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Natha Daged Dhaer: They Are All Going To Die!

Chapter 14: Warm Rays of the Sun


~[ ]~ - indicated the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      The running pace, which the prince had begun at the start of this second escape, had now turned into an agonizing trudge. Every muscle within Legolas' body screamed, his eyes blurred from time to time, and a throbbing pain had settled itself within his head. With the tremendous loss of blood, the Elf wondered how he kept going. His side had stopped gushing out the life giving red liquid, but pressing his hand against the wound was all that could help stifle some of it's pain.

      I'm dying... had been his first thought.

      But now he could feel the warm rays of the sun as he neared the tunnel's exit.

      The prince had run into no more Orcs, nor Saruman, both he was grateful for of course. So, on and on he walked, leaning heavily against the side of the cavern wall, hoping against hope that he would live to see the sun once more.
      Legolas drew in a breath but something caught in his throat and a blinding pain stabbed within his chest, causing him to cough. Bright red blood spilled from his lips and he grimaced as he tried to catch his breath. The Elf looked to his side, removing his hand, and closed his eyes in pain. The damage of the Orc's sword had caused some internal bleeding, possibly even a puncture of his lung. If the prince did not get to safety and soon, he would die from the injuries.
      The Elf sucked in another breath, this time managing not to choke, and he continued onward. It was not long however, before Legolas stumbled upon a rock, thrust out of the ground. He fell onto his stomach, all grace gone from his movements. His face was pale and his jerkin and leggings covered in his own blood.

      "I cannot let the darkness take me..." he whispered, trying to convince his body to cooperate. "I may not wake up if I fall now..."

      But Legolas could not help it and once more, darkness swallowed him. Thankfully, the position in which he had fallen, covered his body in, not only the Lothlorien cloak, but also the dark shadow of the tunnel.


      "Aragorn, we have waited all night!" Gimli grumbled, "If we wait much longer there may be nothing left of the Elf!"
      The King of Gondor sighed slightly, "You are right, Gimli. However, we can not attack without some sort of distraction."
      "Then I shall make one!" The Dwarf picked up his ax and began to walk toward the end of the tree line.
      Aragorn grabbed his collar, "We will wait, Master Dwarf. Legolas would not have himself saved if your life was forfeit in the process."
      Just then, Legede ran back into the main camp, "Lord Aragorn, we have received some disturbing news."
      "Yes?" The king asked.
      "We overheard a band of Yrchs. They claim that..." the Elf captain was silent for a moment but composed himself quickly, "That the white wizard of Isengard has returned."
      Aragorn's face paled, "It can not be. He was left in Orthanc, the Watch Wood was set! Even if he did escape, what power could he have? I was there, Legede. I watched Mithrandir destroy his staff!"
      "I realize this." The Elf held his hands up in a gesture of defense, "But we can not dismiss this rumor so easily. What motive would the Yrchs have to lie about his reappearance?"
      The man ran a hand over his face, "This complicates matters and now I fear for Legolas' life even more than before. If Saruman recognizes him from our trip to Orthanc..." He left it at that.
      Legede bowed, "Lord Aragorn, the others believe we should attack at dawn. Since the night has almost fallen and, in the early morning light, we could have the advantage of surprise."
      "Very well." Aragorn replied, looking out at the mountain stronghold not far away, "We shall prepare for battle in the morn."


      A sudden intake of breath sent Legolas into a dangerous coughing fit. Blood covered his hands as he tried to muffle the sound, but it was little use. He staggered to a standing position, but could no longer feel the sun's warm rays.

      "Darkness has fallen... I must leave while I can." He whispered, pulling himself along the tunnel with every ounce of strength he possessed.

      After a long while of walking, he came to a faint glow and, dragging his worn body a few more paces, he was free. The moon, full and beautiful, shone down at him. Stars glittered in the night sky and Legolas sighed in relief.

      "Elbereth... hannad le." ~[Elbereth... thank you.]~ the Elf whispered.

      I am home free, he thought, I may make it after all.

      But his strength was slowly fading and the prince knew not how much time he had left. To lose his immortal life, in such a place as this, he had never thought possible. So many times, the Elf had been ready to sacrifice his life for the good of Middle-Earth but now... now he feared he would die in the lonely plains or forests beyond his home. No one would know of his death, no one would hear his last words, and no one would learn of the return of Saruman until it was too late.

      With renewed hope and determination, the prince set out across the rocky plain. He was almost to the border of the forest and could see the faint light of dawn creeping over the tops of the trees, when the soft clink clink clink of a staff sounded from behind him.


