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By Hugo von Hofmannsthal/Richard Strauss

VIDEO: Jessye Norman, Kathleen Battle, Tatiana Troyanos, James King, Levine conducting; Metropolitan, 1988; PGD [Polygram] 072 511

AUDIO: A) EMI: Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Rita Streich, Irmgard Seefried, Rudolf Schock, von Karajan conducting; mono

B) EMI (they appear to have cornered the market on this one): Gundula Janowitz, Sylvia Geszty, Teresa Zylis-Gara, James King, Kempe conducting; stereo [G.R.]

C) GALA: Lisa Della Casa, Irmgard Seefried, Hilde Güden, Rudolf Schock; Böhm conducting; "live," mono, 1954

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This Page Last Revised 6/12/99 | Copyright © 1998, 1999 by Geoffrey Riggs
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