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"Savior & Destroyer"

Chapter 05: A Tearful Reunion


~[ ]~ - indicates the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      "Tell me, while you stand there like a stubborn fool." Mirial began with a smirk. "What is the significance of those braids which you wear in your hair?"

      The young woman was calmly combing out her own hair. It was the start of a new day, hardly near midday yet. Only two more sunrises and her Elven servant would be done away with. For now however, she wished to learn as much about him as possible, for future reference.

      Legolas' wounds had been tended to by Vani. The kinder sister had insisted upon it, even though the archer knew it to be for naught in the end. In two days Mirial was to have him hung. Now, all the prince could think about was Aragorn and home. Legolas had washed and redressed to once more serve in the household. Though his days may be numbered, Estel's were not. If the prince failed to appease this master of theirs... who knew what fate would befall the edan. ~[Man.]~

      "Answer me." Came the woman's voice, snapping the Elf from his thoughts.

      Legolas searched for a lie but could not find one fast enough. His mind was troubled and on other things, hindering any creative explanation he could come up with.

      "The are a symbol of my heritage and status in my home." he answered, keeping his eyes on the rug beneath him.
      Mirial pulled a strand of hair back and away from her face, "A symbol you say?"
      "And just what is your 'heritage' and 'status'?" she asked, glancing at the Elf through her mirror.
      Legolas swallowed, not wanting to tell this woman more than she needed to know. "A warrior. An archer to be more specific."

      This was true, to a certain extent. Though the Elf said nothing about the fact that his intricate hairstyles also showed fellow Elves that he was a prince among their kind.

      "You are a warrior? Tell me, Elf, how old are you truly?" she asked, turning to the archer behind her. "You spoke of 'over a dozen lives of men'. Is this true?"

      "I am only a few centuries shy of a thousand." he replied, head bowed.

      If Legolas had known how much this comment would upset the woman before him, he might have lied. As it was, the Elf had no warning to her next statement.

      "Cut your hair off... all of it." Mirial growled. "That is an order, servant."


      "How do you feel this morning, Estel?" Vani asked, helping the weakened human to sit.

      She placed a few of her own pillows behind his head and then smiled, handing him a tall glass of water.

      The man smiled back, "Better. Thanks to your care." he replied, taking the cup and drinking it quickly. "What of Legolas? How does he fare?" Aragorn asked, hope sparking in his grey eyes.
      Vani smiled slightly, "He got himself into a bit of trouble yesterday, but I saw him this morning and he is quite well. He wishes to see you but my sister forbids him from leaving her wing of the house. When you are well, maybe even tomorrow, I shall take you to see him. I realize that it would do the both of you a world of good." the woman laughed. "He is probably worrying over you this very minute." She made sure not to mention his sentence of death, for she feared that it might break the man's healing spirit.

      Suddenly, without any knock or warning, Mirial burst into her sister's chambers. She completely ignored the man in bed and grabbed the elder woman by the wrist.

      "He refuses to obey me." Mirial stated in anger, dragging her sister toward the doorway. "Come, you must talk some sense into him."
      Vani planted her feet firmly, "What is it you wish him to do?" she asked cautiously.
      The younger sister turned, glaring daggers at her sibling. "He is almost a thousand years old! No one that old should look so beautiful! Especially if they are more fair than I!" the woman fumed. "I ordered him to cut off his hair and he refuses."
      Aragorn gasped, catching the attention of both women. "You cannot force him to do this. 'Tis not his fault that he is fair even among his own kind."
      "Stay out of this, Elf-Friend." Mirial growled, pulling on her sister's wrist again.
      Vani turned, shaking her head at the young man. "Be silent." she whispered softly before turning back to her sibling. "Mirial, let me speak with this man for a moment. I swear to come to your chambers and see what I can do afterwards."

      There was a moment of hesitation in the younger woman's features, but she nodded and left the room quickly. Vani turned, rushing to Estel's bedside.

      "Why? Why will he not cut his hair?" she asked.
      The man's features were pale now. "To do so would dishonor his household. If he cut off those braids... The hair that makes those braids... Valar, I do not want to imagine the torment he would be put through."
      Vani sighed, "But he must. If he does not, Mirial will likely either kill him or kill you to get to him. Legolas cannot allow that... he knows it. He has to cut off his hair. 'Tis the only way for either of you."


      "Mirial, tell your men to leave the room." Vani whispered, taking the small dagger from her sister's hand. "Leave us in peace and it will be done."

      The younger sister smiled, waving to the three guards which had now cornered the Elf on one side of the room. Vani stepped forward, her hands out in front of her and the dagger laying in her palm. Once the door was closed, the archer relaxed, falling against the wall and curling in on himself.

