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Natha Daged Dhaer: They Are All Going To Die!

~ ~ ~ Chapter 18: Where Is My True Friend? ~ ~ ~


~[ ]~ - indicated the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      Aragorn and Gimli left the room to allow Thranduil some time with his son. The duo found their way to the man's chamber and there they sat down to talk.
      The Dwarf was relieved to have the Elf back, but something still bothered the King of Gondor. As he stood, gazing out at the trees of Mirkwood, Aragorn wondered what his father, Elrond, would say upon his arrival. It was too late to send out a party to bring back the messenger and, if they rode hard and through the night, Legede and his company would reach Imladris within the next day or two. Then, supposing Elrond set out right away, the healer would arrive within three days time of Legolas' awakening.

      "Aragorn, you do not look as pleased as I to see Legolas well once more." Gimli said, watching the man carefully.
      He turned, "I was just counting how many days it would take Elrond to reach the palace. But, another thought plagues the back of my mind." Aragorn walked over to the table where Gimli sat and took a seat himself, "What do you suppose has happened to Saruman? He disappeared after I rescued Legolas and I fear he is massing a force to attack once more."
      "He should learn by now that the Elves will not give up. Besides, take comfort in the good tidings of the day. If it were not for you, Aragorn, Legolas might have stayed in his dreams forever."
      The man shook his head, "Nay, that is not true. I only did what I thought was best."
      "Best?!" Gimli stood, looking Aragorn in the eyes, "The only thing which brought him back were the kingsfoil and your singing. That plant, in your hands, is the greatest healing tool of all time."
      Aragorn sighed, "In my hands..." but he trailed off for a moment, his thoughts straying to a far off place and time, before he became Gondor's King. He looked to Gimli, "I must speak with Legolas. He knows something, there is but one piece of this puzzle I cannot read."
      "And what, may I ask, is that piece?"
      "Simple." The man replied, "Has Legolas won the battle with Saruman, or is the wizard just toying with us all?"


      The day passed slowly, for neither Aragorn nor Gimli were allowed to see Legolas until the next morning. When it came around, everything in the palace had gone back to normal. There was no Elf in the entire realm who did not celebrate the defeat of the Orc army and the return of their most heroic prince. Tales spread, courtesy of the warriors, of how Legolas threw away all sense of self preservation in order to supply arrows to spent quivers during the battle. He was heralded as, not only a hero of the War of the Ring, but was now hailed as the savior of Mirkwood.

      The prince himself however, felt nothing like a hero. He knew there was something strange at work within him, and feared that his battle against Saruman was far from over. There were pieces missing from his mind, small snatches of memories that came and went as they pleased. It sometimes felt as if the layers of his mind were being slowly shuffled through against his will.

      As the day wore on, Legolas remained off his feet, still attempting to recover his strength, or so everyone thought. The true reason for his actions was so he could mentally try and ward off the seemingly endless blasts of power that flew through his head. Shock after shock hit him, each being stronger than the one before, but the prince knew noone, no healer and no being, could help him, save himself. It was his fight, no one else's. He would triumph or fall, and he hoped to accomplish the former.

      Aragorn began to worry about his friend, fearing that the Elf's mind had been somehow damaged. He rarely spoke upon the two times he had visited Legolas' chambers and his eyes always held a far away look to them, sometimes even appearing to be glazed over. On this day however, as the King of Gondor entered the room once more, the puzzle suddenly became horribly vivid to all who pondered it.

      Saruman was a foe that, though the minds of Elves are strong, is not easily overthrown nor overpowered.


      Aragorn stood in the doorway, watching Legolas for a moment and noticing, to his surprise, that the prince seemed to be sleeping. As the man turned to leave, the still form of Legolas stirred.

