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"Savior & Destroyer"

Chapter 09: Tears of Relief


~[ ]~ - indicates the translation of the Elvish words into English.


      As soon as Legolas entered the house which belonged to the two sisters, he knew something had gone horribly wrong. It was quiet, and even Elladan and Elrohir felt the oppressive silence.

      Aragorn cautiously lead the way for the group. During he and Vani's mad dash to freedom, he had come across many rooms which he was more than sure Legolas had never seen. If only the man realized how true that certainty of his, really was.

      Since Legolas had been a personal servant to Mirial, as well as a great liability to the entire city, the Elven prince had been confined to Mirial and Vani's wing of the house. He had never seen this portion of the estate before. To be truthful however, even if Legolas had been there, Aragorn did not entirely trust his friend's sense of direction, especially given his current state.

      Legolas' wound would have been more than sufficient to kill a mortal, especially the stripes decorating his previously abused back. The archer leaned against Elrohir as the four pressed on, determined to find the woman who had saved the lives of the two friends. Slightly feverish, and not as quick in movement or thought as normal, his condition greatly worried Aragorn and the twins. However, it appeared that Legolas' spirit had returned to him during the rescue, revealing that the Mirkwood prince would not succumb to his injuries anytime soon.

      "The house seems abandoned." Elladan said as they crept through hall after hall. "Perhaps she is waiting outside."
      Legolas, who's voice had returned to him after a while, did not think so however and he shook his head, "No... Can you not feel it?"
      "Feel what?" Elrohir asked.
      The prince narrowed his eyes, as if thinking of an explanation was a great challenge. "I can feel someone, not us though... in the house. But I... I can not say where nor who." he shuddered, tightening his grip on Elrohir to keep himself from collapsing.

      The others noticed how pale the prince suddenly was, each one worrying for his health.

      "Legolas, are you alright?" Aragorn asked, moving closer to the younger twin and his friend.
      He nodded, "There is just so much malice coming from the walls. It is as if the structure itself is angry with the atrocities committed here." the archer closed his eyes for a moment, as if listening. "Or... Perhaps they are enraged with grief."
      "Grief?" both twins asked simultaneously.
      "Surely they do not grieve for Mirial's departure." Elladan put in.
      The Ranger shook his head in surprise, "I never thought I would see the day when you could understand the walls, mellon nin. I know you can speak with trees and living things, but this is a house."
      "I can not hear the house itself, Estel." Legolas replied with a slight smile the Human's way. "However, the wind... the air within this room, it is tinged with anger and sorrow... though I know not why."
      Elrohir shook his own head, "All the same, we should press on. I fear that you may be right, Legolas, about the air. If so, perhaps this place does not grieve for Mirial but for Vani."       "Then we shall continue on." Aragorn said, taking his position as the leader and guide once more.

      It was not long later that they found the person they had been looking for...


      "Elladan, pass me your waterskin." Aragorn said, not taking his eyes off the woman before them.

      Vani was unconscious, but her pale features, her shallow breathing, and the vast amount of blood which had pooled on the ground beneath her sent warning signals off in the Ranger's mind. She was standing on the thin line between life and death, and he knew not if he could save her.

      Aragorn sat on her left, Legolas on her right. Both friends owed their lives to the injured woman, and both knew who it was that, most likely, had inflicted the hurts.

      "Mirial will pay." Legolas whispered angrily, tears threatening to spill from his blue eyes. "If not for her, you would have died, Estel, as would I as well. To see this... after things had just started to look up..." but the prince could not finish his sentence.

      Elladan and Elrohir both put a hand on the archer's shoulders.

      "If any save our father can heal her, it is Estel." Elladan said as he handed his little brother the asked for waterskin.
      Elrohir nodded, "Estelio vi e." ~[Trust in him.]~

      With a sigh, the prince watched his friend quickly work.

      The elder of the twins had torn one of their spare cloaks into long strips. Currently, the young Ranger was washing the side wound gently. Luckily for Vani, the twins had packed their own stock of healing supplies. The Rivendell brothers had brought their packs with them into the house, thinking that if something ill had occurred, the herbs within them and the water, might come in handy. Before they had ventured into the dwelling, they had left instructions with the Elves accompanying them to bury the bodies of the Mirial's dead soldiers.

      Elrohir, knowing what Aragorn would need from the herb supply, quickly found a small pouch of Athelas and handed it to him before setting the bag down once more.

      Estel had only just learned how to use the mysterious herb, compliments of his heritage. Such a healing art was one, if not the only, ancestral gift that the human had readily accepted recently. Both of the twins had known that Estel, even at an early age, had the makings of a true healer. He never thought about himself above other, and the young man was always willing to lend his aid where it was needed. Those were two traits that, the twins knew, would serve their little brother well throughout his life.