      "Legolas... You must let me do this." Vani whispered, kneeling down next to him.
      The Elf shook his head, "I cannot... I cannot..." his breathing came quick and it took the woman a moment to realize that he was truly panicked about the situation.
      She sighed, "You have endured tortures beyond my imagination, and you let this simple thing break you?"
      Legolas' head shot up, his eyes as cold as the frozen river in winter. "'Tis not simple."
      "I know... I know... Estel told me. He told me it would dishonor your family." Vani replied, putting a hand on his shoulder. "But Estel's life hangs in the balance. If Mirial learns you did not do as she asks, she will have him killed. And she will do it before your very eyes. Slow and painful, to etch every moment of his torment into your immortal mind for what precious days you have left."
      "But it does not just dishonor my family..." Legolas whispered, his eyes locking with hers. "Ada will be shunned by our people... They will revolt when they see that I am no longer the symbol that I have been in centuries past."
      Vani smiled, touching her forehead to his own. "Legolas... Your people will see you for the prince that you are. They will love you just the same. Your beautiful hair means nothing to them. What matters, it is not tradition, it is not appearance, it is you and what is inside you. To let this break you... Ai, it would be a sad day under those dark trees."
      The archer looked up, shock playing over his features. "Estel told you... NO!"
      "Shhhh... he told me nothing."

      Legolas was confused. This woman knew he was the Prince of Mirkwood. She knew of his royal heritage and yet... She had told no one.

      "Why? How?"
      Vani laughed, "I have met you before, Legolas. My own father went to Mirkwood years ago, when I was only eleven. I traveled with him. One day, within the great halls of that cavernous palace, I met you. You were hurrying to the gardens, something about not wishing to miss the sunset, and then you saw me. I was so young, so in awe of you... from that time on I pictured your face every day. You stopped and knelt down, smiling as you tousled my hair. 'Mae govannan, tithen pen.' you said, laughter ringing from your voice. When you realized I could not speak your language, you switched, smiling as you did so. 'I hope you are enjoying your stay in Mirkwood.' you said. ''Tis a beautiful wood and a fine realm. Perhaps we will have the chance to meet again, but for now, I am late.'. You stood, running down the hallway once more." Vani's features grew sad however as she began to remember a more fateful day in the nearer future. "When Mirial had me look upon you in the dungeons, Valar I was so frightened for you." She smiled sadly, "I want nothing more than to help you, Legolas. To help you and Estel escape this house... this village of terror and despair. But you must trust me. You have to trust me, Legolas."
      A tear slipped from the Elf's eyes as he smiled in return. "I was hurrying to meet with Estel. He was staying with us, for I remember you well now. We watched the sunset every evening, laughing and joking about the day's events."
      The woman held the dagger in her hand for him to see. "Please... Trust me."

      Legolas nodded, uncurling himself and letting her sit behind him. But no matter what went through the prince's mind, he could not help the tears which slipped down his cheeks unchecked as the dagger cut through his golden tresses.


      "You will not like what you see, Estel." Vani whispered, standing before the doorway to the small room which Legolas had been given in his service to the house.

      The young woman knew that the Elf was reacting badly to what had just been done to him. Even though it had caused him no physical harm, his emotional and mental state was another thing entirely.

      Aragorn took a deep breath, stilling the pain in his body. "He is my friend and needs me. Please, allow me to enter."
      Vani nodded, "So be it then."

      She opened the door slowly. No light was kindled within the chamber and all was dark. A small bed was lodged in the corner of the room, sporting one pillow and very thin blanket. There was a wash basin as well as a small table, upon which sat an unlit candle. But it was the object in the corner of the room which caught Aragorn's eyes.

      The figure was wearing a sky blue shirt with matching leggings, but he sat curled up upon the cold stone floor. His knees were pulled to his chest, his arms hugging those slender legs with all their might. One hand was on the being's neck, pulling absently at the short strands of hair which now hung down barely to the bottom of his pointed ears. Silent sobs wracked the lithe frame and the man's heart broke as he saw his closest friend in such turmoil.

      "Legolas..." Aragorn whispered, taking a couple of uncertain steps into the chamber.

      The Elf did not move, nor acknowledge the man's appearance or voice. He simply stared toward the wall, oblivious to the world around him. As this happened, Vani closed the door, standing just outside in case she was needed. She was going to give them their privacy.

      "Mellon nin... Please... Look at me..." Estel whispered, putting a hand lightly on the prince's shoulder.

      Legolas' fingers untangled themselves from his hair and he slowly turned, locking eyes with the man behind him. His own blue orbs were dulled slightly, yet a spark of hope ignited in them at the sight of the edan.

      "Estel... Valar, is it really you?"
      Aragorn laughed, "Aye. It is... How I have been so worried for you."
      "And I you..." Legolas replied, pulling the man into a hug as the two sat next to one another. "I have thought of you every moment."
      "I am sorry that I have not been here... been here to share in your pain." he replied, avoiding the other's gaze.
      Legolas frowned, "No... do not wish for such a thing, mellon nin. You would then have been given the same fate as I."
      "Has Vani not told you?" the prince asked, shock evident in his eyes.
      Aragorn shook his head, "No... She told me you were doing better. Fate? What fate? Legolas, what is wrong?"
      A sigh escaped the Elf, "Mirial is going to have me put to death in two days."


      "Vani! VANI!" Mirial cried, rushing down the hallway and finally running into her sister.
      "What is wrong?" the older woman asked, seeing the fear in her sibling's eyes.
      Mirial was nearly hysterical. "Elves have come! They are looking for that servant of mine and his friend! You have to help me! I must convince them that they are nowhere near!"


Chapter 06: One Chance For Freedom