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Hearing from the Meeting of Mr. Ismail Razali, Special Envoy of United Nations General Secretary to Burma and the leaders of RENGO (Labor Unions) of Japan



            On Wednesday, May 5, 2001 in Tokyo, Japan, the official from MOFA informed RENGO for a visit of Special Envoy of Mr. Ismail Razali to RENGO. In the afternoon of Thursday (May6, 2001), he met General Secretary, Mr. Kiyoshi Sasamori of RENGO with MOFA (Japan) officials.

            Mr. I. Razali told that he visited RENGO to listen to views on of Burma affairs by the Japaneseorganizations in Japan.

Mr. K. Sasamori explained that " the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), its Asia-Pacific Regional Organization (ICFTU-APRO) and the International Trade Secretariats (ITS) held the International ICFTU/ICFTU-APROS/ITS Conference on "Democracy for Burma and the ILO Resolution: Trade Unions in support" in Tokyo for two days from February 28 to March 1, 2001, and adopted the "Global Unions" Tokyo Declaration and Plan of Action on Burma." For that reason, RENGO decided to establish the Burma Office (Japan) in Tokyo for Burmese democratic organizations and Federation of Trade Unions-Burma (FTUB) for supporting of restoration of democracy and the movements of democratic unions in Burma. He also relayed the message from Burma Office (Japan) that suggests Mr. Razali to lure Burma's military regime to show off vividly their willing and honest process for real dialogue between opposition leader Nobel Laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and their ruling military leaders of State Peace and Development Council.

They discussed about one hour for Burmese affairs, especially the problems of dialogue, ODA and forced labors.



            According to the saying of Mr. Razali that he has been to Burma eight times and he got a chance to meet with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. It is Japanese government's pressure to military junta not to restrict Mr. Razali's visit. He also mentioned that without dialogue, it is difficult to resolve the stalemate. The peoples are now suffering from various deceases. Medicines of HIV and malaria deceases are scarce. In reality, there is no development in Burma after 1990. It has left 35 years behind the other Asian nations.

The process of dialogue between Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and military junta is very important for Burma. There is no progressing for dialogue between the period of March and May. Now the military regime releases some political prisoners because of international pressure. For this surprised development, the military junta is disappointing.

            Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's priority for dialogue is to release all political prisoners. She also said that the process of dialogue should be fast. The pressure from Japan to SPDC is important. Daw Suu also mentioned that the support of EU is also vital. Finally she also suggested that the international circles and the Japanese government should demand to release all political prisoners in Burma.



            For the problem of ODA, Mr. Sasamori of RENGO and Mr. Razali referred  the assistance of hydroelectric power plant, especially the Japanese ODA for repairing of hydroelectric dam in Karenni State. Mr. Sasamori of RENGO said that his mother institution is Tokyo Electrical Power Co. Ltd. He understands the essential of electricity. But the distribution system in Burma is too discriminated and too biased for military elites. It is not for the ordinary people. Therefore, his organization had already sent a  letter to Japanese government to reconsider ODA for Burma. Mr. Sasamori also pointed out that the dialogue process should be transparent.   

            According to Mr. Razali that Daw Suu and U Aung Shwe are also agreed the shortage of energy in Burma. But Daw Suu clearly stated that timing for continuation of ODA for repairing of Baluchaung hydroelectric plant is not proper. If Japan assumes to give ODA, she will be unhappy for the wrong period. Mr. Sasamori also agrees with Daw Suu comments. Mr. Sasamori said that RENGO would suggest the policy of ODA to the Japanese government again.

Mr. Razali told that Japan has a right to pressure for the restoration of democracy in Burma. Because Japan have been giving a lot of ODA to Burma. Therefore ODA should be used as the tool for political pressure. The SPDC is afraid of Japan's standing which is moving to the circle of EU and USA. Political issue is more essential.


Forced Labor

            Mr. Sasamori of RENGO mentioned that the SPDC is still utilizing the system of forced labor in Burma. Mr. Razali told that SPDC has decided to accept the survey team for enforced labor in Burma because of the international pressure. The United Nations also urged to abolish the system of forced labor. If the system of enforced labor is still utilization in Burma, the international communities will give more pressure to SPDC. He is doing for his best as an optimist. He is willing to have the support from RENGO.


Additional News

 RENGO leaders met with the Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda on Monday (July9, 2001). Mr. Y. Fukuda promised to discuss Burma problem after July 29, House of  Councilors election.


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Last updated: Tuesday, July 24, 2001