting the Orcs using arrows. They flattened themselves low to the ground, in hopes of not being seen and fired away, slaying many of the creatures within moments.


      Legolas took his place between both Aragorn and Gimli, "How are you, my friends?" he asked.
      Gimli smiled, "I have killed many Orcs but my thirst for their deaths has not been quenched."
      "That is good, friend Gimli. For I believe you shall get your chance to kill even more."
      Aragorn interrupted the conversation, "Legolas, your troops are growing weary. Can your eyes see an end to this wave of madness?"
      The Elven Prince shook his head, "Nay, they stretch as far as my eyes can see. And even then I believe that more may..."

      But his sentence was interrupted as he heard the sound of an oncoming arrow. Shoving Aragorn to the side, Legolas rolled on top of Gimli, the Dwarf in shock as to what was happening. When the Elf returned to his previous position, an arrow lay where Aragorn was moments before.

      The King of Gondor looked to his friend but Legolas just smiled, "... that more may be on their way." He finished his previous sentence.
      "What was that about!" Gimli huffed, looking toward the two.
      Legolas put a hand on the Dwarf's shoulder, "I am sorry, but an arrow nearly cleaved both Aragorn and I in two. I hope I did not hurt you."
      "Nay, you are light as a feather, lad. A very heavy feather."
      The Elf took a moment to laugh, before plucking the arrow from the ground. Fitting it awkwardly, in such a position as he was, to his bow, the prince fired. It hit the desired mark, directly in between the eyes of the nearest Orc.
      "My quiver is empty, I'm afraid." He shrugged, knowing that he could only wait and hope a chance for more arrows presented itself.
      Aragorn reach to his side as Legede handed him a half full quiver. He turned, giving it to Legolas, "From one of the fallen."

      The Elf bowed his head for a moment, it would not go to waste. Arrow after arrow the prince let fly, each hitting their mark in turn and felling at least seven Orcs. But soon, the quiver ran out once more and the three were left to watch and wait, Aragorn's quiver being empty as well. Time passed and more Elves fell to the arrows of the Orcs, but far more of the foul creatures had been killed than they could have thought possible. Gimli had grown tired of hiding atop the hill like a mouse and had even tried to jump down once but Legolas' strong arm restrained him. Getting an idea, the Elven Prince spoke in hushed whispers with Aragorn.

      "I go to fetch arrows from the armory within the Palace." he waved a hand at Legede, "And I need a diversion."
      Both Aragorn and the Elf Captain nodded and, before Gimli knew what happened, Legolas slipped over the side of the hill, directly above the Orc army.
      "That half-crazed!..." the Dwarf sputtered, "He'll get himself killed!"
      But Aragorn did not answer instead, he grabbed the nearest brush he could find and tossed it upon the Orc closest to his friend.
      "Arog, Legolas." ~[Be swift, Legolas.]~ The man whispered as he tossed more and more debris upon the helpless Orcs below.
      Eventually, even Gimli joined in and a shower of forest growth rained down on the foul army.


      Sliding down a rocky slope toward an army of angry Orcs was not the best idea Legolas had ever come up with, but so far it was working perfectly. His cloak from Lothlorien gave him enough camouflage so as he could slip onto the nearest balcony and rush inside. The balcony turned out to be his own and, in his hurry, he slipped in the wine which had been spilled earlier.
      Cursing his carelessness, Legolas grabbed the balcony for support, but not before an Orc arrow pierce his hand.
      The Elf left out a small cry of pain before plucking the accursed weapon from his skin. Quickly grabbing the nearest clothing he could find, which was the nightshirt he had flung down only hours before, he ripped a strip of cloth from it and tied it round his hand. Hopefully, it would slow the bleeding.
      Without a moment to lose, Legolas bounded through the halls of the palace and into the armory. He grabbed quiver after quiver of arrows and by the time he left, he resembled a pack horse to say the least. The next problem however, was how to get back up the hill without dropping the quivers or getting himself killed. Recalling that Orcs had originally attacked from the North and the East, Legolas ran quickly to his younger sister's room.

      He burst through the door, only to find his sister sitting on her bed watching the balcony with great interest.
      Legolas rushed to her, "Thelei, le dartha? Bado i delio!" ~[Sister, you stay? Go and hide!]~ He said, grasping her shoulders.
      The girl looked at him, "Buiu delio." ~[There is no need to hide.]~
      Shaking his head, Legolas grabbed his sister whilst dropping the quivers on her bedroom rug, and rushed to the door, "Bado adas sammath i delio! Hi!" ~[Go to fathers room and hide! Now!]~ the Elf instructed and, to his surprise, the girl did so.

