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"The Presta Chronicles"

Part II: Forest Frantic


      Night crept slowly over the land, filling every nook and cranny with a hushed darkness that came only from a moonless night. The air was still, no breeze blew on such an evening. Everything had an ominous feel to it. The Wilds were a dangerous place for any traveler to set up camp.

      "Ai, Elbereth. Githoniel." Legolas whispered, wrapping his cloak tightly about his slender shoulders.

      Beside him, his face darkened by shadows, Aragorn shook his head. "What are you mumbling now?"

      The elf glanced over to his friend. "I am merely gazing up at the stars." but a smirk touched his features, "And saying a quick prayer that we may return to Imladris safely."

      "The Valar is merciful indeed if they do not intend to punish us for last night's catastrophe." The man replied with a stifled laugh.

      Legolas sighed, "Must we go over this yet again, Estel?"

      "I am merely angry with my reputation being completely destroyed. Bree was not the best of places, but it was nice to visit from time to time."

      "Was?" the prince questioned. "You can surely return. Just give the people a couple of years to forget the entire situation."

      Aragorn laughed, "Ah, yes. I shall simply stroll back into town in a matter of months and all shall be well again, no?"

      "Precisely." the elf replied. "Besides, your reputation was not tarnished."

      "Oh? And whose was, may I ask?"

      Legolas smirked once more, laying back against ths soft pine needles on the forest floor beneath him. "Strider's of course."

      "So I shall just change my name yet again?" the man laughed. "And what shall I be called when next I visit? Destroyer, perhaps? Maybe it should be Presta. Yes, that would do."

      Legolas shrugged, his hands behind his head,. "It actually does fit you, mellon nin." he laughed. "Trouble does seem to follow you wherever you go."

      "And I say the same for you as well." he replied.

      The elf frowned, "Come now, Estel. We should get some rest. 'Tis a long way back to Imladris and we must reach Weathertop by tomorrow's eve."

      Aragorn smiled, "I see that the change in conversation has begun to bore you, mellon nin. But you are right and we must press on come morning."

      "For we both know how much rest a human needs for such a journey." the prince joked, rolling slightly onto his left side, away from his friend.

      "Aye. And we both know that elves must have their beauty rest." the man returned, lying down as well.

      Legolas said not a word in reply and the Ranger thought him perhaps asleep already. However, after a few moments, a sigh escaped the elf and he stirred.



      "I am truly sorry for what happened. I was not in my right state of mind. It is rare that such a thing happens to me and I am sorry that it caused you such troubles."

      Aragorn smiled as he closed his eyes, "It was not that much trouble, Legolas. Now get some rest."

      "Very well then."

      Nothing else was said that night.


      Morning came and Aragorn awoke with a start. It was not a frightened start, but a start nonetheless. What had awakened him was mirthful laughter and the Ranger could only guess at what Legolas had found so funny at such an early morning hour.

      Opening his eyes to mere slits, the man glanced across the camp, taking in everything about him with great attention to every detail. Sitting beneath the trunk of a tree not three yards away, was Legolas. He seemed to be struggling with an unseen enemy, though there was a look of laughter on his face. Aragorn's pack, that which held their meager supplies, was being suspended in the air by his Elven friend.

      "Legolas, what in the world are you doing?" The man asked, pushing himself up on his elbows to get a better view.

      The elf turned to him, "We had an unexpected visitor early this morning." he replied, switching the pack to his other hand. "I attempted to persuade him that your pack was not worth his trouble, but he is quite persistent."

      Aragorn sighed, "Legolas, what are you talking about?"

      It was then that the Ranger noticed a small brown creature scurry up the tree trunk behind Legolas and attempt to jump onto the pack. The Elf moved it out of the small animal's reach. Aragorn was shocked that he had not noticed the bushy tailed squirrel before, but the little beast's coat blended in perfectly with the tree bark his friend rested against.

