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Natha Daged Dhaer: They Are All Going To Die!

~ ~ ~ Chapter 23: Questions And Answers ~ ~ ~


~[ ]~ - indicated the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      The morning sun shined in the water basin by the bedside. Somewhere in the trees a bird's song wafted in on the early breeze. Everything was peaceful, quiet, the epitome of a perfect day.

      Standing near the balcony, Legolas reveled in the warmth. Too long it had been since such a feeling of refreshment had been given to the prince. Days he had spent in the blackest of hells and, two days after his full recovery, the joy Legolas felt could never be compared.

      The prince's hair blew over his shoulders, wet from a morning bath. He sighed, his eyes closed and face tilted toward the heavens.

      "Mae govannan, gwanur. Carle thiamae?" the soft sweet voice of Legolia drifted in from the doorway. ~[Hello, brother. Do you fare well?]~

      Legolas turned, a smile adorning his features. The small Elven girl walked into his room just as he entered from the balcony. "Im caro. Man togle si, Legolia?" ~[I do. What brings you here, Legolia?]~
      The girl sat atop his bed, still unmade since his rising. "Ada thia presto a ruth. Ha thio e dannas ned sen ruth ad a ad sui o ab." ~[Father seems troubled and angry. It seems he falls in this anger again and again as of late.]~
      Her brother laughed, "'Tis my fault perhaps."
      "How so?"
      Legolas sighed, sitting next to his little sister, "Ada has been quite worried over me for the past few days. I suppose as well that he is frustrated by the presence of Aragorn and Gimli."
      "But..." Legolia stopped, looking at her brother with large puzzled eyes. "But Aragorn saved you and he is kind and thoughtful. How can ada be so angry with him?"
      The prince returned her look and, as if to emphasize the point he was preparing to make, the Elf picked up his sister and set her on his lap. "Ada, like most of our kin, have a tendency to judge by the actions of others. Sometimes, humans set for themselves an example which ada believes is inferior to ourselves. In reality, Aragorn is far from inferior and deserves more respect than ada grants."
      Legolia looked to her brother, "I heard ada and Legede talking last night. Ada wants to send Aragorn away, he said that he was challenging his own decisions." she gave the elder Elf a quizzical look, "Is that true?"
      The prince smiled, "Ada would never do such a thing, for he knows that I would hate him so if he did. Besides, Estel is one of my closest companions. Where he goes, I shalt go as well."
      At this news, the young Elven girl flung her arms about her brother's neck. "Nay! You promised not to leave me again! You can not go! I will not let you go!" she began to cry softly, burying her face within his golden hair, "Legolas... Legolas... Do not go..."
      Legolas held his small sister lovingly, "Legolia, you know that I must return to Gondor with Estel. It is vital that I help him. Also, I plan to start a city within Ithilien, an Elven city. After we defeat Saruman, I plan on leaving at once."
      "NO!" Legolia looked at him now, anger burning in her large blue eyes. "You promised!"

      Tears continued to stream down the girl's cheeks as she stood, backing away from him slowly.

      "Tithen pen, le ist Im meleth le. Im u-iest cromin le ae haru am an enni. Im gwesto an le. Im..." but he stopped in mid sentence as the small girl ran toward the door. ~[Little one, you know I love you. I would not leave you if it were up to me. I swear to you. I...]~
      "NO!" Legolia cried, rushing into the hallway.

      She almost ran into Aragorn, who had been on his way to visit the prince. The man dodged, barely avoiding the small Elf as she ran down the corridor, tears streaming down her face.

      Confusion clouded the man's mind as he wondered what reason Legolia would have for leaving her brother's room so quickly.

      "Legolia, I..." the prince appeared in the doorway, a shocked yet saddened expression upon his face. "Aragorn? What are you doing here?"
      The man shook his head, "I had come to see how you fared this morning. Yet, it appears all is not well." he turned, watching the vanishing figure of Legolia. "What did you say to her?"
      Legolas sighed, leaning against the door frame. "I told her that once we have defeated Saruman, that I shall leave and return to Gondor, to Ithilien."
      "So you still wish to make an Elvish nation within the forests?" Aragorn asked, turning back to his friend.
      The prince nodded, "I do, with your permission of course. I believe that the presence of the Elves in Gondor could cause the recovery of the war to speed up. With our ways, we could easily turn Ithilien into the forest it once was."
      "You have had my permission since you first proposed the idea, Legolas. You know I trust your judgement in such matters." the man replied, "But come, Lord Elrond and my brothers wish to speak with you, as does Gimli. We must talk of how to best deal with Saruman."
      Legolas stopped, almost in mid step as he followed Aragorn, "But should not Thranduil be involved in these talks as well?"
      Aragorn let out a sigh, "Thranduil does not believe Saruman will attack a second time. I however, think otherwise."

      As Legolas walked with Aragorn toward the guest rooms, he could not help the guilty feeling in his heart. He felt as though he were going against his father, something that prince had not done since his childhood.


Chapter 24: A Final Plan of Attack