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To make a better tomorrow

Memorandum of Association






Where as; it is considered expedient to render all out assistance in socio-religious services such as educational, cultural, research and advanced studies, etc. in Bangladesh and to the people residing in Chittagong region in particular.


Now, therefore, some like-minded citizens of Bangladesh residing in Chittagong, Bangladesh in the name of Allah have unanimously resolved to constitute this Institute.



This Institute will perform activities as a fully voluntary, non-political and non-profit making Institute.



The nomenclature of this Institute is THE INSTITUTE OF ARAKAN STUDIES, BANGLADESH, in short “ IASB “.





The Registered Office of the Institute will be situated within Chittagong region of Bangladesh and at present at Chittagong, Bangladesh.




The aims and objects of the Institute shall be:-


(1)              To promote and provide facilities for advanced studies and research on the History, Geography, Economics, Politics, Sociology, Anthropology, Law, Language, Literature and Linguistics, Philosophy, Art, Archaeology, Music and Culture of Arakan and Bangladesh and such other subjects as are significantly related to the life and society of Arakan and Bangladesh for the  M.Phil. and Ph.D.degrees;

(2)              To under-take research projects and educational institutes in co-operation with public or private organization as and when necessary under mutual agreement;

(3)              To place at the disposal of  the Institute the results of the researches conducted at the Institute for fruitful utilization in planning and development schemes;

(4)              To co-operate with departments of the Universities in research activities relevant to Arakan and Bangladesh studies;

(5)              To popularize Arakan Studies, the Institute will organize seminars, conferences, symposia, discussion meetings and publications both national and international;

(6)              To conduct such other activities as may facilitate attainment of the objects of the Institute;

(7)              To award scholarships, fellowships and to give stipends to deserving students of member families for higher studies in medicine, engineering, computer science, history, geography, economy and in other field of science and technology and social sciences;

(8)              To under-take writing and publishing Articles, Books and Journals on the History, Geography, Culture, Language, Literature and Linguistics, etcs. of Arakan, Chittagong, Bangladesh and Burma;

(9)              To establish and maintain Reading Room, Library and Research Center, Research Museum, etcs.;

(10)          To develop a crop of scholars and researchers on Arakan to solve historical, political, anthropological, economic and administrative problems; 

(11)          To receive donations in cash and kind for any of the objects mentioned above and for the purpose of promoting knowledge of History of Arakan, Bangladesh, Burma and India, from any individual or private institutions or from any firm or companies, etcs.;

(12)          To purchase or take on lease or exchange or otherwise acquires, possess lands or buildings or houses for fulfillment of any of the above mentioned objects and to let out any portion of those building or houses;

(13)          To do all other things that are identical and conducive to the attainment of the cherished objects of the Institute;

(14)          To create reserve and invest surplus  funds profitably;

(15)          To co-operate with and to help, if needed, any other Institute or society or organization with similar aims and objects;

(16)          The funds made up of membership fees, donations, alms and etcs., shall be used for the materialization of its objective only; and

(17)          In case of receiving funds from person and companies of the foreign origin the Institute shall abide by the rules and regulations laid down by the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh in 1978.




Articles of Association





ARTICLE-1               MEMBERSHIP


1.                   Any Bangladeshi citizen attaining the age of 25 years who abides by the Articles of Association (the Rules and Regulations) of the Institute. If he/she agrees to work whole-heartedly for the interest of the Institute pays membership due and that recommended by 2-members of the Board of Directors shall be eligible to apply for the membership of the Institute in the prescribed form.

2.                   Any person who fulfills above conditions and after submission of application for membership shall be a member of the Institute provided that the Board of Directors approves his/her application.




1.                   All members shall enjoy equal rights permissible under the Rules and Regulations of the Institute.

2.                   All members shall have the right to vote and right to take part in the decision making if not otherwise debarred.

3.                   Every member shall have the right to be elected as per Rules and Regulations.




1.                   Members shall be consciously and fully at one with the aims, object, principles and programs of the Institute.

2.                   Members shall individually or collectively fulfill his or their duties and obligations in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Institute.

3.                   Reply to any query and questionnaire put by the Board of Directors as quickly as possible within the time limit if so specified and inform about any changes in his/her address.

4.                   Member shall abide by the decision of the Board of Directors regarding the dispute amongst the members.




A member shall be considered to have lost his/her membership when he/she                  

1.                   Fails to pay his fees and dues within 3-months from the date of due.

2.                   Ceases to take part in the activities of the Institute for 3(Three) consecutive months without prior notice.

