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Natha Daged Dhaer: They Are All Going To Die!

~ ~ ~ Chapter 28: Grief's Breath of Life ~ ~ ~


~[ ]~ - indicated the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      The sun had risen hours ago and yet, he could not feel it's warmth. A bleak early morning gave way to a cloud filled afternoon wrought with haunting winds and thunder. Legolas however, could hear none of it.

      Nothing penetrated the shroud of grief which encompassed Legolas. Not Aragorn, nor Gimli or Legede, nor even Thranduil's reassuring words gave the Elf any comfort. The Prince of Mirkwood's heart was heavy and he had created a wall about himself, keeping all at a distance.

      To the casual observer or palace guard, there was nothing really wrong with Legolas. The archer was merely grieving over the passing of his dear sister. In truth, who throughout the kingdom was not? However, to the prince's closest friends, they could see his agony. It pained Aragorn to witness his companion trapped in such a situation. To the King of Gondor's trained eyes, Legolas could hide nothing...

      His grief was killing him.

      "Mellon nin, you must let it go."

      Aragorn stood within the prince's chambers, trying to lighten his spirits. Legolas however, was unmoved. He was content to simply sit upon his bed, knees pulled up to his chest, and head buried in a wave of golden tresses.

      "Legolas... please."
      "Leave me be, Estel. You do not know my pain." The Elf's quiet whisper reflected hidden emotions in his voice.
      The man sighed, taking a step closer. "I admit that I do not, yet my heart breaks at the thought of Legolia's death. I cannot remedy that, nor can you. But can you not see that this grief shall take your life?"
      Legolas looked up at the man, his eyes sharp and cold. "I was destined to die, not her! In my dreams, as in her own, it was my blood which was spilled! My life that was spent! My…" he stopped, tears springing to his anguished eyes. After a pause, the Elf continued. "My sister died, Aragorn. She had barely begun her immortal days." Legolas stood from his bed, "Her hands have not been stained with blood! Her innocence never corrupted by the brutality of war! She had never even ventured from the boarders of Mirkwood…." The prince's eyes softened as he spoke. "When I held her lifeless body in my arms, I prayed to Illuvutar that Saruman had killed me instead. Then, when I took the wizard's life, I… I thought… somehow…" his voice broke. Tears streamed freely down Legolas' face as he whispered, unable to control his grief. "But it did not return her to me." Leaning against the wall, the prince buried his face within his slender hands. "Nothing is going to bring her back and… and it is all my fault…"
      Aragorn stood before Legolas, his hands on the Elf's shoulders. "Nay! Nay Legolas! You can not think such a thing!" the man sighed. "Please, mellon nin, I beg of you… Let her go. You have mourned for Legolia nearly a week. Your father…" but the prince cut his friend off.

      Legolas was shaking, a mixture of rage and grief in his eyes. Those same eyes which locked onto Aragorn's as he spoke, his voice harsh even to the prince's own ears.

      "I know what my father shall do, Aragorn. Tonight, a week will have passed and it will be my sister's burial. It is as if he does not even care…" Aragorn started to protest, but Legolas continued. "Where was my father when this happened? Did he not refuse to listen to your own counsels?! He was stubborn and, because of that…" the Elf took a breath. "Because of that Saruman attacked us unawares. Ada would not even listen to me, Aragorn. I spoke with him, tried to convince him that he was wrong and you were right. Your suspicions are always right. But he would not have it…" Legolas sighed, "Finally, he just let me do as I pleased… but by then it was too late." During the course of the conversation, the prince's eyes had strayed from Aragorn's. Now those lost blue orbs locked with the King of Gondor's silver ones. "He would not even listen to Legolia's prophetic visions and dreams."
      "But your father cared, Legolas. How can you even begin to say that he did not?" Aragorn's grip on the Elf's shoulder's tightened. "Thranduil loved Legolia, I have seen it in his eyes every day since her passing. He has grieved and mourned her death, Legolas, but he is a king and he has duties… a kingdom to run. Your people need him, just as they need you Legolas. You cannot abandon them, mellon nin. Legolia's sacrifice need not be in vain. It will be however, if you let yourself be overcome with this grief!" the King of Gondor touched his forehead to Legolas' own as the prince closed his eyes. "This pain shall one day pass, mellon nin. It shall pass. I swear it."
      “Her sacrifice was in vein, Estel...” Legolas whispered, closing his eyes as they stood. “My immortality was stripped away. Each day I can feel my life slip like sand between my fingers. Legolia had long years to live. I...”

