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An Introduction

Arakan Rohingya Social Welfare society’s healthcare division is a non profit, healthcare unit dedicated to serve the helpless poor Rohingya’s residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, specially in the western region.

Arakan Rohingya Social Welfare Society’s health care division was officially opened on 8th of August in the year 2000 to meet the growing needs of poor and helpless Burmese Rohingya Muslims who have been driven out from their ancestral homeland through ethnic cleansing by successive racist Burmese regimes, in a systematic and planned way, since 1942 communal riot that resulted in the massacre of about 100,000 Rohingya Muslims in Arakan.

The Clinic

The clinic is located near the Nur Mosque, Kilo 14, Jeddah and it is sponsered by Jamiat Al Bir. It has four rooms of which two houses the two doctors and one is used as 

dressing room while the other is used as waiting room.

Between the two doctors the General Physician works as full time while the Child Specialist works for 3 days par week.

Apart from the above physician we have four volunteer workers who fulfill the following positions: 

nurse (1), 
women Coordinator (1),
Cleaner (1), 
Receptionist (1).


Current difficulties faced by the Clinic

The clinic is having a daily visit of more than 100 patients where its capacity to handle a maximum of 50 patients par day. Therefore the Clinic needs urgently another two doctors to fulfill the demands.

Secondly most of the patients are children and infant. Thus the clinic need a continuous supply of medicine and other related supplies in order to treat the infants.

Last but not least the clinic is facing financial difficulties for which it requires immediate support through donations; supply of Medicine and via providing physicians and guidance.


Future plans

Providing a Female Doctor to diagnose O.G. And pregnant women.

Building a Pathology lab excluding X-ray to accelerate the diagnosis process.

Organizing Seminars and small education meeting to educate people to live a healthy life.

Extension of the clinic to accommodate the growing number of patients



We would specially like to express our gratitude to Jamiat Al Bir , WAMY, IIRO and to all the Muslim organizations and individual brothers for their extended help and contributions and pray to Allah (SWT)  for HIS guidance and help.


Contact Info

MD Taher
Near Nur Mosque
Kilo 14
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


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Copyright 2000-2001, Arakan Rohingya Social Welfare society
For problems, questions and inquiry regarding this web contact webmaster
Last updated: Tuesday, June 19, 2001