      "Le iest an pedo ah nin, Estel?" His soft voice asked as the Elf sat up in bed. ~[You wish to speak with me, Estel?]~
      The man stopped and turned once more, "I came only to see how you fared. Nothing more."
      Legolas shook his head and smiled, "I feel fine Aragorn, but why not come and talk with me for a while. I grow rather bored sitting around while my wounds heal and company would be greatly appreciated."
      "Then I shall stay." Aragorn replied with a smile, walking over to the bedside and having a seat in a nearby chair.
      Legolas looked at him for a moment, "Does something trouble you?" he asked, seeing an odd look in his friend's eyes.
      He nodded, "Something does. I have been meaning to ask you, yet I have had problems thinking of the right words."
      "Then say it as you will, no need to find soft words on my account." the Elf answered.
      Aragorn stood from the chair and took a few steps from the bed, "A thought has run through my mind ever since you fell ill. I wonder..." he turned to Legolas, "You told me, during your fever, that Saruman was searching for the passway words and now your father has graciously told me what that means. But I have wondered as to the nature of your illness and come to the conclusion that it must have been the result of some torture which Saruman inflicted upon you." he looked the Elf in the eyes, but he just starred back, holding his gaze. "Is there truth in this theory?"
      Legolas sat for a moment, then turned longing eyes to the balcony, watching the sky. "It is true, Estel. Long have I battled with the former white wizard and, when you woke me..."
      "Then the battle is not over?" Aragorn asked, fearing his friend's reply.
      "Nay." the Elf sighed, "It is over and I have won out."
      As Aragorn closed his eyes in relief, a strange light passed before the Elf's face, but it was gone before the human ever noticed.
      "Then praise the Valar, Legolas. I feared you had lost all hope of defeating the wizard. But why then, do your eyes search for something, even in my own words?"
      Legolas shook his head, "I know not what you mean. Perhaps my eyes just search for a glimpse of joy in this dreary room."
      Turning, Aragorn looked out the balcony as well, his back to the Elf. "Perhaps then, if you fare as well as you say, you should get some fresh air. I have learned from my brothers that keeping an Elf locked up in a room for too long can cause them to have a bit of a temper."
      "Really?" Legolas asked, slipping out of bed without a sound.
      Aragorn nodded, "Yes, it is not very pleasant."
      "And tell me, which of your brothers had the unfortunate luck to experience this?" by now, the Elf had walked round his own bed and to the far wall.
      "It fell upon poor Elladan. Though I thought he would kill Elrohir before he was well. They do try to drive one another mad sometimes." The man sighed, "But, all was well in the end and the twins made up, as brothers always do."

      Something suddenly sent a flicker of warning through Aragorn's mind and the human visually tensed. Not a sound came from the room, Legolas had not replied to the last comment. Though, that could be because the prince had fallen asleep, but the King of Gondor did not think so. Instinctively, his hand reached to the small dagger he held at his side as a sudden rush of air behind him made the human turn.
      His dagger raised, Aragorn blocked an oncoming blow but, when he saw his attacker, his face paled. Legolas too was in shock, his face twisted into an all too familiar look of confusion. The human had seen this look before, it was a mixture of uncertainty and sadness, usually found when someone had died or were thought to be dead.

      "Legolas..." Aragorn began, his and the Elf's own dagger locked above his head.
      The prince smiled at him, the same flicker of light passing over his eyes as before, "Your suspicions were correct, Aragorn." he answered, "But unfortunately, you will not live long enough to relate them to Thranduil."
      Thranduil? Aragorn's mind raced as he took notice of his Legolas did not acknowledge the Mirkwood King as father. The man's eyes hardened as he starred at his trusted friend, "You are not Legolas... Take your evil spell from his mind, Saruman!"

      Legolas did not answer but only threw his weight onto the dagger, pushing Aragorn backward. The man sidestepped, but the move did not delay the quick Elven reflexes which Legolas possessed. Turning on the ball of his foot, the prince swung his dagger, ripping a hole in Aragorn's clothing as the man jumped back.

      "Legolas! Stop this madness!" He called to him, hoping that some shred of the Elf was still left within.
      The prince only smiled once more, "Legolas is dead and rests forever in eternal darkness. You, King of Gondor, will join him shortly."

      Another blow from the dagger sent Aragorn backward once more. The Elf was faster, much quicker than he ever anticipated. Agility and grace flowed from his movements as time and time again the two daggers clashed, the sound of metal ringing in the air. Legolas thrust upwards and it was all the man could do to block, the tip of his blade barely knocking his friend's dagger aside. A flick of the Elf's wrist sent his weapon flying towards Aragorn's neck, but the human blocked, once again just in time, and the two daggers locked in combat.
      Each warrior stared into the other's eyes, the King of Gondor busy searching for any sign of his former friend.
      He found no such sign.
      Pushing down on him again, Legolas' superior strength won out and, as Aragorn spun away, the dagger bit deep into his shoulder. Blood soaked into his clothing, dripping upon the stone ground as he held his dagger up in defense

      Once again the prince sprang in for the kill, his weapon having already tasted the blood of the Gondor King. It was hungry for more. Aragorn blocked a swing towards his head, another at his side, and still the battle continued on. Then, the Elf left himself open for no more than a second and Aragorn's dagger managed to hit Legolas' weapon in such a way, that it flew from his hand and landed with a clang on the other side of the room.

      Legolas looked at him, the same appearance of confusion dawning on his face. But Saruman's hold over the Elf was strong and he sprang toward Aragorn nevertheless. The King of Gondor swung his dagger, aiming it directly at Legolas' chest. But the Elf was too cleaver for such a move and, with one twist, the prince kicked out his leg. It caught Aragorn in the chin, sending him backward as he stumbled. Legolas took this opportunity and grabbed the man's hand, turning his wrist in such a way that the dagger was now held just below the human's throat.

      Aragorn stopped, focusing all his strength on his hand, attempting to keep the blade from his skin. The strength of an Elf however, should not be underestimated and Legolas' hand drove the blade closer and closer. It came toward him and Aragorn's eyes opened wide for there was little he could do against the strength which threatened him.


      Suddenly, the door to Legolas' chamber burst open and a very hurried Dwarf stood in the doorway. He was about to say something, when he noticed the look in the Elf's eyes and, that in mere seconds, Aragorn would become yet another casualty of Saruman's newly waged war.

