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Natha Daged Dhaer: They Are All Going To Die!

~ ~ ~ Chapter 21: Immortality Lost?! ~ ~ ~


~[ ]~ - indicated the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      The blue eyes of the Mirkwood prince began to fill with tears, a flow of water which, no matter how his emotional barrier wished him to act, could not be stopped.

      "Mellon nin..." Aragorn started, but could not bring himself to finish.

      Legolas, overcome with exhaustion and grief, nearly collapsed and it was all the man could do to keep him upright. Taking the Elf by his shoulders, the King of Gondor forced him to look straight into his eyes.

      "Legolas, na ha thenidon le? Caro le rin man nodn?" the man asked. ~[Legolas, is it truly you? Do you remember anything?]~

      Looking into his eyes, the tears finally spilled over his cheeks and Legolas closed his eyes tightly, more in relief than anything else. He slowly nodded his head between the silent sobs. Aragorn, knowing little of what else to do, pulled his friend close. The Elf returned the gesture, hugging the man as if his very life depended on never letting go.

      "Estel, dehino nin... Im... Im puliu daro hon. Im puliu daro anim. Im..." but the tears choked and drowned out his remaining words. ~[Estel, forgive me... I... I could not stop him. I could not stop myself. I...]~
      Aragorn looked into his companion's sapphire eyes once more, "Ha nau hero cariel, mellon nin." ~[It was not your doing, my friend.]~ the man smiled, "Le maethai hero norniel." ~[You fought your hardest.]~
      Legolas took in a deep breath to steady himself, "Dan, nin norniel nau maer farn..." ~[But, my hardest was not good enough...]~
      "Nay," Aragorn replied, shaking his head. "'Twas better than you can imagine."

      The smile was returned, though from the look in the Elf's eyes, he was far from happy with himself or how things had turned out. But there was great relief in his features and for that, the man was glad. Just then, Aragorn remembered that Legolia had indeed been in the room and had played a key role in breaking Saruman's hold over the prince. Now, the man turned to the young Elven girl who stood in the middle of the floor, tears streaking her sweet face.

      Legolas turned as well, his eyes following Aragorn's gaze, and he noticed his sister. A new wave of emotions swept over him as he knelt down. The young Elf ran into his arms and hugged him tightly, wanting never to let him go.

      "Legolas! Le garo tolo dan!" she sobbed with delight. ~[Legolas! You have come back!]~
      The prince nodded, "In garo tolo dan a Im caru iest an gwannad le ad, alan anann." ~[I have come back and I do not wish to leave you again, not for a long time.]~


      Morning came and Legolia had left Aragorn's chambers, heading for her own room. The King of Gondor turned from the doorway, looking toward his friend. Sunshine penetrated the room through the balcony on which Legolas stood, taking in the warmth and beauty of the morning. He stood there, his eyes closed and his arms wrapped tightly around his slender shoulders. Aragorn regarded him for a moment, worry set in his features but before he could voice a question, the Elf spoke.

      "It is so warm... Something I have not felt for what seems like ages." his voice seemed distant, like his thoughts were elsewhere. It was as if he had to force the words from his mouth.
      The man walked toward him, "What do you mean?"

      There was no response for a moment and Aragorn believed that he had not heard the question. But after a few seconds, Legolas sighed and turned to regard his friend.

      "It was so dark, so cold. The weight of it pressed down upon me, suffocating everything. My senses, my mind, even my memories. I could not draw from the warmth of the sun, not even in my unconscious state." Legolas shivered and shook his head, "It was more painful than anything I have ever experienced."

      Aragorn stopped walking, noticing that the Elf closed his eyes as he spoke, his voice coming in a whisper tinged with the bitter memory of pain.

      "I could find no one and did not even know I was unconscious. But then, as I struggled to find you, a dark shadow seeped in through my mind and swelled to a mass far greater than myself. It bore down upon me, swirling it's thick black water all about my body, pulling me deeper and deeper into despair. I could feel myself falling, my mind going sluggish and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Then, something pierced through the darkness as I was swallowed by the shadow and," Legolas opened his eyes, starring directly at Aragorn, "I realized it was you. Though I struggled and fought with all of my might and skill, the darkness would not let me escape so easily." The Elf's sapphire eyes were silts, tears beginning to form within them. "I..." he shook his head, looking toward the floor. "I awoke but for a moment, long enough to see you and my father and Gimli. However when I fell asleep that night, the shadow returned once more and I had fought so hard the first time that now, it could hardly be called a battle. Once more I fell, though this time I could do even less than before. I was tired. I wanted rest. I..."

      The Elf looked up, his eyes focusing on the blurry form of the Gondorian King.

      "You were injured and badly so. I do not blame you for not having the strength to fight such a monster a second time. It was a wonder to my own eyes when you awoke after the first fight." Aragorn stopped, taking a few steps toward his friend and grasping the Elf by the shoulder. "It was NOT your fault, Legolas. You tried your hardest to fight it, but the spells of Saruman are more powerful than the wills of many. You must believe me."
      A few tears fell from the Elf's eyes but he shook his head, "You do not understand, Estel. 'Twas not Saruman's spell that I could not beat. It was the shadow of his new master and lord which nearly drove me mad."

      Legolas choked out a sob, his eyes turning down so as not to face Aragorn. He was ashamed, and rightly so in his mind. After a few moments however, he shook his head and looked back to the man.

      "I know not what this evil creature was, but it frightened me so, that I thought I would lose my mind. It... It stole everything from me. My dignity, my past and my memories, my pride, even my own sanity. I was slowly succumbing to the darkness and with each passing moment I feared what I would become. Saruman's spell I can defeat, if given help from someone such as yourself or as Legolia, but this evil... It continues to hold dominion over my soul, do you not understand?" the tears flowed more freely from the Elf's eyes, "This creature it..." he swallowed, not knowing if he could finish the sentence, "This creature stole that which is more important to me than almost anything... my immortality."

      As Aragorn stood there, shock numbing his mind, the Mirkwood prince could stand no longer. Legolas fell to his knees, burying his head in his hands. He could not feel anything but the grief which now encompassed his heart. The man looked down at his friend and knelt beside him, putting a hand upon the stricken and sobbing Elf's shoulder.

      He whispered, in a voice that only one of the race of Eldar could hear, "Legolas..."


Chapter 22: The Path To Healing