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"Savior & Destroyer"

Chapter 06: One Chance for Freedom


~[ ]~ - indicates the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      "I would like to welcome you to our home. If you need anything, please, feel free to ask." Mirial bowed, stepping aside.

      Vani nodded to the two Elves before her, bidding them to sit. For such a charade, the elder sister was playing the part of host, while the younger hung back behind. It was not Vani's choice to lie however, far from it. She would have told these Elves in a heartbeat about their prisoners. However, her sister had put the threat of immediate death upon both Legolas and Estel. So, the woman would have to find a way to alert them without her sister knowing.

      "Tell me." Vani stated, smiling at the guests as she sat. "What brings the sons of Lord Elrond to our humble village?"
      Elladan's face was an impassive mask, letting no emotion through his facade. "We are looking for our missing brother and his friend. Perhaps you have seen them?"
      "I cannot say that I have." Vani lied, "Could you tell me something about them, so I may ask the guards and servants, as well as the townspeople?"
      Elrohir, who was identical to his brother, nodded. "Of course, though one could hardly not notice the pair. Our brother, such as we call him, is a human Ranger in training. The other is his friend, as well as our own, and is an Elf of nobility whose father is greatly disturbed by his absence. If they are found and guided home, he is willing to pay a substantial reward, as is our own father."
      "Do they have names?" Mirial asked.

      That had been one question which Vani had hoped would not come up. Surely these twin Elves would not know Legolas' alias and, if Estel was using one as well, would they know it also?

      The elder twin spoke up first, "Our brother's name is Estel, though he may be traveling under the name of Strider. The other, the Elf, is Legolas of Mirkwood. His father is Thranduil, the king of that realm. Any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated."
      "Estel and Legolas..." Mirial let the words hang in the air. "I have not heard those names before, have you sister?"
      "No..." Vani replied, "But I shall alert all those who work here to be on the lookout. The same goes for those who live in the village. I am so very sorry that the elders were not here to meet with you, for they are on a hunting expedition as we speak . Surely they would have been of more help to you than myself or my sister."
      The twins stood, "It is well, for we could expect no more than what you have already promised. We will take our leave now, and if you should come across anything, we will be camped just outside of town until tomorrow morn."

      Vani and Mirial bowed as the two Elves were lead from the room and from the house all together. Both women watched from the window while the twins departed and, as they passed from sight, Mirial whirled on her older sister.

      "YOU KNEW!" She cried, pointing an accusing finger at her sibling. "You knew who he was, did you not?"
      Vani straightened. "I did. I had met him long ago on a journey with father."
      "This is why your fiancee was put to death, Vani! Do you realize that?! He helped those Elven scouts of Elrond's, even though he knew what would happen if he was caught. Do you want me to do the same to you?! Do you want death?!"
      Something inside the elder woman hardened. "I wanted Araon's life to be twined with my own and you stole that from me. If my life has only been prolonged by Eru to care for this prince, than so be it." Her gaze pierced the heart of her younger sister. "But I warn you of this now, Mirial. If you have Legolas hung, those Elves will learn of it. They will return in full force and destroy this entire village."
      Mirial glared at her older sister. "You have been aiding that servant all along." she whispered in shock.
      "No." Vani replied, shaking her head. "I have only been trying to keep him alive. Your ways have slowly been killing him, and what you made me do to his hair... I know not if he is even emotionally stable any longer." She advanced on her sister. "You murdered my love, stole what was rightfully mine, slaughtered and tortured innocent Elves, and are you just now realizing that I despise even your name?!"
      "How dare you say such a thing?" Mirial said, slapping her elder sister across the face. "How dare you..."
      "Oh, I can say whatever I wish. I matters not to me if I die for my remarks, for I have had enough." Vani replied, smirking. "Besides, after you have hung Legolas, Elrond's sons will kill everyone in this village, including myself. So, the way I figure it... I am already dead."
      Mirial's face contorted in anger. "Fine." she calmly said, "Have it your way! GUARD!"
      Quickly Tileng rushed into the room. "M'lady?" he asked, throwing a glare at Vani.
      The younger sister smiled, "Kill the Ranger."
      "My pleasure." Tileng replied before rushing off down the hall.
      Vani turned, glaring at her sister. "You..." but she never finished that sentence, for the woman quickly dashed after the guard.