      Once Aragorn had cleaned the wound, placed Athelas upon it, and bandaged it tight, he sat back and sighed.

      "Now, we wait." he said with a tired voice. "I do not think it wise to move her yet, nor to let her on a horse, even if one of us were to ride with her."
      The prince nodded, "A wise choice, Estel. Besides, it is getting late in the day as it is."

      Both twins looked from Legolas, to each other, and back again. They could see the fatigue in the prince's eyes, even though he carried himself much as he always did.

      "Mellon nin." Elrohir said, getting the archer's attention. "Perhaps you should get some rest."
      Legolas shook his head, "Nay, I am fine. Besides, I do not think that I could sleep within these walls another night."

      The twins were abut to protest, but Aragorn diverted their attention by standing suddenly and shouldering the pack of herbs that Elrohir had sat down earlier.

      "I am going to head to the kitchen. We passed by it earlier and I need to mix a few herbs for Vani. When she wakes, I would like to have something for her to ease the pain."

      The man headed down the hall, but a shout from Legolas stopped him.

      As Aragorn turned around, the Elf rose to his feet. "I will come with you."
      "Nay, Legolas. You should stay here and rest." the human replied, "You look about ready to drop."
      The prince smirked, walking over to him, "My legs are steady enough for walking, Estel. Besides, you may need help carrying something. If we are destined to spend the night here once more, we should bring something to eat back with us."
      Estel nodded, "Very well then."

      As the two left, Elladan stood.

      "And where are you going, muindor?" Elrohir asked, watching his twin.
      The elder brother stopped, "I am going to ask our comrades to search the grounds of this house. I am betting Legolas and Estel's weapons are somewhere, and I know they would be more than happy to have them back. Also, if Tileng or any of his men are still about, it would be best if we knew."
      "You should tell a few of the warriors to check on those of the town, to make sure they are alright, and ask them to come here. This place looks big enough to house the few families we saw." Elrohir added.
      Elladan nodded, "This house held the city's soldiers, so I am sure it can become a home for the towns people as well. It should be only temporary, at least until the town's elders return." he looked down at Vani sadly, "I fear she will not be well in time for their arrival, thus, the town will be left without someone to keep order."
      "What order?" Elrohir asked, a dark look creeping into his eyes. "Their ruling council is weak indeed if it would stand for the injustices which Mirial brought about."
      His brother nodded, "True, but you must remember, muindor, the wealth of this house is great, as is it's large garrison. I think the council was intimidated into inaction against Mirial."
      "So what kept Vani from gaining control of the village?" the younger twin asked. "She is older, that much is true."
      Elladan shook his head, "That, I do not know."

      As his brother left, Elrohir watched the unconscious woman who had saved the lives of his little brother and one of his dearest friends.

      "What secrets do you hide still?" he mused out loud.


      "Legolas watch out." Aragorn called back to the Elf behind him. "These steps are rather steep."
      The prince rolled his eyes, "I am perfectly capable of walking down stairs, Estel." he replied, following the man.

      However, as they approached the bottom of the small staircase, Legolas began to feel slightly uneasy, if not a bit dizzy. Suddenly, his left knee buckled and the prince found himself crashing to the ground. The quick motion startled the Elf, and he cried out just moments before he hit the floor.

      Aragorn was at his side in a heartbeat, helping his friend to sit back. They leaned against the stairs for a moment, as Legolas regained his composure.

      "Are you hurt?" the man asked.
      With a wince, the prince shook his head, "Just my pride." he remarked with a slight smile.

      However, he failed to tell Aragorn that his back was screaming at him, or that he felt the muscles in his legs twitching.

      "What happened?" he replied anxiously, watching his friend's face for any sign of pain.
      "I suppose," Legolas began with a sigh, "That my injuries were a tad more severe than I thought."
      Aragorn shook his head, "But your legs were not hurt, mellon nin... Were they?" he asked, with suspicion that the Elf was hiding his injuries, creeping into his voice.
      "Nay, but I am extremely tired." he laughed slightly, "I have not gotten any rest these past few weeks. At least... not much."
      The Ranger rolled his eyes, "Only you would find humor in that." he replied with a smile before hugging the prince close. "Valar, I was so worried for you." the man whispered.
      "For me?!" Legolas replied in shock, pulling away for a moment. "You were the one in jeopardy, Estel, not I."

      There was a long moment of silence then, as the two friends sat on the kitchen steps.

      "Legolas, Vani told me everything that happened to you... and I mean everything . I could do nothing. I was powerless to see you, much less free you." the young man shook his head sadly, "I nearly gave up my hope."

