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RoseBriar, Home for Adoptables

Here is where you will find your way around.
I have lots of pages to make so check back often!

You must have a family friendly site.

You must give credit to the artist on every page.

You must have 'No Right Click' and
< META HTTP-EQUIV="imagetoolbar"CONTENT="no" >
These plus 2 other codes are found at 'Dewberry Dreams'.
They are EASY if you follow the directions.
Below is a link to 'Codes and Instructions'.
I know codes are a pain and they just keep adding more,
but most artists ask that you use some or all of these
so please do so.
Thanks to Ruth of 'Dewberry Dreams' for setting up this great page
to help folks like me and you.

You must not alter the adoptable at all.

You must link the adoptable to this site


My Adoptables for You!

~Julie Bears~
~I Don't Do Mornings!~
~Consider Adoption~
~Support Our Troops!~
~Love Blooms Here~
~*~Christmas Cottage~*~

Important Places

Codes and Instructions at 'Dewberry Dreams'
'Dewberry Dreams'
