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"Savior & Destroyer"

Chapter 07: Use Well The Days


~[ ]~ - indicates the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      "Gwedyr nin!" ~[My brothers!]~

      The shout of a familiar voice brought both Elladan and Elrohir rushing from their camp. Joyous expressions rose upon their faces as the twins caught sight of their young brother.

      "Estel!" both twins cried, enveloping him in hugs before the human could even speak.

      Vani stood behind them, laughing to herself at the joyous reunion.

      Wiping the tears from his eyes, Elrohir shook his head in amazement. "Le mae... Hannon i Valar!" ~[You (are) well... Thank the Valar!]~
      "Aye, im maeon. An si." Aragorn replied, glancing back at Vani. "Sen arwen edraien nin." ~[Aye, I am well. For now. This noble woman saved me.]~
      Elladan blinked, looking at the woman as well. "Govannem sen dess nu, nedh i gobel. He i tegia!" ~[We met this young woman before, in the village. She is their leader!]~
      "Sidh, Elladan." Aragorn replied, putting a hand on his brother's arm. "He i min edraiea." ~[Peace, Elladan. She is our saver.]~
      The younger twin looked at the human in confusion. "Min?" ~[Our?]~
      With a nod, Estel turned sad eyes to his brothers. "Laegolas deri nedh he gwethel peur." ~[Legolas remains in her sister's hands.]~
      Anger burned within both twins, "Hin caethant!" Elladan cried, pointing to Vani. "He caethant!" ~[They (these) lied! She lied!]~
      "I lied to save their lives." Vani replied.

      All three warriors turned to her in confusion.

      The woman smiled, "Yes. I know your tongue, some of it anyway. My father was a learned man from Gondor who tried to make a living here in the wilds of the mountains. After I became fascinated with the Elves, he began teaching me the Sindarin tongue."
      "And do you know Legolas?" Elrohir asked.
      She nodded, "Aye, I do. I met him long ago, when I was young." a smile crossed her lips as she looked to Aragorn. "He was wishing to watch the stars with you, Estel, when I met him. You must have been quite young as well."
      "I was, though I remember star gazing in Mirkwood during my visits there." the human replied, closing his eyes before quickly turning to the twins once more. "Legolas is in the woman Mirial's hands, and we must get him back before dawn!"
      "Aye, we will, Estel. How does he fair?" Elladan replied, leading them back to the camp.
      Both humans were silent for a moment before Vani spoke up. "He does not have much time left."
      "He will die?!" The elder twin asked, spinning on the woman.
      Vani nodded, "If my sister has anything to say about it, he shall be dead by morning."
      Elladan sighed, "Then we best make haste." he replied, before setting the entire camp into motion.

      The twins had mustered most of Rivendell's defenses, those same defenses now camped all about them. With their numbers, they could easily overwhelm the village, but they did not wish to kill unless it was unavoidable. The actions of a few could not hold the many responsible.

      "We attack at first light." Elrohir said, sitting down across from a nearby fire, his sword on his lap.


      "You will destroy me!" Mirial cried, glaring at the Elf who sat against the wall of his small chamber. "Your pitiful friend and my sister will bring ruin upon this entire house!"
      Legolas smiled, "Ruin is what you deserve." he replied, confidence in his voice.

      Estel was free and safe, most likely with the twins already. No longer did this woman's words strike anything but sarcasm from the Elf now. The prince was free from doing her bidding. She held no more sway over him.

      "I can still have you killed." Mirial replied, stepping next to the Elf.
      "You can." the prince said. "You can kill me, but my job is done."
      Enraged, the woman grasped a few short locks of the Elf's hair in her hand and slammed his head back against the stone wall. "Was that human so important to you that you would risk your own life for his?"
      Legolas gasped slightly when his head hit, but a smile crossed his face. "He is worth my life and so much more."
      "Fine. You will not tell me." Mirial reasoned, letting go of Legolas' hair. "I can see that you are my only bargaining tool in this game now." she laughed, "But mark my words, Elf. You will die, for I promised that. No matter what these friends of yours and my sister do, you shall die."
      "I do not doubt it." the prince replied, closing his eyes. "But Estel is free."

      Disgusted by the prince's show of loyalty, Mirial motioned to Tileng. The guard, his wounds bandaged and back on his feet, bowed as he stepped forward from the other side of the room.

      "My lady?"
      "You will take the prisoner into the middle of town. Prepare his execution well, Tileng, but do not kill him. We shall see who makes the first move. If the Elves attack, hang him without warning, and if they do not, then we will see how they wish to deal. You can do whatever you please to this Elf, but if you kill him then it shall be your neck in the noose. Understand?"
      Tileng smiled, "I understand perfectly, Lady Mirial. And it shall be my pleasure."