      Turning back, the prince saw the quivers laying on the ground and decided that there needed to be more. Hurrying once again to the armory, Legolas took another arm load of quivers. Setting them against the wall of his sister's room, he flung open the balcony doors and looked down. There were no Orcs here to be seen, he had expected this but it was far too silent. Shrugging off his fears, Legolas grabbed four quivers and, with a jump, began to rush up the side of the steep hill.

      "Aragorn!" He called as he flung the quivers to the top of the stronghold, "Im garo nadath! Tirnin!" ~[I have more! Wait for me!]~ and then Legolas' fair head disappeared from sight once more.

      Hurrying over to the newly deposited quivers, Aragorn and Legede began to pass them to any Elf who was running low, which turned out, to be nearly every one.


      Once more Legolas made the dangerous trip down the side of the hill and back up. Still seeing no sight of the Orcs. By his third trip however, the foul creatures were beginning to understand where the reinforcements came from and sent some of their kind around to check. The Elven Prince dodged a stray arrow and realized that one more trip down was all he would most likely get.

      He gave the third batch of quivers to Aragorn then disappeared once more, not heeding the call his friend gave him.
      "Han na am delu!" ~[It is too dangerous!]~ the King of Gondor called down at him, but Legolas had not heard the cry.

      Gathering the last quivers proved to be a challenge, for there were six on his back, far more than he should ever carry and Legolas became worried that he would tangle himself within their straps. But after a few tense moments, the Elf began his trek up the hillside once more. He lay on his stomach, handing quivers to Aragorn when something suddenly caught his foot. Looking down, Legolas saw that the Orcs had brought ladders with them and now, one was clinging to his slender leg. Immediately, the King of Gondor grabbed his friend's hand, but it was the one pierced with an arrow not minutes before and it caused Legolas to cry out in pain. But there was nothing to be done, it was fall or feel the pain of his hand and he preferred the latter.

      "Legede!" Aragorn called, "I Yrchs tegi fandai!" ~[The Orcs bring ladders!]~

      Immediately, the Elf Captain and Gimli rushed to Aragorn's side where the King of Gondor held onto the Prince's hand. Legolas struggled to kick the stubborn creature from his boot, but it would not budge. More and more Orcs scrambled up the crude ladders and worry set into the Elf's eyes.

      "Dago han, Legede!" ~[Kill it, Legede!]~ Aragorn yelled as the captain aimed an arrow toward the Orc on Legolas’ leg.
      But it left Legede open and an Orc arrow sailed past Legolas' head, impacting with the captain's chest.
      "Legede!" The prince yelled, furry taking hold of him. Viciously he shook his leg, but the accursed creature would not let go and he only succeeded in feeling the claws of the Orc tear into his trousers.
      Gimli had caught the falling form of the Elf Captain and checked him over, "He is fine, only a shoulder wound!" He called to Aragorn.

      With a sigh of relief, Aragorn looked to the ladder beside him and, with what strength he had, kicked the foul thing, causing the Orcs to jump, not to the ground, but onto the Orc which had attached itself to the prince's leg. A great weight forced itself upon Legolas's leg, pulling him farther downward and his hold on Aragorn's hand began to slip rapidly.

      "Legolas, si boe u-dhannatha!" ~[Legolas, you cannot falter now!]~ Aragorn cried to him, "Gado or!" ~[Hold on!]~
      Looking down, the prince could see over seven Orcs clinging to his leg and knew that he would not be pulled up, least Aragorn fall with him when it happened. His brows knit themself closely together, trying desperately to think of a plan.
      It hit him out of the blue and he looked to his long time friend, "Le beriath nin gwaith, Aragorn Arathornion, ara in Dunedain."
      And with that, his hand slipped from Aragorn's grasp, leaving only the bandage behind as he fell. The King of Gondor let out a cry of anguish, as he tightened his grip on the stip of cloth, knowing that his friend fell to his death. Looking up from helping Legede, Gimli started to rush to Aragorn's side but the Elf Captain's arm stopped him.
      "But Legolas has fallen!" He yelled at Legede, "We must help him!" "You heard not what he spoke." The Elf said with an expression of sadness and pain, "He has entrusted Aragorn with the task of protecting this land, 'You will protect my people, Aragorn son of Arathorn, King of the West Men.' Leave him be and save your strength. The battle is far from over."

      Gimli hung his head in sorrow and could only stare at the grief stricken, kneeling form of Aragorn.


Chapter 8: Breaking the Fall