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By Christoph Willibald von Gluck

VIDEO: Janet Baker, Elisabeth Speiser, Elizabeth Gale, Leppard conducts; Glyndebourne Festival, 1982; CVI 2035; Warning: subtitles only on Laserdisc edition (PIO 34351) [G.R.]

AUDIO: A) PHILIPS: Leopold Simoneau, Suzanne Danco, Rosbaud conducting [Gluck's Paris revision in French incorporating a transposition of the title role for tenor and a considerable number of other new musical sections; after these revisions, what was already good became an even greater work--G.R.]

B) VERONA: Kathleen Ferrier, Greet Koeman, Nel Duval, Charles Bruck conducting ("live," 1951); in Ferrier we have the most incandescent interpretation of the title role in the original Italian version for contralto (originally for contralto castrato); unfortunately, this "live" performance saddles her with an out-of-tune orchestra and mediocre colleagues; mono [G.R.]

C) RCA: Shirley Verrett, Anna Moffo, Judith Raskin, Fasano conducting; stereo; here is the most uniformly satisfying recording of the original Italian version for mezzo; stereo [G.R.]

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