3.                   Is found working against the interest of the Institute.

4.                   Is found insane or dead.




1.                   Lost of membership may be restored if the Board of Directors is satisfied with the application for readmission.




1.                   The Board of Directors, which shall be formed with all founding Directors of the Institute.

2.                   The Executive Committee, which shall be elected by the Board of Directors of the Institute.






1.                   The Board of Directors shall be the highest organ of the Institute.

2.                   It will be convened at-least four times in a year (Quarterly) by the Managing Director (M.D) of the Institute in consultation with the Chairman and at the approval of the Executive Committee (E.C) for which a clear 7 days prior notice shall be served.

3.                   It shall elect an Executive Committee (E.C) for a period of one year.

4.                   It shall approve the Annual Budget of the Institute.

5.                   It may review, amend and decide existing Rules and Regulations if and when necessary.

6.                   It shall approve the Plans and Programs of the Institute formulated by the Executive Committee (E.C).

7.                   It shall appoint an Auditor for a period of one year.

8.                   All the decisions of the Board of Directors excepting the amendment of BY-LAWS shall be determined on the basis of simple majority.






There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of 7 – 9 members, elected from among the Board of Directors for a period of one year. The management of the Institute shall best in the Executive Committee of the Institute. The Executive Committee shall consists of:-

1.                   The Chairman

2.                   The Vice-Chairman

3.                   The Managing Director

4.                   The Treasure

5.                   3 – 5 Members.




1.                   It shall manage and supervise all the activities of the Institute.

2.                   It shall execute the Plans and Programs approved by the Board of Directors.

3.                   It shall appoint any Advisory Committee consisting of at-least 3 members from Board of Directors (B.D) other than E.C members to advice the E.C with the approval of Board of Directors (B.D).

4.                   It may form Sub-Committee or Sub-Committees if and when deem necessary with the approval of Board of Directors (B.D).

5.                   It may set-up Branch Offices as and when deem necessary or proper the approval of Board of Directors(B.D).

6.                   It may appoint, discharge and regulate salaried office staffs of the Institute.

7.                   It shall take the charges of the Institute within a week after the Annual Election of the Institute.

8.                   It shall give decision on question for which there is no provision in these Articles of Memorandum.

9.                   It shall fill up any casual vacancy of office bearer or member co-option.

10.               It shall have the authority to approve with or without modification the report of the Managing Directors and the Statements or the Audited Accounts prepared for presentation at the Annual Board Meeting of the Board of Directors of Institute.




(i)                 THE CHAIRMAN
1.         The Chairman shall be the chief executive of the Institute.  He shall preside over all the Meetings. He shall sign all the decisions, resolutions of the Institute.

2.             He may exercise his casting vote in the event of a tie.

3.                   He may keep and spent an amount up to Tk.5,000/- ( Taka Five thousands ) to meet contingencies for which approval shall be obtained in the next Executive Committee Meeting.


ii)         THE VICE- CHAIRMAN


The Vice-Chairman and in his absence the Managing Director shall deputize the Chairman in his absence and discharge such other duties as may assigned to him by the Chairman.




There shall be a Managing Director who shall be elected from among the founder directors of the Institute.

1.                   He shall supervise all the activities of the Institute. He shall call the regular and emergency Meetings in consultation with the Chairman. He will also prepare all agendas, make all correspondences, minutes of the meeting and proceedings in consultation with the Chairman.

2.                   He shall submit applications for membership to the Board of Directors for its approval.

3.                   He shall submit Plans and Programs for the fulfillment of the aims and objects of the Institute to the Executive Committee.

4.                    He shall submit a report on activities of the Institute to the Executive Committee Meeting.

5.                   He shall receive a fixed remuneration as may be decided by the Board of Directors from time to time for his service rendered to the Institute.

6.                   He shall supervise the office staffs and shall have the authority to promote, demote or remove them.

7.                   He may keep and spend an amount of Tk.5000/- ( Taka Five Thousands ) for contingency, for which approval shall be obtained.

8.                   He shall the co-signatory in the operation of the Bank Account of the Institute.

9.                   He may be remove from his office by the decision of the Board of Directors.



1.                   He shall supervise the collection of the funds.

2.                   He shall be one of the co-signatories in the operation of Bank Account in the name of Institute.

3.                   He shall maintain up-to-date Account of Incomes and Expenditures of the Institute.

4.                   He shall deposit all the collections to the Bank Account in the name of Institute.

5.                   He shall be allowed to keep a sum of Tk.5,000/-(Taka Five Thousands) only in his hand to meet emergency and contingency charges.


