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OK, now we all start somewhere, right?  Well, here I am with my Mommy in May of 1957 when I was just one year old.  Already on my feet, but with a little help.  This is at my Grandmother's house on Hamilton St. in New Castle.  My Mom's mother's house.   Anyway,  check out that outfit I'm wearing, and that hat my Mom has on her head. 

mick_one_year_old_may_1957.jpg (36124 bytes)

Here I am again.  This time, a year old but with my Daddy.    This picture was taken on High Street where we lived until I was almost 2 years old.  On the Sheep Hill page,  I mention that the one picture is taken from about 2 blocks from here.  This time I have wheels under me.  Boy, those strollers were really built in those days.   They could handle the kid and a full grown man. 

They just don't make 'em like that anymore.

1957_summer_dad_and_mick.jpg (48530 bytes)

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