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Natha Daged Dhaer: They Are All Going To Die!

Chapter 11: Labyrinth of Caves


~[ ]~ - indicated the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      The crack of a whip echoed off the stone walls of the prison. Legolas did not even flinch, he was still in shock over the return of the once noble white wizard, Saruman. Behind the fiend, were two Orcs who looked like they would explode if they could not get their hands on the Elf soon.
      The prince was not over enthused with this turn of events.

      "Stand up." Saruman's deep voice ordered, "Save what little dignity you have left, for I wish to speak with you."
      Somehow, the Elven Prince managed to return to his feet. But he kept the wall as a support, all the while his mind worked.
      "You turned against this world, white wizard. No, you are not even fit to call an Istar any longer!" Legolas said, his head held up, meeting the wizard’s gaze.
      Saruman raised an eyebrow, "Am I now?" he chuckled, "Say what you want, Elf. But you are my captive until an arrangement can be made for your release."
      "What type of arrangement?" Legolas asked, suspicion evident in his tone.
      He took a step forward, knowing that if he stayed too close to the corner, he would have no chance if the Orcs attacked. Another whip cracked, but the Elf paid it little mind, continuing to focus his attention on Saruman.
      "A deal, Prince Legolas. I know that you were one of those accursed friends of Aragorn and Gandalf and that you were partly responsible for my downfall. However, I am willing to forgive you for a small price."
      Legolas approached the question cautiously, "What sort of price? Surely it is not as little as you say."
      Saruman laughed, "Elves can always see through a lie, can they not?" He looked as if his mind were elsewhere, "In exchange for your life and your freedom, I want this..."
      The wizard whispered something that only Legolas could hear and his eyes grew wide, "Do you know what you ask?! I can not give it to you and even if I could, I would never bring about the downfall of my own people."
      "I want that spell!" Saruman’s voice boomed.
      The sound pierced through the Elf's mind, his fragile ears ringing, "I will not reveal it to you. Not now, not ever! I do not know the spell which protects the Realm of Mirkwood, and I will not hand over my people to a foul creature such as yourself!"
      "Very well then..." the wizard's eyes grew cold and heartless, "I will give you three days to decide. If by then my servants here," he indicated the Orcs, "have not beaten the answer from you then I shall order a second assault on your kingdom."
      Legolas rushed forward, much faster then Saruman had thought possible with his injuries. However, the two Orcs flung out their whips which hooked onto his arms, holding the prince back.
      "What good is a small realm of Elves to you, Saruman?! Our kingdom is failing and our people sailing to the West. What could you possibly want with..." suddenly, Legolas realized his own words.
      Saruman smiled, "You know of what I wish, Elf. My army is depleted, it is time for me to start anew."
      “NO!” the Elf cried as Saruman left the cell, locking it behind him.
      The wizard retreated down the hall and Legolas heard the door bang shut at it's far end.


      He was alone and the Orcs had been given their orders, or so he supposed.
      Quickly twisting his wrists, Legolas managed to grab the whips and pull hard, sending both Orcs crashing into one another. They scrambled to their feet, whips in hand once more, but Legolas was not completely defenseless. Sure, they had taken his weapons but he could fight just as well. If only his injuries did not hinder movement so much. Jumping to the side, the Elf avoided a whip crack from one of the Orcs, only to have his ankle caught by the other. Swinging his uninjured leg around, the Orc behind him flew into the other creature once more. This time, they fell to the ground unconscious. Not taking any chances, Legolas quickly snapped the necks of both Orcs.
      He stood, brushing his hands off against the sides of his pants then walked over to the cell’s bars. Sucking in as much air as possible, he squeezed through the iron and out into the long hallway. At it's end, in a hidden corner, was what looked like a guard table. There sat his two daggers. Having dropped the Lothlorien bow when he was hit by the second arrow, these were Legolas' only means of defense in such a wretched place.
      With great caution, the Elf stood at the iron door and listened intently for any sound. He heard none and quickly sneaked out. He gasped at the sight around him. Not only was he being held prisoner by the wizard, but he had been taken into the dark tunnels of mountain caves.
      "Nai i Valar tir innas ar varya nin am nin rad." ~[Be it that the Valar will guard and protect me upon my path.]~ Legolas whispered as he stepped out into the long dark tunnels, hoping to find his way out before someone found him.


      "Aragorn! Aragorn!" Gimli yelled, rushing from the King of Gondor's room, "Where could that foolish man be?!"

      Not thinking clearly, the Dwarf opened the door to Legolas' own room and was about to call out the Elf's name when he noticed the form of a human sitting against the balcony asleep. It was only then did Gimli remember what had become of their Elven friend. He hung his head for a few moments, saying a Dwarven prayer for Legolas' safe return, then went to Aragorn's side.

      "Have you spent the entire night on the floor?" he asked, letting some jest creep into his words.
      Aragorn sleepily opened his eyes and looked at the Dwarf who stood before him, his hands on his hips, "I did indeed."
      "You have no common sense, Aragorn." Gimli said, helping the man up, "It is custom for people to sleep in a bed when one is provided."
      No matter what the Dwarf said however, Aragorn did not smile.
      Clearing his throat, Gimli continued, "So, has your reckless mind come up with a plan to rescue Legolas, yet?"
      The man looked at him in shock for a moment then opened his hand slightly, looking at the bloodied cloth, "I believe it has, Master Dwarf. We must speak with Thranduil immediately."
      "Then what are we waiting for?!" Gimli asked, "We haven't a moment to lose!"
      With that, the two remaining companions walked briskly to the King's chambers.


Chapter 12: A Cry In The Dark