ARTICLE-9                            MEETINGS


1.                   The Managing Director of the Institute may convene all regular meetings of the E.C with at least 3 days prior notice once in every month in consultation with the Chairman.

2.                   The Emergency Meeting of the E.C may be convened by the Managing Director in consultation with the Chairman with 24 hours prior notice.

3.                   If requsioned by any 5-members of the E.C, the Managing Director shall ordinarily call the Meeting within a week (7-days) of his receipt of such requisition. In case the Managing Director fails to do so within the time, the members signing requisition shall be competent to call the E.C Meeting on their own initiative.

4.                   The regular Board of Directors Meeting will be convened by the Managing Director in consultation with the Chairman once in every 3-months (Quarterly) with 7-days prior notice.

5.                   The Annual Board of Directors Meeting of the Institute may be convened at least by 14-days prior notice mentioning date, time, place and agenda of the Meeting in consultation with Chairman and the E.C of the Institute at least once in every Calendar Year.

6.                   An Emergency Board of Directors Meeting of the Institute may be convened if 1/3 rd of its Directors requisition by a written notice.

7.                   The Quorum of the Annual Board of Directors Meeting shall be 50% of the total Directors of the Institute. The Quorum of the E.C Meeting shall be at least 5 members.

8.                   All the decisions in the meeting shall be determined by a simple majority of the members present excepting relating to the amendments of BY-LAWS. In case of amendments the 2/3rd majority of the members present shall be required.




1.                   To confirm the minutes/proceedings of the last Annual Board Meeting.

2.                   To consider and approve the Annual Reports of the Executive Committee for the year.

3.                   To approve the Annual Budget of the Institute.

4.                   To appoint Auditors and fixed their remuneration if any.

5.                   To appoint an Election Sub-Committee for conducting the Election of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee.

6.                   To elect the office bearers and members of Executive Committee of the Institute for the succeeding term.

7.                   To transact any other business with the permission of the Chair.


ARTICLE-11              FUNDS


1.                   The funds of the Institute shall consist of membership dues, subscription, donations, contributions, Zakats and profits out investments, etcs. In case of Zakats, a separate Account shall be maintained and be disbursed as per Islamic Shariah. Membership due and monthly subscription will be fixed by the E.C of the Institute with the approval of the Board of Directors.




1.                   Every expenditure shall require prior sanction by the E.C Meeting except contingency expenses.

2.                   All collections shall be received against proper receipts of the Institute.

3.                   All receipts and payments shall be maintained by the Treasure and be recorded as date-wise in Cash-Book and Ledger Book.

4.                   The funds shall be kept in the Bank Accounts in the name of Institute. The Bank Accounts shall be operated by the joint-signature of the Treasure, Chairman or Managing Director of the Institute.

5.                   An amount of Tk.5,000/-(Taka Five Thousands) only may be kept for contingencies in the hand of Managing Director.

6.                   Every Expenditure must be covered by valid statement supported by cash memos or proper vouchers.

7.                   The Managing Director shall have the power to sanction expenditure not exceeding Tk.5,000/-(Taka Five Thousands) only and sanction of the Chairman, Board of Directors shall be necessary for expenditure above Tk.5,000/-(Taka Five Thousands) except salary bills which shall be signed by the Managing Director irrespective of the amount involved.

8.                   The contingency amounts spent shall be placed in the next E.C Meeting for approval.




The official financial year of the Institute shall be from May 2 to May 1.




1.                   There shall be an Audit Committee consisting of at least 3 members from the amongst of the Board of Directors appointed by the Annual Board of Directors Meeting for a period of one year.

2.                   The Audit Committee shall audit all the Accounts of the Institute at least once in a year. A report to the effect shall be submitted to the Managing Director who will submit the same with Annual Reports in the Annual Board of Directors Meeting.

3.                   The Accounts of the Institute shall also be audited by a Registered Chartered Accountant.





Any amendment, alteration or modification of the BY-LAWS shall be effect at the meeting of the Executive Committee by the 2/3rd majority votes subject to the approval of the Board of Directors Meeting.




            The Institute may be dissolved by a resolution adopted by 3/5th majority in the Annual Board of Directors Meeting. If upon the winding up or desolation of the of the Institute, there remains after the satisfactions of all its debts, liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid or distributed among the members of the Institute.  But shall be given or transferred to such other Institute or Society having object similar to the objects of the Institute, to be determined by the members of the Institute at or before the time of dissolution, or in default thereof; by the court having jurisdiction thereto.






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