      Aragorn was awoken by, not really a dream, but a sense that something was wrong. He sat up from his bed roll and looked around. One Elf kept watch, sitting atop a tree branch and alert for anything which would enter the forest's edge. Gimli slept next to the King of Gondor and he was snoring slightly. Legede even slept as well, though his eyes were open and glazed over.

      Standing, Aragorn walked to the forest's edge and the Elf whom had been on guard jumped down to him.
      "Lord Aragorn, dawn comes soon. Do you wish me to rouse the others?"
      The man was not focused upon the guard's words however and turned to him, "What?" Then he caught his mistake, "I am sorry. I... I thought I heard something, or rather, felt something."
      The Elf shook his head, "There has been nothing all night. Perhaps your ears are just playing tricks upon you. I have heard that men are impatient, maybe that is what plagues your thoughts?"
      Aragorn smiled at the Elf's attempts to make light of the situation, "Nay, I think I will just look at the moon for a moment."

      But then, something across the plain caught his eye. As the first rays of sun peeked over the trees, he caught the glint of metal. Aragorn's face twisted into a look of utter shock and he grabbed the Elf beside him.
      "Man cenich?!" ~[What do you see?!]~
      The Elf put a hand over his eyes and he too gained a look of shock, "I.... I do not believe it..."
      "Neither do I." Aragorn replied, "Hurry and wake Legede and the others. We may not have to go to battle after all."
      The Elf guard nodded and rushed back into the middle of the camp, quickly waking the others. Aragorn smiled, though he could see the pained look upon the stranger's face.
      "Le caru thia dhanna... nin muin mellon. Edregola ir dantiel vian i cam ned hero cath." ~[You do not seem to falter... my dear friend. Especially when falling into the hand of your enemies.]~ The man whispered to himself, one hand upon his sword's hilt.

      But in that next instant, all chaos broke lose as a mysterious figure appeared behind the King of Gondor's dear friend.


      Legolas spun around at the sound of the staff, instantly raising his two daggers which he continued to hold. They clanged against the harsh metal of the staff, positioned precariously above the Elf's head.
      His eyes opened wide in horror as the face of Saruman stared back at him.

      "Your life is mine, Elf. I will not allow you to escape." The wizard said, power emanating from the staff in his hand.
      Legolas' eyes narrowed, "U-moe na hero!" ~[Nothing is yours!]~ the Elf shot back, pushing up on his daggers.
      But the Istari had expected such a reaction and counterattacked with a push of his own, nearly knocking the wounded Elf off balance.
      "You have no power here, Greenleaf. You are mine, as are your people."


      "What is it, Lord Aragorn?" Legede asked, running up.
      The King of Gondor quickly pointed into the clearing at the forms of Legolas and Saruman, battling one on one. The Elf captain's eyes went wide.
      "So the rumor was true..." he snapped out of the shook and turned a worried expression to Aragorn, "We must help kunn Legolas!" ~[... prince...]~
      He man nodded as he noticed the entire band of Elves and Gimli behind him, "HERIO!" ~[CHARGE!]~

      Suddenly, from the edge of the forest, twenty-one Elves, a Dwarf, and the King of Gondor charged from the trees.


      Legolas heard the Elven cry and he was almost overcome with hope. Pushing back upon Saruman's staff, the prince of Mirkwood found his footing was strong.
      The once noble wizard took a step back, but it was all the room he needed. As soon as Legolas was ready to charge at him, daggers flying, the Istari had spat out a spell to counter the oncoming Elf.
      Legolas was thrown backwards to the ground. He impacted with a rock, once more dislocating the broken shoulder. As a cry of pain rose from him, the Elf could hear his comrades charge into the fray.

      By now, many Orcs had joined in and the two sides were locked in a fierce battle for life or death. But Legolas knew he was still in the gravest of danger as Saruman stood over his fallen form.
      "You have given me enough trouble, Elf. More than I cared to deal with. I will put an end to your immortal life with my own hands."

      Legolas reached out his hand toward his fallen daggers, but the Istari's foot slammed down upon his wrist, grinding the arm into the rocky ground. The Elf struggled, attempting to pull himself free, but his eyes met those of the wizard's and his blood ran cold.
      Saruman raised his staff, pointing it mere inches from Legolas' chest. As the Istari recited an ancient spell of evil, the sounds of battle were drowned out by the gut wrenching scream of his prisoner.


Chapter 15: In A Heartbeat