      Silence hung in the air for what seemed like ages. The two friends stood there, lost in their own thoughts, neither knowing what to say or what to do.

      "I wish to see her… one last time, Estel." Legolas whispered as he drew in a shaky breath.

      Aragorn nodded, releasing the prince's shoulders as they stepped apart.

      Together, the two companions made their way to Legolia's chambers, the same room in which her body had been laid.

      Legolas wished to pay his last respects.


      Knowing that his friend needed to be alone in his next moments, Aragorn stood just outside the doorway as the prince entered.

      Once inside, his in check emotions became uncontrollable and Legolas found himself struggling to simply walk across the cold and empty bedroom. Upon the bed lay the still form of Legolia. Quietly, the prince knelt at her side, gently stoking his sister's lifeless hand. "Thelanman le carha, Legolia? Thelanman le annalecuil an nin? Im le gwanur. Im ingberio le, tithen pen." ~[Why did you do it, Legolia? Why did you sacrifice yourself for me? I am your brother. I was supposed to protect you, little one.]~

      A great feeling of loss and despair seated itself in the prince's heart once more. With the upmost care, Legolas picked his sister up in his arms, sitting on the edge of her bed, as he cradled the young Elf's body in his arms. The prince moved a wayward strand of hair from her face.

      "Men garian bell peth. Im meleth le nadath, Legolia. Le nu daer ned nin cuil... Si..." ~[We had strong words that night. I loved you so much, Legolia. You were so great in my life... Now...]~ he stopped, unable to continue.

      Tears fell into the young girl's hair, tears that Legolas thought he had already cried.

      "Dihenanin, gwathel..." ~[Forgive me, sister...]~ the prince closed his eyes.

      A sob escaped his lips as the prince prepared to say his final goodbye.


      Legolas starred in shock down at the blue eyes which met his own.

      "Le... Legolia?..."
      The girl frowned, "What happened, Gwanur?" Suddenly, realization dawned on her youthful face. "Are you alright? What happened? Has Saruman been defeated?"
      Tears of joy, no longer of sorrow, flooded Legolas' eyes as he hugged his beloved sister. "We thought you were dead, Legolia."
      The girl's eyes darkened, "Not dead... just in a very dark place."
      Legolas looked at her hard for a moment, "I do not understand... What happened to you?"
      "I..." Legolia's face scrunched in confusion, "I do not really know. Saruman's spell, it... it infected me and... and I can not remember anything else."
      Suddenly, it all became perfectly clear to Legolas. "Saruman's spell..." his eyes locked with his sister's. "Aragorn and Gimli feared I had died shortly after my capture and escape. Yet, it was only for a few fleeting moments. The spell you intercepted was meant for me and..." a shudder ran down the prince's spine. "I think it was meant to put it's recipient in a deep state of sleep, a suspended animation, one which could even be mistaken for death."
      Legolia smiled, "But I am not dead."
      A grin escaped Legolas' lips as he hugged his sister once more, "Thank the Valar."


      Thinking his companion had lost his mind and was speaking to himself, Aragorn decided to enter the room. True, he could not quite hear the words Legolas spoke, but the man remembered that the prince should have been alone in the chamber.

      "Legolas, what..." but the King of Gondor's words were lost as he came upon the two, brother and sister, sitting on the bed.

      Legolas smiled at Aragorn as the man entered, unshed tears of joy lingering in the archer's eyes. "Come, Estel. Legolia has returned to us." The prince looked down at his sister, "She is home once more."


Chapter 29: Life's Celebration