      The tone of the guard's voice sent an shiver down Legolas' spine. Whatever Tileng was planning, the prince knew it would hurt, and hurt badly. Inwardly, Legolas sighed as he was hoisted to his feet and taken from the chamber.


      The dark of night assaulted the Elf's senses. Though Legolas could see clearer in the dark than most humans, he prayed for the sun's rise. It's warm rays, a thing he had not felt in far too long, would be a welcome sight to him before his death. There was no doubt that Aragorn and the twins would try to save him, but he feared they would come too late.

      "On your knees, Elf."

      Legolas continued to stand, but a sharp kick from Tileng doubled him over. The prince fell to the ground, his hands bound behind him. Grabbing a handful of the Elf's clothing, Tileng ripped off Legolas' tunic and promptly untied his hands. Before the archer could mount a defense however, four guards grabbed him by the shoulders. One of Legolas' wrists were fastened to a pole on his left, and the other on his right. They were so close together however, that the prince found himself leaning forward slightly as his body looked for a more comfortable position to kneel in.

      Tileng laughed as he stood behind the Elf. "My failure will be taken out on your head, Firstborn. Steel yourself." he growled before tearing into the prince's naked back with a brutal whip.

      At first, the bitting pain seemed minimal. Legolas had been through the same torture a few days earlier. But as the guard beat him repeatedly in the same places, the Elf's vision began to swim. He refused to cry out however, as his mind retreated to a happier time.



      A great fire burned in the hearth as Elves lay scattered throughout the room. Chairs, sofas, benches, even pillows on the floor were occupied by the fair and immortal beings. Four friends found a quiet refuge from the daily struggles of life as they listened to the minstrel's's soft Elvish words.

      Legolas laid his head upon his outstretched arm. He lay on his side on the floor, using his arm as a pillow, while his mind drifted into the words of the melody. Aragorn rested his head against the Elf's legs, listening as well in content. Elladan and Elrohir sat beside them. The older twin's head resting on his brother's chest as Elrohir laid back against a pillow.

      To Lord Elrond, who sat nearby, it was a picture of serenity. No more did those he loved look like the seasoned warriors he knew them to be. They appeared as children, especially Estel, whom had been told of his true heritage not too many days before, listening to a favorite tale before bed time. The healer smiled. It was good to have them enjoying the evening.

      "Legolas..." Elrohir whispered, glancing at the Elf.
      "Hm?" the prince asked softly, his eyes closed as he relaxed.
      "I wish we could stop time and enjoy this moment forever..." the raven haired Elf said with a smile.
      Legolas laughed slightly, "Are you so sure you would not get bored, mellon nin?"
      "I think he would." replied Elladan, opening his eyes.
      The archer felt movement at his legs and looked at Aragorn who nodded. "It would not be long before he would wish to hunt Orc or to pull some ridiculous stunt..." he stopped, thinking for a moment. "Or to hasten to the dinner hall for a good meal."

      One of the pillows came flying at the human, but he caught it with a slight smile. Elrohir leaned back again.

      "I would not... You would get restless far before me, Estel."
      Aragorn shook his head, "Nay... when I sit in this hall I feel as if I could walk the paths of dreams forever."

      A new tale began as the four friends listened intently in the peace that was Rivendell.

"Osbennas i ennas nai deri
Gwain egor thurin annon
A ind cilin ti na
Arad teliath ir im
Mabathon dolen red hen nor
Ithil Annun, a Anor Ruhn."

~[Around the corner there may wait
A new road or a secret gate
And though I have passed them by
A day will come when I
Will take the hidden paths that run
West of the Moon, and East of the Sun.]~

      Legolas smiled, "I shall run those paths with you one day, mellon nin." he whispered, his blue eyes locking with Estel's grey ones.
      Aragorn smiled in return, "That day will come... and, when it does, I shall be honored to have you by my side."

      With contented sighs, and an even stronger oath of friendship and loyalty, they listened once more to the soft voices of the singing Elves about them.



      'He never wanted his destiny... yet that night, he accepted it readily.' Legolas thought, ignoring the pain in his back and shoulders.

      "Mae govannen, Estel..." the prince whispered. ~[Well met, Estel]~

      The thoughts were but a whisper, but Tileng heard them and punched the Elf brutally on the ribs. Legolas gasped slightly and hung his head.

