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By Hector Berlioz

Hair-raising, galvanizing, edge-of-your-seat work that cries out for cinematic treatment; the traditional scene-division-etc. operatic structure is here abandoned--sometimes termed Dramatic Symphony. [G.R.]

VIDEO: POLYGRAM: Solti video (PGD [Polygram] 071 510), temporarily deleted, with William Lewis and Jose Van Dam; concert presentation. [G.R.]

AUDIO: A) RCA: Try listening to this Charles Munch CD recording on RCA some Halloween night--but keep the doors locked! Stars David Poleri, Martial Singher, and Suzanne Danco; mono. RCA Gold Seal 7940-2-RG [G.R.]

B) PHILIPS: Nicolai Gedda, Jules Bastin, Josephine Veasey, C.Davis conducting; stereo

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