      "Aragorn!" Gimli yelled. He turned for a moment, calling to a servant who, by sheer luck, happened to be walking down the hallway. "Summon the guard, at once!" the Dwarf cried, before rushing into the room.

      His axe in hand, Gimli swung it toward Legolas' legs but the Elf jumped nimbly away, releasing his hold on the dagger in the process.

      "He's gone mad!" The Dwarf cried, his heart torn between fighting whatever had taken hold of Legolas and the will not to harm him.
      Aragorn brought the dagger up in defense once more, "Nay, Saruman's evil has poisoned his mind and taken hold. Legolas breaks through every now and then, but his confusion and shock at the situation gives the wizard the strength to overtake him once more."
      Gimli shook his head, "Then we have no choice."
      "No!" Aragorn harshly replied, "We will not kill him. I cannot, he is too dear a friend. But we must somehow restrain him from trying to harm us, as well as others in the palace."
      "You think the two of you can stop me?" Legolas laughed, "I very much doubt that. A clumsy Dwarf and wounded human could do little against my strength. For, as you can see," he spread his arms out, "I remain... unharmed." an odd smirk played at the corner of his mouth.

      Gimli, knowing that something had to be done, decided to distract Legolas long enough for Aragorn to spring into action. He ran at the Elf, his axe raised, but it was in vain. Legolas jumped backward, landing on the window sill and then front flipped over and out of reach of either Gimli or his axe. The prince landed behind the Dwarf and, with one swift movement, kicked Gimli. The force of the Elf's foot sent the Dwarf sprawling out onto the balcony, his axe tumbling from his hands.
      As Legolas straightened himself, he smiled. But Aragorn had been faster in reacting than the Elf thought and now held his dagger just below his throat.

      The prince smiled, "It seems you have gotten the better of me..."

      Aragorn paled at the tone and suddenly the man felt his legs fall from beneath him. The Elf had curled his own slender leg behind Aragorn's and then suddenly pushed back on the human so as to avoid the dagger. He pulled his leg, tripping the King of Gondor and sending him crashing to the ground.
      Legolas was on him in a second, kicking the dagger away and dragging the man to his feet. A head splitting crack could be heard as the Elf shoved Aragorn into the wall, his hands clenched tightly around the man's throat.

      "What will you do now, Aragorn?" he asked, pushing his body so close to the man's that he could do little against him. "I will slowly choke the very life from your body and with your death will come the fall of Middle-Earth."

      Aragorn tried to kick at the Elf, to push him back in some way. But, the prince's body held him in place and, though the man tried to reach the ground, he found that he was being held in the air. The strength Legolas possessed was terrible and, when not caught off guard, noone would win out against him.
      Both he and Saruman knew this. That was partly why Legolas had become such an effective tool. Aragorn saw this now, he was shown the vivid plans that the fallen Istari had concocted and now realized that he would use his "tool" to destroy all the world.

      Spots danced before Aragorn's eyes as his captor smiled, "Now, you die.... King of Gondor."

      His breath lost to him, blackness threatened to take his mind. But something happened then and Aragorn felt air enter his lungs once more.


      Five Elven guards had rushed into the room, finally receiving the servant's warning. After overcoming their initial shock at the scene playing out before them, they rushed Legolas. Two on each side and one at his back, they pulled, dragging the prince from his victim and just in time.
      Aragorn fell to his knees, gasping for air. By now, Gimli had shook off the blow dealt to him and was hurrying back inside the room. The man blinked a few times, coughing as he did so, in an attempt to regain the air which his lungs had forgotten. He looked up, his face coming to rest on Legolas' and he saw the flicker of light once more.
      In that moment, he felt as if his friend were truly dead and gone.

      Aragorn stood and looked to Gimli, "Go and tell Thranduil, Gimli." he said, his voice sounding weak even to him.

      The Dwarf hurried from the room after giving Legolas and Aragorn both one last look. Now the guards stood, Legolas confined among them, but they knew not what to do.

      "Lord Aragorn, what has happened?" one of them asked.
      The King of Gondor shook his head, "Saruman has overthrown the prince's mind. He tried to kill me in an attempt to silence the fact that I figured this out."
      The guards continued to look rather confused until one finally asked the question they had all been wondering. "What would you have us do with him?"

      Aragorn was at a loss for words. His friend was an Elven Prince, it was not right to confine him like a criminal. He feared Thranduil would not believe what had taken place and he sighed.

      "We shall wait for the king's decision on this."
      Legolas laughed, "Foolish human..." he spat, "You know what will happen. You realized it from the beginning of this brawl." the Elf smiled, "My father will see to it that you are punished for such an assault on me."
      "You are not yourself." Aragorn said, facing the prince, "You are merely Saruman wearing the cloak of my friend." the King's eyes softened as he search the blue depths of the Elf's own eyes, "Where is my true friend?"


Chapter 19: Chocolate Covered Lies