      "Your laughter woke me because of a squirrel?" He asked, falling backwards onto the ground. "Are you mad?"

      Legolas could tell that his friend had indeed not gotten enough sleep the night before and he simply shrugged, "Nay, I am merely trying to save your belongs from such a vicious creature."

      The man was about to respond that the Elf had indeed lost his mind, when he caught the playful glint in his friend's eyes. Legolas was having fun playing keep away with the squirrel and had actually thought that his mirth over the situation would not awaken the sleeping Ranger.

      Aragorn sighed, "I suppose we should press on then."

      As the Ranger stood, Legolas laughed again. "Perhaps we should leave a few dried fruits to my new little friend. He has earned them I believe."

      The man nodded and, as soon as Legolas had opened the pack and given a small dried fruit to the squirrel, he got the distinct feeling of being watched. Looking up, he noticed that Aragorn felt it as well and both of them rested their hands on their weapons. The elf watched as his little squirrel friend, fruit in tow, scampered away into the tree and this startled Legolas even more. Slowly drawing his bow and an arrow, the prince stood, setting the pack upon the ground beneath him.

      A rustle in the bushes off to Aragorn's side signaled someone's approach and it was then that the Elf then knew what they were up against.

      In one fluid movement, Legolas fit his arrow to the string and let it fly into the bush. A hideous scream filled that air and now, Aragorn too knew who their pursuer had been.

      "Yrch..." Legolas' voice was low and dangerous.

      The prince hated such disgusting creatures and loathed to be anywhere near the foul beasts. Aragorn knew this and he quickly crossed the camp, slinging his pack upon his back and looking to the dead Orc body which had fallen from the bush, a mere foot from where the Ranger had previously stood.

      The man looked to his companion, but Legolas' eyes were far away. "Man cenich?"

      "A scout." The Elf's voice was icy cold. "This one was but a scout. However, their foul stench I can smell from even this distance. A small company of Orcs have entered this area of the Wilds. We must move quickly."

      With that, Legolas turned, starting down the path toward Weathertop.

      Aragorn caught up with him, "Orcs do not travel in daylight. There is something strange about this I fear." But the look in Legolas' eyes said that the Elf was worried as well, "Is something wrong?"

      The Elf shook his head, "I cannot shake my feeling. That Orc was scouting for something, in the sun's light no less, but for what I know not. What business would such a creature have near Bree?"

      Aragorn shrugged, "Perhaps an errand which has yet to present itself to us. Elrond should know more than we, he has, after all, been consulting with Gandalf off and on these past years."

      That statement took Legolas by surprise, "Mithrandir has sought the counsel of Lord Elrond? This is serious indeed, Estel. Why had I not know of this before?"

      The man shrugged again, "I had not thought it that important. However, Elrond has wished me to return soon so that I may embark on a small quest for the wizard."

      "Times are changing."

      Aragorn looked at his friend quizzically, puzzled at the Elf's serious tone. "Legolas?"

      "Mithrandir has also asked a favor of the my father, though I must not speak of it at this time. Something in this world stirs, for good or ill, I know not."

      "Then perhaps a squirrel was the least of our worries."

      Legolas smiled, clapping his friend on the back, "For now anyway, we can worry about squirrels and rainstorms. Until we know more, we should let fate have it's fun."

      "Rainstorms?" The Ranger asked.

      "Aye." Legolas replied, "It appears one is nearly upon us."

      Aragorn sighed, shading his eyes and looking up into the cloud filled sky. "This will hinder our return to Rivendell."

      But the prince merely shrugged, "We shall make it to the safe haven of Imladris soon enough, mellon nin. Let us enjoy the Wilds until such a time."

      With that, they continued on their journey toward Weathertop. It would shield them from the coming storm, if they moved quickly enough. The news of the world was disturbing to each in it's own way, but the two companions did not let their thoughts dwell on such evil notions.

      They had more important things to worry about, for now...


