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Natha Daged Dhaer: They Are All Going To Die!

~ ~ ~ Chapter 27: The End of a Nightmare ~ ~ ~


~[ ]~ - indicated the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      Rage consumed him in those next moments. Though the prince ached from Saruman's earlier assault, all thoughts of physical pain were nullified when overcome with his emotional sorrow. Legolas' grief turned into rash hatred and, as he slowly stood to his feet, the prince's blue eyes locked onto Saruman's with a fierce intensity. It was an intensity matched only by the burning anger within his soul.

      Before Aragorn, Gimli, or Legede could stop their friend, Legolas lunged at Saruman, tackling the Istari to the ground. Adrenaline coursed through the Elf's very being and, as his fingers tightened around the wizard's neck, utter chaos broke out.

      The Orcs, seeing that their master was in need, began to attack the few warriors who had arrived on the scene. Aragorn stood between Legolas and the Orc onslaught, battling the foul creatures away from his friend. Legede and Gimli aided the King of Gondor, though their efforts proved to be doing little against the overwhelming wave. Suddenly, arrows from the palace began to rain down upon the ugly hordes. It was then that Legede glanced to the still form of Legolia.

      "I must get her inside the palace!" he shouted to Aragorn over the din of battle. "Cover me!"

      The man nodded, taking up a position behind the captain as he picked up the young elf's body. Aragorn made sure no one came anywhere near Legede, as the Elf rushed back into the palace. This however, left Legolas open to any who dared incur his wrath.

      The prince sensed the Orc before it came upon him and, in his furious anger, released his hold on Saruman's neck. It was just in time too, for the blade of an Orc swiped down at him. Legolas ducked, grabbing the horrid creature and yanking it's twisted sword from it's grasp. He quickly stabbed the foul beast through the chest, ripping the sword out, and turning back to the Istari.

      Saruman meanwhile, had freed his hands and staff, which now pointed straight at Legolas's chest. The prince's attention returned to the wizard and, whilst still sitting atop the Istari, he pressed his stolen blade against Saruman's neck.

      "I shall kill you with my own hands, Saruman..." Legolas whispered, his voice low and dangerous. "Then we shall see whose life belongs to whom."
      The wizard smirked, "If you kill me, Elf, than I shall destroy you as well."

      Legolas glared at him, his eyes resting upon the staff in the old man's hands. But the Elf's enraged look turned to one of sadness and acceptance.

      "Then my sister shall not be alone."

      Saruman realized then, that the Elf would hesitate no longer. As Legolas plunged the Orc blade deep into the wizard's throat, Saruman released his spell. However, the prince was ready for this and fell backwards, the last of the Istari's power searing the shoulder of the Elf's tunic.

      "Estel! Legolas!" the cried of Elladan and Elrohir reached the battlefield.

      Rushing from the gates, the twin sons of Elrond aided their younger brother in his battle. And yet, as Legolas regained his footing and stood, instantly searching for a discarded weapon, the small war ceased.

      Seeing their master dead upon the threshold of the great Elven Realm, the Orcs realized they had fought enough. Quickly the foul beasts took to the forests, disappearing from sight.


      "We should follow and wipe them out!" Elrohir exclaimed.
      But Aragorn shook his head, "They will not return."

      This was not enough and Elladan quietly approached the prince, wondering what he wished to be done.

      “Estel is right." Legolas replied, his eyes fixed on Saruman's lifeless body. "Without someone to guide them, the Orcs will have retreated into the Grey Mountains. There is no need to follow them."
      "Legolas?" Aragorn voice rang out as all sound returned to a peaceful quiet once more. The man walked to the front of his friend, gently touching the Elf's shoulder "Legolas?"

      The prince took a deep breath, but his calm demeanor did not fool the King of Gondor. Legolas turned his eyes from the man, swallowing the lump which had formed in his throat. Unshed tears glistened in the prince's eyes and his gaze was confused as he struggled to come to terms with all that had happened. Letting out a shaky breath, Legolas' eyes lightened on Aragorn's once more.

      "She..." the Elf's soft blue eyes searched his friend's silver ones, "She died to save me..."

      Aragorn's gaze was sympathetic as he pulled Legolas into a tight embrace. His friend was confused. Legolas had seen his share of death, through his trials in the War of the Ring, and even to times long before. But never had it hit him so close to home. Aragorn knew that Legolas' mother had passed to Valinor, but to Elves, that was not death. Never had the prince experienced death within his own family.

      Legolas' shoulders shook slightly as his unshed tears streamed down his fair cheeks. He grasped Aragorn tightly as grief, now fully realized, consumed him.

      "I... I could not help her. I..." but a sob wracked the prince and he stopped speaking.
      Aragorn pulled his friend's head back, starring into the Elf's sorrow filled eyes. "I am so sorry, Legolas." the King of Gondor rested his forehead against that of the prince. "I was too late."
      Legolas grasped the back of Aragorn's head, keeping his best friend close. "It hurts so, Estel." his eyes filled with tears once more.
      Aragorn put his hands on the Elf's slender shoulders. "I know, mellon nin. I know."


      The two stood like that for sometime as Gimli, Elladan, and Elrohir watched. Legede joined them again as well, his own heart breaking at such a tragic turn of events. The Elven Captain knew that Legolas would have gladly died to save his sister, to save any of them for that matter. The sacrifice of the young Elf had not been in vein, but Legede knew that his friend was blaming himself for all of it.

      Dawn's first light crept over the treetops of Mirkwood, but it's warmth and beauty would not be acknowledged on that fateful day.


      "Peace is a long time coming.
      Peace is my prayer for this earth.
      Bloodshed grows...
      ...I wake up suddenly because I cannot sleep.
      So much I am suffering for humanity."

      -"Hunger" (English Translation)
      - Baaba Maal
      -"Black Hawk Down" Original Motion Picture Soundtrack


Chapter 28: Grief's Breath of Life