      Legolas looked away, blinking back the tears stinging his eyes. "I thought you were dead." he whispered. "I thought Mirial had you killed because of me." a tear did slip down the prince's cheek as he fought to keep the others at bay.

      However, the archer was extremely exhausted. Aragorn pulled his friend close, the action telling Legolas' mind that all danger had passed and that his very best friend was indeed safe and sound.

      The two sat like that for a long time. Legolas cried, something he hardly ever did, and had not to this degree since he was an Elfling. Aragorn held him close, glad to have his friend back once more, and grateful that they had both lived through the entire ordeal. The human shed his own tears as he thought back on those long days of worry.

      Sometime later, Elrohir made his way down the hall. This was the way he found them.

      The younger twin smiled to himself before rapping on the door. "I hate to disturb you." the sound of his voice made the two friends jump. "Vani is awake and, by the way she spoke, quite infuriated with herself." the twin finished with a slight smile.
      Legolas quickly rose to his feet, "Is she in any pain?"
      "A little." Elrohir replied with a nod, "And she has asked for you, mellon nin."

      Turning to the human, Legolas sent him an imploring look. With a slight laugh, the Ranger stood.

      "Go with Ro. I will mix the herbs and return as soon as I may." Aragorn said, walking over to the kitchen's hearth and preparing it for a fire.

      Wasting no time, Legolas followed Elrohir back own the hall. The Mirkwood prince had no further difficulty walking, so great was his worry.

      "Legolas!" Vani said cheerfully as the two approached.

      She was reclining against Elladan's pack, which the elder twin had left behind before heading out to check on the warriors from Rivendell. Propped up against the wall, Vani looked more like a tired woman than someone who had recently been stabbed through with a sword.

      "Thank the Valar you are alright." Legolas said with a smile as he knelt next to her. "When we found you, I feared the worst."
      Her eyes widened, "You feared the worst?! Legolas, I thought she had already hung you!" Vani winced as she spoke.
      The prince placed a hand on her head, "Sidh... Peace, Vani. Do not over exert yourself. Estel will return soon with some painkiller. Right now, you must relax."
      "I came in the back." the woman continued, her voice and body calmed by the Elf's gentle words. "I knew not if you lived, and was trying, I hoped, to delay your hanging by stopping Mirial. It seems she got the best of me... I am sorry."
      Legolas shook his head, "Nay, Vani. Do not be sorry. You did what you thought was right. I myself would have gone after your sister, but it appears I arrived here too late." silence reigned for a moment before the Elf spoke up once more. "Mirial escaped, correct?"
      Vani nodded, "Yes... and she will return in force once this has all calmed down. That, I am sure of."
      "Not if we can help it." Elrohir replied with a smirk. "You will have to come with us, Vani, so our father may heal you further. While you are gone, Elladan and I plan on leaving part of our contingent here to guard the city. If we arrive in Rivendell soon, I may ask my father if Glorfindel would be willing to see to this place, at least until you can return."
      The woman smiled and nodded, "Thank you very much, Elrohir. But... if you do not mind me asking..."

      He shook his head.

      "Is the Glorfindel you mentioned... is he... is he the one of legend?"
      Legolas laughed, "You mean to ask if he is the Glorfindel who once slew a Balrog?"

      Vani nodded.

      "The one and only." the prince replied with a smile.

      Just then, Aragorn reappeared. In one hand was a white mug, and in the other a brown one. Both looked as if the contents contained within were very hot. The man sat down next to Legolas, handing the white mug to Vani, and the brown to the Mirkwood prince.

      "Thank you, Estel." the woman said as she took the cup, sipping it's contents. "I think I will feel much better, at least much more up for talking, once this painkiller sets in."

      Aragorn smiled, but noticed that Legolas had yet to take the offered cup.

      "Mellon nin, it will help."
      Stubbornly, Legolas shook his head, "Nay, Estel. I do not trust your concoctions."

      This comment caused Vani to look at her mug suspiciously. Elrohir, fearing she may not trust her own drink, interjected.

      "Legolas has had his share of sleeping droughts in the past." he said with a smile, "Fear not. The tea will really help you, Vani."

      She continued to drink the warm liquid, but it appeared that Legolas would still have nothing to do with it.

      "It is a pain killer." Aragorn insisted.
      The prince glanced at the brown mug once more, "Not a sleeping drought?" he asked.

      The Ranger shook his head.

      With a nod, Legolas took the cup and began to drink it's contents.

      Not more than five minutes later, the Elven prince of Mirkwood was sound asleep, his eyes closed in healing dreams.

      "So it was a sleeping drought?" Vani asked with a smirk.
      Aragorn smiled in return, "No... a pain killer laced with it."


Chapter 10: The Journey Home