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"Savior And Destroyer"

A Lord of the Rings Fanfiction
By, LegolasLover2003

Incomplete Story

To read each individual chapter, click below

Chapter 1: The New Ered Gorgoroth

Chapter 2: Anger Management

Chapter 3: A Plea For Sanctuary

Chapter 4: Unfair Punishment

Chapter 5: A Tearful Reunion

Chapter 6: One Chance for Freedom

Chapter 7: Use Well The Days

Chapter 8: The Fall of the New Ered Gorgoroth

Chapter 9: Tears of Relief

Chapter 10: The Journey Home


Can also be found at under the username of:



I do not own anything related to The Lord Of The Rings.
It is all the property of the great, J.R.R. Tolkien.
I merely visit his world and interpret, for myself, my opinion of other events.
Thank you.
