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Natha Daged Dhaer: They Are All Going To Die!

Chapter 15: In A Heartbeat


~[ ]~ - indicated the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      Legolas gripped his chest as the Istari took his foot from the Elf's arm. The wizard smiled, not noticing the conflict which surrounded the two enemies. For a long while, the prince gazed at him in shock and horror, his lungs refusing to corporate. He attempted to drag in several deep breaths, but every airway was blocked tight.
      Saruman's face was a mixture of impatience and morbid joy as he watched the prince struggle before him.
      Spots began to form in the outer corners of his vision and a burning pain had settled itself within his chest. Legolas tried to cry out, to call for help from someone nearby, but he was paralyzed with pain and fear before the Istari. The realization that he could do nothing but die in such a suffering manner, caused the Elf to almost give up hope... almost.

      Out of the blue a cry rang out and Saruman was instantly knocked to the ground. The wizard's concentration on his spell broken, Legolas gasped and sucked in air greedily as his lungs opened once more. He had been nearly at the point of death, but who, he wondered, had spared him that awful fate.
      As Legolas pushed himself up on his elbows, he found Saruman, upon the ground much the same way as the Elf had been before. Standing over him, was Aragorn, his sword raised to the wizard's throat.
      "Aragorn..." the prince whispered, shock taking hold of him. The King of Gondor did not look back at him but kept his eyes trained on the Istari, "Legolas, do you fare well?"
      At first the Elf was a bit speechless, but he cleared his throat and began to stand, "I fare as well as can be expected, Aragorn."

      Suddenly however, the sound of an arrow caused Legolas' ears to pick up it's frequency and he drove Aragorn to the ground beneath him. An Orc arrow sailed over their heads a mere few milliseconds later.
      When they had stood once more however, Saruman was nowhere to be found.


      Gimli ran up to the duo, his axe dripping with Orc blood, "We've slain all the foul creatures and..." then his eyes took in the battered form of his friend, "Legolas... what has happened?!"
      The Elf smiled, "It is a long story, Gimli my friend. Perhaps I will have time to relate the tale to you on the way home."
      There was a moment of silence as Gimli looked at the prince, "I think I can manage to wait until then." The Dwarf replied with a smile of his own.
      It was obvious to Legolas that both Aragorn and Gimli had been worried sick over his capture, but with good reason. Saruman was back, returned by some dark power, though he knew not what.
      Legolas turned a shocked look to Aragorn, "We must inform my father. Saruman wants to gain control over all of Mirkwood and use the Elves to rebuild his foul army."
      "I suspected as much." Aragorn replied, "And I have told that to the King. I am afraid however, that he will not listen to the advice of Men."
      "Why does that not surprise me..." The Elf replied.
      Just then, Legede ran up to the trio and bowed low, "Kunn Legolas, Hannad i Valar le toloi dan band." ~[Prince Legolas, Thank the Valar you came back safe.]~
      The Elf smiled at the Captain, "Hannad le, Legede. Im deri gwennen le." ~[Thank you, Legede. I remain indebted to you.]~

      After a few more words of welcome from the remaining Elves who had made up the twenty fighters, the group began the long journey back to Mirkwood.
      Legolas however, could not help but wonder though... where Saruman had run too.


      That evening, the small company of seventeen fighters, three had been killed in the battle, their Captain, Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli, camped within the dense foliage of Mirkwood.
      As the fighters gathered around a small fire, Legede and Gimli spoke to one another. The Elven Captain was obviously continuing to teach the Dwarf as much of the Sindarin tongue as was possible.
      Aragorn, who could not bring himself to rest, looked about the camp in hopes of finding his friend sitting nearby. After a few moments of scanning the area, the King of Gondor spotted the Elf, sitting against a large tree at the corner of camp.

      Legolas looked up as Aragorn approached, having felt the man's eyes on him the entire time. However, it was Aragorn who was the first to speak.
      "How do you truly fare?" he asked in the common tongue.
      Legolas looked to him, "I fare fine, as I said before."
      "Legolas, you do not fare well at all. Look at your arm, it is terribly broken and your clothes are drenched in blood. Your own blood I would wager. You must tell me everything."
      After looking at the Man for quite some time, Legolas sighed, "I have suffered many injuries, Aragorn. But they will heal in time. You saved me from the most perilous of them all."
      "And what was that?" he asked in confusion.
      "You mean that you did not know when you drove Saruman to the ground?"
      The Man shook his head.
      "He had cast a spell upon me and I was sure I was going to die. But, when I thought my lungs would burst and that I would never breathe the fresh air again, you rescued me. I am forever in your debt, Estel."
      "No, you are not."
      Now it was the Elf's turn to look confused, "What do you mean?"
      "You have saved my life more times than I wish to recount. We are dear friends, Legolas and I would risk my life for either you or Gimli. I would die for my friends, I would gladly die for them."
      "As would I." came a voice from before the two.
      There stood Gimli, a smile upon his face, "I believe I understand Lord Elrond's message to me now. You two lads are my most treasured of friends. And I too would gladly die for either one of you."
      Legolas smiled, "And I would do the same for you. But that does not change the fact that..."
      "It does, end of story."
      The look on Aragorn's face told the Elf that the matter was settled and closed. For long moments the three just sat, or stood, in silence until Legolas once again spoke up.
      "Then what has happened to Saruman?"
      As Aragorn was about to relate his answer however, his eyes opened wide in shock. Within seconds, the bright light which all Elves possessed dimmed to a faint spark within Legolas' eyes. His face appeared to grow incredibly thin and pale. His eyes rolled back slightly, and the Elven Prince collapsed into Aragorn's outstretched arms.


Chapter 16: The Fading Light of Hope