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"Savior & Destroyer"

Chapter 02: Anger Management


~[ ]~ - indicates the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      "Estel, how far do you believe the scouts of Lord Elrond traveled?"
      Aragorn threw a sideways glance at his friend. "How should I know? They never returned, remember?"
      "Aye... But something does not bode well. The rocks they... they cry out in anger."

      Legolas' gaze became faraway as the Elf stopped in mid stride. He was listening intently to the sounds of nature all around him.

      "This place is full of grief and hate. The rocks... they are very fearful."
      "Fearful of what?" the young man asked, watching the Elf's face intently.
      The prince locked eyes with his friend. "Not of what, Estel... but for whom."
      "I do not understand."
      "The rocks warn me. They are afraid FOR us, not OF us..." Legolas was silent a moment longer, until his expression became one of near panic. "Something is coming!"


      "He has done it again, Vani!" Mirial cried, dragging her half sister into the room behind her.

      The chamber was Mirial's, neat and tidy, as was usual. The servants kept it well clean and picked up.

      Vani sighed, sitting in an all too large chair, "What is it this time?"
      "He has gone off hunting and will not return for nearly a month!" Mirial fumed, throwing her hands up in exasperation. "I just do not know what to do!"
      "Calm down." Vani replied, glancing at the only other figure in the room.

      He was her sister's newest servant, though Mirial kept him more for show and as a pet than anything else. The poor Elf had been caught trespassing in the mountains, along with a human. What had happened to him, Vani could only guess.

      She turned her attention back to her angry half sister. "Look, he had to go, Mirial. Estron is part of the village council. It is his job."
      "But he only told me of it yesterday!" the young woman cried, slinging a small vase across the room.

      It collided full on with the wall, sending a loud crash echoing through the room. Vani glanced to the servant, inclining her head slightly. The Elf quietly walked over, picked up the broken pottery, and disposed of it in a nearby trash bin.

      "That was because he only learned of it yesterday himself. You are over reacting."
      Mirial glanced at her sister. "Over reacting? You would be doing the same if it had been Araon."
      "Do not ever say his name." Vani replied, her voice low and dangerous as she watched the other woman carefully. "I do not wish to hear of him... not yet and not from you."
      "Very well." Mirial glanced at her servant before walking toward the bedroom door. "I am due for an afternoon ride. I shall return within the hour."

      Vani nodded as her sister left, closing the chamber door behind her. The elder sister let out a sigh before catching the smirk that was upon the Elf's face.

      "What is so amusing?"
      He walked over, sitting in a chair across from Vani. "You are... calming her the way you did. For that, I thank you."
      "If I had not, you would have been the one who she took it out on." Vani replied with a tired sigh.
      The Elf nodded, "True... I could have been the vase."

      There was a long moment of silence as Vani stared at the Elf in surprise. Suddenly however, they both burst into laughter.

      "Yes?" he asked, trying to stop laughing.
      "That was good."
      He smiled. "Hannon le."


      After their laughter had died down, Legolas' features grew grave. He could now ask the question which had been grating on his nerves for well over a day now.

      "Vani. Have you found him yet?"
      The woman shook her head, "No, and I have searched everywhere. The dungeons are bare and there is no sign of him within the house. I have even been following Mirial, in hopes of her leading me to him... yet there has been no luck there either."

      Legolas closed his eyes, trying hard not to imagine what had been done with his closest friend.

      "Sometimes." the Elf whispered, "Sometimes I begin to wonder if he is even alive. Mirial could be lying to me and enjoying my servitude all the more through her deception."
      Vani put a hand on the prince's shoulder. "I will find your friend, Legolas. The cruelty of this house shall be it's downfall. I simply cannot bear what my half sister has been doing."
      "I know... and I thank you."

      Suddenly, there was a knock upon the door.

      "Yes?" the woman called out.
      One of the house guards shouted back in reply. "A messenger to see Miss Mirial."
      "Let him in. I shall see to him." Vani replied, ushering Legolas back into his corner, so as to keep up appearances.
      "But Miss Vani, your sister is to..."
      "I said show him in."
      The guard sighed, "Very well."

      When the door opened, two things happened. First, both Vani and Legolas were shocked speechless at the form being drug through the doorway. Second, the guards flung a limp and unconscious body upon the wooden floor.

      It was Aragorn.


Chapter 03: A Plea for Sanctuary