      Mirial walked into the hall, looking down the corridor before spotting a passing servant.

      "You! Alert the guard to apprehend my sister at once. S he had gone and done something rather foolish, I fear."

      The servant nodded, quickly leaving to do the woman's will.

      "Vani. Vani. Vani. Such reckless behavior does not become you, dear sister."


      "Let go of me!" Legolas cried, trying in vein to pull from the grasp of the three guards who were currently holding him back against the wall of his cell.

      Their leader, Tileng, had backed a wounded Aragorn into one corner of the small room. Now, he was holding a long knife just below the Ranger's throat.

      "Leave him alone! He has done nothing!" Legolas yelled, resuming his struggles.
      Tileng shook his head, "Lady Mirial ordered me to kill him and that is exactly what I shall do. However... I may make it slow and painful in the process. He did give me quite the trouble when you two were caught."

      Rage burned in the Elven prince's eyes as he tried to free himself. It was quite clear that Aragorn had not yet recovered and still needed rest. That had proved true when Tileng had stormed into Legolas' cell, where Estel was still residing, and flung the human across the room. The archer had tried to go to his friend's aid, only to be pulled back by the three guards who now restrained him. As Aragorn had gotten to his feet, Tileng took the moment to point the tip of the knife mere centimeters from the Ranger's throat.

      Suddenly however, the door of the room swung open and Tileng gasped as an arrow pierced his right shoulder. Momentarily forgetting about the young man, he turned, only to be shot through the thigh with a second arrow. Tileng stumbled and fell to the ground as the attacker entered the room.

      Vani stood just inside the doorway, a bow clutched and aimed in her hands.

      "Let Estel go..." she whispered.
      Tileng glared at the woman, "You will not escape this village."
      "I am not going to." Vani replied, her eyes locking with the tired ones of Estel. "Your brothers are here, camped just outside the town."
      "You will not leave." the guard said, glancing at the men who were restraining the Elf. "The Ranger may escape, but not this Elf. If you rush my men, they will fight back.. and I can assure you, Vani, that they will lay your corpse upon the floor before you could fire another arrow."
      Vani looked to Legolas, but the prince shook his head. "Estel's life is more important than the lives of this entire village."
      "Legolas..." the Ranger whispered, not wanting to do what he knew he must.
      The prince's eyes softened, "Noro, mellon nin. Leon u-amarthiel teithoiant." ~[Run, my friend. Your fate has not been written.]~
      "Neither has yours." Estel replied, smiling at his friend. "I will return for you." he stated before shoving Vani out the door.

      He quickly slammed it shut and then locked the bolt before dashing off down the hall. Vani glared at the Ranger before he grabbed her arm and drug them both toward the nearest exit.

      "You left him!"
      The woman was stunned, "But... But Mirial will kill him!"
      Estel stopped, turning to her. "Do you have a sword?"

      Vani nodded, handing it ho him.

      "If my brothers are here, then so is all the might of Imlardis. I will make good on my promise to him." just as soon as the Ranger stopped, he continued running with Vani following him all the way.


      Legolas leaned back against the wall of his small room. His eyes were closed and his hands were bound behind his back. A rope was also tied to one ankle, then fastened to the edge of his cot. Tileng and his men had finally managed to break the door down and chase after the two escapees. But the prince knew, for a certain fact, that Tileng would never be able to catch Aragorn.

      Not in a million years.

      "Noro, Estel." Legolas whispered. ~[Run, Estel.]~

      The small window at the top of the wall let in soft moonlight, for the sun had faded nearly an hour ago, and the evening breeze ruffled through the Elf's uneven locks. A sigh escaped the archer as he slowly succumbed to the weariness which had been pulling at him all day.

      "Noro, Estel. No lain..." ~[Run, Estel. Be free...]~


Chapter 07: Use Well The Days