      "Onen i-estel Edain... U-chebin estel anim an guruthos mabath nin..." he gasped again as pain flew through his senses. Legolas did not realize he was speaking his every thought aloud in the grey tongue. "A Elbereth Gilthoniel o menel palan-diriel, le nallon si di-guruthos! A tiro nin, Fanuilos!" ~[I gave hope to the Dunedain. I have kept no hope for myself for death will take me... O Elbereth Star-Kindler, from heaven gazing afar, to thee I cry now, in the shadow of death. O look towards me, Everwhite!]~

      Tileng suddenly struck the small of Legolas' back. The prince's head fell forward as he choked back a cry. He was tired, and could no longer retreat into the warmth of his memories.

      Looking up, as the whip continued it's merciless onslaught, Legolas could hear the minstrel's song from that day long ago. Tears nearly slipped from the Elf's eyes as he softly began to sing them to himself. Legolas knew, in those moments, that the song was a tale of his and Aragorn's friendship. A friendship, that was being destroyed before it had truly begun...

"Geliron hen le sio ah nin,
Ah na meth o pan ned."

~[I'm glad that you are here with me,
Here at the end of all things.]~

      Legolas could almost see Aragorn's face as he closed his eyes against the pain. The Ranger's eyes, eyes he had grown to know and trust, locked onto his own, and he was comforted by the feeling. The man would not let him fall... He would not let him die. And yet... Yet here Legolas was, at the end of all things.

"Duna bainath,
A galu, a pan he achas cilathon."

~[Night too shall be beautiful,
and blessed, and all its fear will pass.]~

      The stars, they shone for him on that night. They wept, as did the trees blanketed in the folds of night. Legolas could feel their cries of grief. Yet he could feel something else as well. The trees spoke of hope... of Estel.

"Gerin gwannatha, garathrado Aear,
Meleth le annant panath im mada ah nin."

~[I must leave, must cross the Sea,
The love you gave is all I take with me.]~

      Tear slipped unbidden from Legolas' eyes as he sang those words. He was not afraid of death, but despaired for his friends and family. When he walked the Halls of Mandos, what would become of his father? His sister? The twins?

      "Estel..." he whispered, wanting to see his friend one last time.
      Tileng grabbed Legolas' chin roughly in his hand. "Singing are you?" he asked with a sneer. "In that cursed language of yours, no doubt." He had heard the soft words of Legolas but could not understand them... and that angered the guard all the more. "Let us see what you do with your tongue cut out!"
      The guard turned to see Mirial standing behind him. "My lady?"
      "You will kill him at this rate. Leave the Elf till dawn, with guards posted mind you. I would not want his execution ruined by a rescue attempt."
      Tileng bowed, "As you wish." then he turned back to the prince. "Consider yourself lucky, Elf. In a few hours, I shall watch as your neck snaps and your life flees from your pathetic corpse."

      As the guard left, Legolas closed his eyes. The inky black voice of unconsciousness claiming him in it's arms as the light of the Elf's world disappeared.



      "Legolas... you are leaving again?"
      The prince looked up with a smile on his face, "Aye, but only for a short while. 'Tis Estel's twentieth birthday, Legolia. I can not miss it."
      Sitting on the edge of the archer's bed, the young Elven girl sighed. "You always leave. I miss you when you are gone, muindor nin. You never bring this human to our home, at least you do not when I am around." she said with a frown. ~[my brother.]~
      Legolas picked his little sister up, setting her in his lap. "Look, I promise that Estel will visit us one day. He is very dear to me and I wish for you to know the friendship he gives, like I do. But ada has not given me permission to invite him."
      "Let me ask! Ada always does what I want him to." Legolia put in with a smirk and a gleam in her eye.
      "Aye!" he replied laughing. "He does... I taught you too well, tithen pen." ~[little one.]~

      There was silence as a moment as Legolas moved his sister aside and continued putting items in his pack. The young Elfling was still as stone, until her eyes began to water slightly.

      Legolas noticed this and put down his small pouch that held his rations. "Legolia?"
      A cry escaped the girl as she flung herself into her brother's arms. "Im goe an le, muindor. Im goe an le." she cried, burying her face in his golden hair. ~[I fear for you, brother. I fear for you.]~
      "Shhhhh..." the prince soothed, holding his sister tight. "Iston... Iston." ~[I know... I know.]~
      She looked up, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Promise me something, Legolas." she whispered, locking eyes with her brother.
      The prince nodded, "Anything."
      "Look after your friend well, muindor. Keep your faith and hope in him, and look after him."

      Legolas was puzzled by his sister's words. Some said the princess of Mirkwood could see the future while other's rarely believed her predictions. Thranduil himself had pushed them off before as nothing more than the nightmares of a child, but Legolas found himself trusting in his sister's words, even though she was so young.

      "I always do." the archer replied, hugging his sister once more. "I always look after the ones I love."



      'Navaer ada, gwathel nin, mellyn nin... Im innas deri an le na Mandos' annon, adamminen.' Legolas thought, as he closed his eyes, saying a prayer to the Valar at the end. ~[Farewell father, my sister, my friends... I shall wait for you at Mandos' gates, forever.]~
      Tileng stood behind the prince, a smile on his cruel face. "If your friends even try to attack, your life will be forfeit."
      "Iston." Legolas replied without thinking. ~[I know.]~

      No more did he wish to speak the language of this madman behind him, or of the demon which he served. He had fulfilled his promise and was ready to accept his fate. Legolas held himself proudly, ignoring the pain of his healing back. His head held high, he looked every bit the dignified prince that he was. The noose about his neck, the wisps of hair in his face, the wounds upon his naked chest and back, and his bound hands were the only signs of his impending fate.

"Iuith mae i araid, iuith mae i araid.
Rinc i 'if o i laeg ardhon,
Iuith mae i araid"

~[Use well the days, use well the days.
Turn your face to the green world,
Use well the days.]~

      Legolas sang the words quietly, wishing to complete the song before he died. Somehow, the words soothed him. It was as if those words would carry upon the wind and reach the ears of those whom were meant to hear them.


      Aragorn stood perfectly still, his head cocked slightly to the side.

      "We are running out of time, Estel." Vani whispered ahead of him.

      The man put up a hand, listening to the sounds of the forest. Suddenly, he turned to look at his brothers, both of whom had their eyes closed and a hand over their hearts.

      "No..." the human breathed, realizing what the trees were speaking.
      Elladan opened his eyes and watched his young brother, tears in his eyes. "The message is for you, Estel."
      Confusion set itself in the Ranger's features. "Then Legolas is not dead?"
      "No." Elrohir replied. "But he shall be shortly. His last words... They are for you."
      "I can not hear them!" Aragorn cried, turning from the twins and hurrying towards the camp. "We have to attack them now and save him. I wish to never hear him utter dying words... Ever! The lips of my immortal friend should never have to say speak things."

      Quickly, the twins, Vani, and the Rivendell warriors hurried after the young man.

      Legolas' life rested in their hands now.


      Legolas' voice raised as he felt the wind carry his message to the trees. Tileng glared at the Elf and many of those assembled looked on in wonder at the prince's voice. But Legolas continued to sing, his eyes closed as he focused intently on the words.

"Odog elenath a odog sern,
A min fain galadh o thar
I Taur Aeir."

~[Seven stars and seven stones,
And one white tree from over
the Sundering Seas]~

      Opening his eyes, Legolas lifted his eyes to stare at the sky. He could see it, could see the stars of the heavens, the stones of the Gondorian kings of old, and the white tree of Minas Tirith. The stones and the tree he had never beheld, yet he could see them clearly in his mind's eye. They were things, Legolas knew, his friend would one day inherit. It pained him to realize that Aragorn would fulfill his destiny, would walk the secret paths of the world... without him.

      A hand quickly slammed into the side of Legolas' face, splitting his lip open.

      Tileng stood before him, "Be quite, Elf... Or I will let you die now."

      But Legolas did not care anymore. He could hear it now. He could hear the trees singing of the Elves coming to his aide.

      Lifting his voice even higher now, the prince sang once more.

"Iuith mae i araid, iuith mae i araid.
Rinc i 'if o i laeg ardhon,"

~[Use well the days, use well the days.
Turn your face to the green world,]~

      Suddenly, from the trees before him, Legolas watched as Aragorn dove into the crowd. He was followed quickly by Elladan, Elrohir, Vani, and countless warriors from Rivendell.

      The prince smiled as his eyes locked with Estel's own and he began to sing the finishing words of his song. Words that, if Tileng killed him right now, that he knew Aragorn had to hear.

"Luith mae..."

~[Use well...]~

      A sudden jerk brought dark spots to the Elf's eyes. The wood beneath Legolas' feet dropped away as the noose snapped tight around his neck . He felt his air leave his body, his lungs burning as they tried to take in much needed oxygen.

      Shock overwhelmed Aragorn as he saw Legolas' body jerk, but all he could say was the remaining two words which had never left his dear friend's lips.

"...i araid."

~[...the days.]~

      Legolas saw no more.


Chapter 08: The Fall of the New Ered Gorgoroth